Tuesday 31 May 2011

Day 261 - Tuesday 31st May 2011


That’s my entire Italian vocab now used.

We had a fabulous time in Italy, just Sharon and I and a good book each around the pool for 3 days. Not much more to report on that apart from to say that the batteries were sufficiently charged to take me through the final weeks of training. I did manage a decent gym session on the Saturday afternoon in the Hotel gym; no air con working, 30 degrees outside and a small room; end result was a very sweaty workout, but a workout none the less. We got back to the UK early Monday morning, but being a bank holiday and travelling through the night I never made it to the beach for my swim (in truth I never planned too, so nothing lost there). This morning, however, was a back to work normal day so no excuses. I was at the Arch all alone as usual at 6.15am and in the sea by 6.20am. Jeeze it was bloomin cold! The temperature in the air was around 7 degrees and the sea had dropped from last week’s high of 14 down to just 12.5. I think that being in the sun for 3 days meant I had lost some temperature tolerance as I found it really cold today. I swam around the buoys and the pier head twice, a total swim of around 80 minutes. The swim itself was easy enough, the sea was relatively calm and the tide seemed to be going with me both way (which of course can’t be right, but who was I to complain). However I did suffer the cold today; to the extent that when I was walking up the beach (straight passed those jut entering the sea) I put my key into the Arch door but could not turn it. I tried for a good five minutes, but simply my hands were just too cold to grasp the key firmly enough to turn it! I settled myself outside the door having to wait for Little Bob and Mike to do their quick thing, but luckily like a night in shining trains (I say trains as he is more a train man than an armour man!) Henry turned up and was able to easily turn the key and let me in! After a 10 minute hot shower I was certainly a bit better, but it still took my car seat to be heated and the air con set to high before I truly started to feel warm again.

Tomorrow I’ll do another session the same, but perhaps in my wetsuit this time. The sea really does need to start to warm up now as I’ve got to be knocking out some long swims now and I really wanted to do them without the wetsuit on. I’ll aim to do at least 90-120 minute swims every day in the sea this week, apart from Saturday when I’ll do a 12k again; perhaps longer if I’m able to (conditions will dictate this rather than I). Tonight meanwhile I’ll head into the gym once the kiddies are asleep and will make sure I work super hard.

By the way if you are looking for a book to read then please try “3 Cups of tea” and then follow that with “Stones into schools” (I read the first 3 years ago and the new one in Italy). These books are exactly why I set up the Starr Trust; incredible is an understatement.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Day 260 - Wednesday 25th May

Last Brighton swim of the week for me as tomorrow it's off to Sorrento for a 3 day break for our 10th anniversary. Getting to the beach at around 6.30am today it was odd to see four different groups of teenagers sitting around as if it were midday on a Saturday summers afternoon. One group, Mohicans amongst them, were sitting around a fire as if ready to start singing kumbyar, another 2 groups were huddling near to each other as if planning a council of war and the final group, made up of just 3 boys in grungy clothes, were leaning back to back fast asleep like praying monks. I wish I'd had my camera with me; Brighton certainly is eclectic!

Ignoring my prediction of a rough one today the sea was very restful; seems I don't know what I'm talking about after all!! The air was quite chilly, but the sea was a decent 14.2 degrees and it was completely flat, it really couldn't have been more different from yesterday if it had tried. It constantly amazes me how two consecutive days can be so very very different. I swear that before taking up sea swimming I never really took the time to consider weather conditions other than it is raining or dry. In the sea whether it's raining or dry is immaterial to a great degree, it's all about the wind, the tide and the moon.

I left the Arch at about 6.45 and swam solo around the 4 buoys, then anti-clockwise around the pier to the buoy on the other side and bathe around the pier, tracing my original path back around the buoys to the beach. The sea was so flat with zero wind that you would be forgiven for thinking that the sea itself was stationary, it certainly looked that way. In truth the tide was pulling very hard to the West, so as I was swimming around the pier to the East I had to work really hard to get around; coming back around to the West of course was a doddle. Watching from the beach you would have thought it was effortless, but those of us in the sea would challenge that fiercely. Total swim about 46 minutes, so a decent one again.

