Thursday 5 August 2010

Day 55 – 15th July 2010

Another 2 Firsts today:-

1) The arch door lock was jammed, so Locksmith coming later. So eight of us getting changed outside and storing bags in Fionas car. No shower afterwards and a lot of exposed people in the open air! Don’t they have names for people like us!

2) The waves were here! Very windy indeed. No way one could swim around the Pier in this. So in we all went, Marina side of pier as it was safer, and we basically stayed closish to the shore and just played! Through the waves, over the waves, around the waves, amazing. It was real tough & tumble stuff. You would swim hard to the Pier but not move; it was like a huge endless pool. Body surfing and wave climbing at 7am with friends in a rough sea is simply the best feeling. Why do people pay to go into wave machines when we have the sea. I felt it was a privilege to be one of only 8 people in a city of hundreds of thousands to experience it; the rest are missing something outstanding. And best of all the temperature was around 20degrees, a veritable bath.

Let’s hope tomorrow is rougher, but with the arches open !

3) We are currently building a new house (we had a spare few hours a day!!), the first floor is now up and I have sea views from my my balcony, what an amazing thing to wake up to; very excited!

4) The Trust team are fab; the Swim 4 Smiles web site is almost finished and we already have 10 charities chosen to support for the swim; it’s all coming together so quickly; hugely proud.

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