Off to London now for 5 meetings, feeling physically good at the moment, apart from a small ache in my collar bone; I think a remnant of the goggleless swim on Saturday. Ash cloud permitting (yes that darn icelandic volcano at it again) I will be speaking with an Italian twang this time tomorrow.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Day 259 - Tuesday 24th May 2011

Another bumpy ride this morning in the sea; it feels as if we are building up to a stormy one before it calms down again. Listen to me the expert after a year!

I arranged yesterday to do a 2 hour swim with Leo & Shoichi; neither of them usually do such long swims but they are both taking part in a 12k river swim at the weekend which should take about 3 hours and as such they need to get some mileage in. As usual I agreed to join them very quickly but then spent the night wishing I hadn’t. This is not a reflection on either of them as they are both terrific guys, it is a reflection on me once again doubting my abilities to keep up! As it happens I was pleased to swim with them as they are both great fun, good swimmers and it did mean I was having to push myself. Unusually I was the only one in a wetsuit, but I did this not for warmth, but for speed as it certainly increases my pace wearing it. This is borne out by the fact that we all swam in a line the whole way out and then on the way back I was already at the beach having taken off my wetsuit before Shoichi and then Leo surfaced; I think without the wetsuit I would have come in after them.

The original plan was to swim to the Marina and back, but it is such a soulless swim that I persuaded Leo (didn’t take much persuasion to be honest) to swim to the King Alfred Leisure Centre and back instead. We set off at about 7am and reached the West Pier after about 25 minutes. The swim was very hardy as it was a choppy sea, literally bashing you down every time you surfaced and around 30% of the swimming strokes were through waves rather than over them. The tide was going West but the wind pushing East, which gave it a washing machine effect but meant we were not against or with the tide either way. Having gone passed the West Pier a few hundred metres Leo started to get leg cramps and Shoichi started to really feel the cold (it was circa 13 degrees in the sea and cold in the air). They decided to turn back at this stage, which was sensible as it would have been dangerous for both of them to go on feeling as they did. As I was in a wetsuit I wasn’t cold and as I am used to longer swims I wasn’t stretched at all, however I thought it would be best to swim back with them as staying out in those conditions on my own, especially as deep as we were, wouldn’t be wise and also I wanted us all to swim back together.

For me this swim proved two things; firstly how much warmth a wetsuit provides as I was actually overheating slightly and also that whilst in usual times I would be the slowest of us, because I am used to doing hours in the pool and also to a great degree in the sea, I am well placed to just keep going where others start to struggle. I should also point out that last night Jesse was a right royal pain, having come into our bed 5 times during the night and eventually settling in with us at about 2am and then keeping me awake with his constant kicking and coughing. I would guess I had no more than maybe an hours sleep last night; therefore completing this swim in the speed I did does show my fitness levels increasing and that I am still able to do this without the need for sleep.

Tomorrow is my last Brighton swim for a couple of days as Sharon and I are heading to Italy for a few days, leaving the kiddies with my in-laws at my house. We desperately need some time together away from work and kids as the last year has been a rollercoaster. I will be taking my swimming and training stuff as I still expect to do both, but hopefully in warmer climates!

Monday 23 May 2011

Swimming day 258 - 23rd May 2011

Just a little one today; swim that is!!

The Arch was alive with members new and old. My old favourites, Little Bob, Mike, Big Bob, Shoichi, Paul, Leo, David, Martina, Bella, Lindy etc all present and accountant for and then new member James plus two other new members. It seems that the chemicals in the pools around Brighton are indeed driving more people towards the sea. Quite right too if you ask me; pools are too boring, too warm, too crowded and full of chemicals whilst the sea is just full of life and inspiring. The wind this morning was really making a fuss and it meant that there were proper waves again; been a while since we’ve seen that. Nothing too crazy, but certainly big enough to swim around and play in. Big Bob stayed out for a good half an hour, but I played with my friends Little Bob and Mike and did just a short 10 minutes. After Saturdays swim my neck was still a little bruised so I didn’t want to overdo it, also I fancied some fun, which today certainly was.

Tonight after work I’ll grab an hour in the gym and then tomorrow in the morning I’ll do a 2-3 hour sea swim.

Not much to report apart from that I don’t think. The kids all well, but had both twins with us from about 2am until I was rolled out of the bed by 5.30am. Asher had a swimming gala at school today which I went to watch; amazing to see him so proud of himself swimming around the school pool. No doubt at all that he will be a far stronger and quicker swimmer than his old man! Clairvoyant evening on Friday (I'm in the middle with the loud shirt) raised over £1,000 for the Trust as well as bringing in new supporters. Heatwave expected in UK for June and July, which will bring the sea temp right up. I think that’s about all the rest of the news and all good news it is.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Swimming Day 257 – Saturday 21st May 2011

Old Red Eyes is back!!

Saturday morning and an early start. I was up just before 5am, leaving Jesse and Sharon asleep in our bed (or I should say Jesse’s bed as he seems to take up all the room) and I crept down the stairs as quietly as I could so not to disturb Asher or Mia. My bag was already packed by the front door with my clothes for after my swim and my wetsuit was waiting patiently by ready to assume its position as my fake skin. In the car by 5.05am, wetsuit on up to my waist and bag on seat next to me and at the Arch by 5.10am (roads completely empty at that time), makes me realise how lucky I am to live so close to the beach. I drove my car right down to the Arch entrance, quickly dumped my bag on the bench for later and hoped back in the car and drove to my in-laws house; right by the Hove Lagoon. Having parked in their drive and left the key in their porch I did a quick 10 minute walk down the street, over the road, down to the beach and was standing in the sea by 5.30am all ready for the task ahead. The only problem was that I was sure I had forgotten something!

It wasn’t food as I had eaten some fruit in the car on the way down (best I could do at 5am!), it wasn’t the wetsuit as that was firmly wrapped around me and it wasn’t my Arch key as that was secured tightly in the wetsuit. Then it struck me like a thunderbolt! I’d forgotten my bloomin swimming cap and goggles! That was a serious error as I had intended to try to swim from the lagoon all the way down to the marina (around 8k) and then back to the pier; no way I could do that with no goggles or hat! But the only option was to walk the 10 minutes back to the car, then drive the 5k back to the Arch, grab them from my bag and head back to the lagoon! I thought about it for about 30 seconds and then realised that as soon as I got back in my car I would end up going home! Also I knew that Leo, Tom, Damieb=n and Angus were planning on a lagoon to pier swim at 7am and I wanted to be done and finished before they got there as I really needed to do this as a solo and not be pressured into the whole "I've got to keep up" thing I do to myself. So nothing else I could do but head out to sea and just take it as it comes.

Luckily the sea was fairly calm, the tide was heading East (to the marina) and I felt happy to be there. The swimming itself was a tad uncomfortable in so much that each time I put my head into the water the sea really slapped coldness into me; it proved to me completely how much warmth one gets from a swimming cap. Then there is the salt; plenty of it in the sea for sure. So I ended up swimming with eyes getting redder by the minute and my neck aching from having to swim with my head so high. All that aside there was a positive to this. To be able to look at the coastline and the birds and the sky and the clouds without goggles on was really amazing; first time I have really been able to do that; goggles definitly dull your senses.

I kept really close to the shore for the whole swim as it was a long way and I was on my own; I was never more than half a dozen strokes to standing; apart from when I swam around the West Pier of course. Being on my own in the sea and being under no pressure to do it in a certain time or to catch someone up or even to complete the swim for that matter actually made me really relaxed. I just plodded along (probably not going to slow truth be told) and apart from the sore eyes and cold head I really enjoyed it. I got to the west pier in about 1hr 30 mins, I got to the Palace pier in about another 25 minutes and then got to the marina wall in about another 45 minutes; so probably around 3 hrs the whole swim. When I got to the marina I actually felt mentally and physically strong enough to turn around and swim back against the tide to the palace pier; unfortunately the eyes at this point were already too sore to swim back, especially against the tide with waves hitting them. The sea temperature was a decent 14 degrees and for most of my swim (up to the palace pier at least) the sun was shinning and the air was warm. It did get cloudy and choppy when I heading to the marina, but it wasn’t too bad. Having touched the marina wall I swam back to the adjacent beach and basically jogged all the way back along the shore (which was mostly just sand) to the Arch; about 1 ½ miles I would think. Back at the arch after a quick shower and dress and a little chat with Evo, Paul and David, I grabbed my bad and power walked the 5K back to my car.

So a circa 8k swim, a 2k jog and a 5k power walk; and all on a Saturday morning between 5.30am – 9.00am. This week I have swum 6 days and used the gym 3 times, so a very decent effort. I think that deserves the rest of the day off.

Some hope! The rest of the day was spent with the kids being a right royal pain in the …… and Sharon and I in garden centres with them and then digging up a million weeds in the garden. No rest for the wicked. Tomorrow however the wicked will not swim or gym; Sunday is after all the day of rest is it not!!

Friday 20 May 2011

Day 256 - Friday 20th May

Friday today and a planned coffee after our swim, so Bob and I decided on a gentle one; not a bad idea as my arms and shoulders still aching from the swimming and gyming I’ve been doing this week. We were in the sea at 7.15am and did a once around the pier. The temperature was down on earlier this week to 12.1 degrees, however the sea was very flat and the tide was hardly moving. It was shallow enough to be showing more sand than sea at the beach and we probably walked out to around the end of the Pier sign. Even though it was a nice morning swim, for me every swim is considered “training” ; simply no time for fun, so I made sure I swam as quickly as I physically could the whole way around (I seriously envy every sea swimmer who has no goal to get to and can just have a morning swim).
Tonight I would use the gym as well, however we have a fundraiser for the Trust at the Grand Hotel; an evening with Marleen Woolgar; the Clairvoyant and it’s really important on so many levels that I attend.

Tomorrow I want to do a big swim as I need to start racking them up now. There are a few people from Brighton Swimming Club doing a swim from near the lagoon to the pier and I could go with them, but as ever they are all super fast and I doubt it’ll do me much good mentally. So assuming I can get a decent nights sleep and can get myself up and about early enough I’ll start my swim at the lagoon 40 minutes before them and swim on down to the pier (5k in total) and then, assuming the tide is with me and I am in the right mind set, I will carry on past the pier towards the marina and see how far I can get. I would love to be able to get to the Marina and then come back again, but I don’t know if I will be able to, so without pilling on the pressure I would not be at all disappointed if I was able to swim from the lagoon all the way to the marina and then walk back; it would certainly be the longest sea swim I’ve done since last summer. I simply need to get my mind right; my body is certainly up to it. It will definitely be a case of wetsuit and food in me, but that has to be my aim for the morning.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Day 255 - Thursday 19th May - Blog on the Bog!

As planned we met at the Arch at 7am and walked to the Peace Statue. Big Bob, Fiona, Leo, Evo and James (new chap). Little Bob and Mike were so tempted to join us I could read it in their eyes, but the chance of a little walk to the buoy and back was just to alluring for them so they passed on it this time!! It was such a low tide today that the sand literally ran for miles along the coast, so we walked straight down our beach to the sand and then had a lovely 20 minute walk all the way along passed the West Pier to the Peace Statue. The sun was shining, the air was tepid with a slight wind and the sky was blue. By the time we reached the Peace Statue I was very tempted to forget the swim and just turn around and walk back, I think others may have felt the same. It wasn’t that we didn’t want to swim, it was simply that the walk was so nice and relaxing that it seemed a shame not to do it again on the way back. However, we are swimmers, and swimmers swim! So in we went and headed around the buoys and straight over to the red buoy at the end of the West Pier. The conditions were completely different to the last few days; hardly any waves at all, very flat and a light tide pull to the West (the direction we were heading). The swim took about 25 minutes and I would guess it was about a mile in total, maybe a little more.

A really lovely start to the day and a good swim as well.

This blog today is dedicated to my good friend Daniel, who is no doubt reading this whilst sitting on the toilet, thanks as ever for your support. The fact that you read my blog every day, ignoring of course where you read it, means a lot to me. Knowing my friends support me and take an interest in what I am doing really does help. And for Natalie, who listens from outside the toilet while Daniel reads it aloud, it goods to know I make it into your gossip column!!! Love you both; keep smiling!!

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Day 254 - Wednesday 18th May 2011

Another day similar to yesterday, however, bigger waves, stronger tide to the East and spitting rain. Sea temp up to 12.3 degrees, so heading up at last, however, the wind and rain made it feel colder. I decided to wait for company today, not from a fear perspective, simply because I felt like having company (even I do sometimes!). So I waited for my friend Big Bob to arrive and together we swam around the pier clockwise – that means we went under the pier towards the East with the tide and then swam around the pier and back to the beach against the tide. It was a seriously good swim, very physical indeed. The tide was really strong and wanted to stop us going forward whilst the waves were constant and choppy and wanted to keep us smothered. But supermen as we are we battled on and got around and back safely and in one piece.

Tomorrow Leo has suggested a jog to the Peace Statue and then swimming back with the tide to our beach. If the tide is as strong as today it will probably only take about 30 minutes at most, but should be a good swim as it’s a fair distance and the waves, even if they are heading with us, will make the swim a challenge. Tonight after work I’m at the gym with Ross doing an hour on core exercises; hopefully we’ll leave the arms alone as they are still aching from the pot moving and swimming machine earlier this week.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Day 253 - Tuesday 17th May 2011

Another extremely tidal day today. The air temp around 16 degrees and the sea around 11.8 degrees, however, windy again and a crazy strong tide pulling East to the Marina. To add yet another level, there was also a constant barrage of waves, nothing too high, but just a constant run of them starting from the end of the pier and hitting the shore in succession.

My arms and legs were already achy as I did a really good hour in the gym last night, including a very hard 15 minutes on my swimming trainer. Also to add to this I moved four planters from our drive to our front door; 15 steep steps up; each one weighing in at silly numbers. When they were delivered by two hefty looking chaps they refused to take them up the stairs as they said it was a job for 4 people. Of course as soon as Sharon went out I was in the drive doing it on my own. To say it was tough is an understatement and when it came to the last one, I was at the top step and my strength gave way and it almost took me down the stairs. Considering it was about 4 foot in height and made of marble it would likely have caused many broken bones, so to avoid that I put my weight forward and managed to just get it over the top step onto its side; landing unfortunately on my left arm! Nothing broken except the skin, but fairly bruised and swollen. When Sharon got home, instead of saying a big “well done you”, all I got was a “how stupid was that, you could have broken something or worse (not sure if she meant the pot or me!). Of course she was right, but it’s just what I do!!

Back to this morning; I was in the sea by around 6.25am and I headed against the tide to the West Pier Just from the middle of the beach to the groin (only a few hundred metres) took about 20 minutes and then by the time I got to the start of the Brighton Centre I was already at 40 minutes. At this point I turned back and got to my beach in around 8 minutes; that just shows the strength of the tide. Coming out I met up with Shoichi, Paul & Damien, who had all started from the Brighton Centre (having walked there in their trunks) and then swum back with the tide; tomorrow they are planning to do the same from the West Pier. If I’m there early enough I’ll join them, if not I’ll do the same again as today as it’s a really good strong swim. As soon as the tides settle down I’ll need to knock out one marina swim plus a marina/west pier swim.

If the arms will take it, I will use my VASA swimming trainer again tonight after work as it’s an amazing workout on your shoulders and arms; really builds up strength and muscle memory. I now need to use this every single night, if only for 10-15 minutes, it will do me the world of good.

Monday 16 May 2011

Day 252 - Monday 16th May 2011

A very mixed swim today; enjoyable, frightening and good exercise;

a) Enjoyable – Was at the Arch by 6.20am and on my own; clearly I’m reverting back to my introvert days when I enjoy being on my own. This is in no way a reflection on those I swim with regularly, it is just somehow good for me mentally to swim on my own for at least half of the week. The sea was certainly bumpy today, in fact I think bumpy is an understatement. The temperature was 11.5 degrees exactly and I swam for 45 minutes (skin only), the air temp around 12 degrees and windy. The wind was pulling to the West as was the tide, so it was a battle not to be blown into the pier or to the other beach. When I first walked in I was very much at peace in my mind so even though the sea was rough I was very calm. I swam out and around the two buoys, then headed for the pier......

b) ...... and now the Frightening bit. It wasn’t so very terrible, it was just a mind issue. I got to the helter skelter near the end of the pier and found myself swimming on the spot for a good 5 minutes; this doesn’t sound like a long time but in a rough sea so far out on your own every minute of not moving feels like 20 minutes. The waves and tide were so strong that they were trying to keep me back and it had the effect of swimming in an endless pool; basically on the spot. My mind then decided to tell me that I was in a rip tide, which is basically something that holds you still or pushed you out; very hard to get out of. It was a nonsense of course as I know for a fact that there is no rip at that point, but when you’re out there alone your mind does try to take control and throw negatives at you. It took quite a lot of resolve to stop swimming, float for a minute to take control of my mind and then continue my swim further out around the pier.......

c) ..... which of course I did; I had to go around or back and in truth around was safer as it was with the tide. Battling around the head of the pier against the waves and trying to avoid being pushed into the pier struts was a fantastic physical adventure; great exercise for the morning. When I got around the head and headed back down the pier the tide really did speed you up; however it also was doing a fine job of dragging you to the West rather than back to the East. It took a strong swim to get back to the pier and under it to my beach and then a stronger effort to land on the beach without hitting the groin by pier.

A good swimming start to the week; hopefully the rest of the week will be as challenging as I could do with a decent weeks swim in terms of mental ability and strong currents, however, at least 2 days of calmness would also be useful as I want to add a couple of marina swims in if I can; impossible in conditions like today.

Tonight after work I’m going to use my home gym as I need to start building up time on my vasa indoor swimming trainer; it really builds up strength on the pull through which I desperately need now for speed.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Day 251 - Saturday 14th May 2011

As I didn't swim Monday I made up for it with a decent swim today. I was at the arch 8.30am, slightly later than usual as it's Saturday of course (also wasn't home till after midnight last night as over friends last night for dinner). Leo, Shoichi and Paul were just leaving after their swim and Angus was there about to start his swim to the West Pier and then to the marina (long swim!). I wanted to be alone, I seem to be enjoying swimming on my own at the moment, so with Angus going West I went East. It was a bumpy ride the whole way and the temperature was high elevens; however, my wetsuit kept the cold at bay and kept me high enough in the water to limit the waves by a good degree. I got to the marina in 1hr 5mins, against the tide the whole way, and I got back to my beach, via around the pier head and the buoys in 35 minutes; power of the return tide making a very quick return. Total swim 1hr 40mins and probably around 3.5-4 miles, half with a strong tide. A decent swim, one I need to do a lot more, although like Angus I should throw the West Pier in as well.

When I got back, after around 10 minutes sitting on the beach edge disrobing from my wetsuit, I saw Fiona at the arch with the Saturday swimmers about to go in. Whilst I should be more sociable I have to say that being on my own does suit me; sad chap that I am!!

After my swim I headed straight for Burger King and got a breakfast muffin and hash browns; very not like me, but I have been told to put on a stone and by george I shall do so!

Saturday 14 May 2011

Day 250 - Friday 13th May 2011

A most beautiful Friday; even being the 13th can't put a dampen on a warm sunny outlook. The Arch was nicely busy with usual suspects there; Big Bob, Mike, Leo, David, Fiona, Lindy, Little Bob, Bella, Evo and others. The sun certainly brings us all out like eager beavers.

With our buoys now firmly in position and with a near flat sea and a mid strength tide to the east, we (Bob & I) swam around the 3 bouys, through the pier to the west buoy then around the pier, back around the buoys and to shore; picking up Fiona along the way who was literally dancing in the sea to the dance music pouring out of the speakers from the pier; a 7am water disco!

Temperature in sea circa 11.5 and around 14 in air; so all acceptable. Total swim 43 minutes and an absolute pleasure to not be in the wetsuit today; just love the feel of the sea on my skin, especially on a warm calm day. With a start like this the day is just going to be great.

Thursday 12 May 2011

Day 249 - Thursday 12th May 2011

Birthday over, media gone and back to just yet another 6.30am sea.

Back into my wetsuit I headed off on my own to the Marina and swam there in 1.20 minutes against a very strong tide. The swim back to the pier took only about 25 minutes and I headed around the pier and back to the beach – total swimming time about 1 hour 45 minutes I guess.

Not much more to say on that apart from it was a decent swim to start the day and I was pleased that in the wetsuit I could do that time without feeling the slightest bit cold – shows that I should have invested in this a while ago. The only thing I didn’t realise was that in a wetsuit one really must apply the Vaseline quite liberally around the neck; swimming for over an hour has left me with rather uncomfortable burns on my neck. Oh well you have to learn somehow.

Tomorrow I’ll do a West Pier Swim if the tides allow and then I plan another Marina swim Saturday.

Food – all I will say on that subject is that if I don’t put on a stone in weight in the next 8 weeks I may not be allowed to do the swim. A massive statement at the end of a simple blog, but I don’t want to give it any more power than that! I will start upping my eating and will put on that stone whatever happens – no way after all that training that I will let a lack of a few donuts stop me!!

Day 248 - Wednesday 11th May 2011

42nd Birthday today and actually feeling most of them years unfortunately.

A very interesting and certainly !one off” day today. The day started at 6.30am when I was in the sea in my wetsuit for the first time ever. Big Bob was with me and we headed out around the Pier anticlockwise into the tide, then headed out past the pier to the first buoy and then the second buoy and then back to the pier, under it and to our beach (the buoys are at last back in town – the yellow round variety of course). The swim was very odd to start with as the wetsuit not only shields you from the cold, but also lifts you way into the air; I literally felt like I was floating right on the top of the water. The wind and the tides were blowing to the West and we were swimming to the East, but to start with I felt that I was being skimmed across the water to the West and bit by bit away from Bob and the Pier. When I looked up I was way over to the West; it was a weird feeling. As soon as I realised where I was I put my foot down and swam hard to the Pier and very quickly was back on track and heading around. The other thing about the wetsuit is the extra speed you have by being so buoyant. I was always at least 25 metres ahead of Bob and at each Buoy was waiting for him. He remarked that it must be good for my confidence to be so fast now, but the truth is that in my mind I cannot kid myself that it’s the suit and not me and to think anything otherwise would be false economy.

My first wetsuit swim over, I was showered, dressed and waiting by the sealife centre for Micala and the Trust team. By 8.45am, Micala and I were at Juice Radio station for my live on air interview about the pending Swim with Sharks and the general story about the Starr Trust and the Channel swim. Apparently the interview went really well (I’ve no idea what I said of course) and by 9.00am Micala and I, along with Ryan from Juice and the boys with the cameras, were heading back to the Sealife centre for my next radio interview on Sussex Radio and then my swim.

Arriving at the Sealife Centre I was astonished to see over 70 people there; friends, businesses and media; all waiting to see if I lose a limb!! The atmosphere was tremendous and everyone really seemed to be enjoying being in the sea life centre and getting the chance to look around without hordes of school kids and holiday makers – it truly is a wondrous place when it’s quiet. After my interview I was whisked away to the offices, passed yet another wetsuit and invited to the tank. Funny thing was that when I left the beach this morning I put all my swimming stuff in the boot of my car and left it there; it didn’t even occur to me to bring swimming shorts or towel! As such I ended up having to go commando in the wetsuit (for which I am sorry to whosever wetsuit it was!!) and afterwards I ended up having to dry of using toilet paper – charming! Anyhow back to the swim; with everyone either sitting up top in the seats or down in the tunnel I was ready to face my public! The sealife centre lady simply stood at the side in her wetsuit, having advised me not to put my hands near the sharks mouths or the turtles beaks, and instructed me to get in by the tunnel and swim around it, making sure to breaststroke to avoid splashing – apparently it spooks the sharks!! So in I went to loud applause from above and thumbs up from the tunnel. Within seconds a rather large shark came heading straight at my face; at this point my pulse raised, my heart beat raised and I started to wonder on the madness of it all; do I swim to the side, do I put out my hand or do I go for the penalty kick right on it’s nose! At the very last second it looked at me, seemed to shrug indifference and then swam around. At this point I realised he had no interest in me and that was perfect; it seems we would have a wonderful relationship. The rest of the swim was with a lovely calmness and I was swimming with about 10 sharkes of various sizes, two of the most wondrous and huge Turtles (they were about 85 years old) who followed me everywhere, a massive stingray who was probably twice my size and then numerous other fish I couldn’t even name. I swam for about half an hour in total and apart from faces peering at me through the tunnel and camera flashlights going off every couple of minutes, it was really peaceful and quite magical. After half an hour, whilst I would have loved to have stayed in, I figured it wasn’t fair to everyone else watching so I headed back to the side and pulled myself out to be be faced head on with a TV camera from Meridian firing questions at me. From peace and quiet to paparazzi in seconds. Actually the guy was super nice and the publicity for the Trust was so appreciated by us that it was a pleasure to talk to him. The interview was shown on TV twice yesterday - http://www.itv.com/meridian-west/fullprogramme/

After the swim we headed to the Terraces restaurant above the Centre and had a lovely meeting with everyone. The Terraces put on a fantastic cooked breakfast, coffee and cakes and apart from me thanking everyone, both Micala and Local Councillor Vanessa Brown also gave lovely speeches. The feeling in the restaurant was really amazing, with everyone seemingly wanting to hear more about the swim and the 21 charities we are supporting and really showing me great support. I truly can’t think of a better way to start my birthday.

Afterwards, when everyone had gone back to their day, my lovely wife took me out for a birthday lunch and then we picked up Asher from school and took him to Falmer for his swimming lesson – it seems all us Starr’s are swimming at the moment. The day then ended with dinner and presents at my sisters.

I feel utterly spoiled by everyone.

Day 246 & 247 - 9th & 10th May 2011

I have been a bad boy! No swimming or exercising yesterday or today. I had intended both days to swim to West Pier, but circumstances of the mind were pitted against me.

Without going into great detail, I had a lot of decisions to make at work, some rather tough, and these were at the forefront on my mind. With any business one sometimes has to make tough decisions to ensure that a business not only survives but continues to grow; my business is no different. Having been trading now for 20 years I need to make sure that all it’s components are working as they should be so we can see in the next period of growth. All that sounds very serious and very sensible, but the anomaly is that people are always involved and when one is considering people one has to juggle head and heart; not an easy thing to do. As such waking up Monday and today my heart was really not in swimming, exercising or anything other than 6.00am - 6.00pm at the office.

Now that is behind me I can look to the rest of the week and get back on track. Tomorrow I will be swimming to the West Pier & back , then at the Sealife Centre straight afterwards. Tomorrow, being my 42nd birthday, also heralds the Swim with Sharks event, which seas me getting into the big tank at Brighton Sealife Centre in front of about 50 local businesses, the Argus Paper the BBC and ITV – no pressure there then!! After the swim we are holding a networking event to introduce the Swim4Smiles Campaign and the Starr Trust generally to everyone there. The key is to ensure people there understand what we are trying to achieve with the fundraising and really get behind us to support our 21 childrens charities.

One thing I have learned about myself through this whole Channel Swim experience is that I really am not one for the limelight. Of course, it is really important to get our message out there and that naturally involves me being in the spotlight at certain times, however, whilst I have no problem speaking in public at all, I am just not happy being the centre of attention. Some people love it, some people need it, but I for one am much more of a private person and am much more comfortable directing from the dark corner. So once the channel swim is finished I shall not only look forward to much less training, but also to much less exposure.

Friday 6 May 2011

Day 245 - Friday 6th May 2011

And I thought yesterday was a hard swim!!!

Today is a day in my diary that I will reflect on a lot over the next few days, it is the first day I failed to complete a swim. I’m not sure how I feel about it at the moment as it was only an hour ago, but currently I am not so much annoyed at myself, I am more concerned that I didn’t have the resolve to finish it. I met Fiona and Angus at the Arch at 9.30am with the aim of swimming to the marina & back. I was already tense and nervous when I got down there, not because of the distance or even the temperature, but because I know that both Fiona and Angus are so much faster than me. Once again this is me worrying about the speed of others rather than concentrating on my own swimming ability and the fact that a channel swim is about endurance. Even the fastest swimmers and incredible athletes fail the channel whereas others with less obvious physical ability have completed it due to their mental resolve. So why do I worry about others being faster than me? Who knows why, but I just do; and it is not healthy as it puts me in a bad place at the wrong time. Anyhow back to the swim; we headed straight off, hugging the coast and swam against the tide, although it didn’t seem like a massive tide to me. I lost sight of Angus fairly soon on, but Fiona was easy to spot as she is currently wearing a wet suit, which is most sensible and something I MUST do right away, also of course she waits for me when she can. I got to the marina in what I consider a decent time and then headed back. But as soon as I started to head back I found myself just not swimming anywhere near as smoothly as I first was; even though we were heading back with the tide. It seemed no matter where I tried to put my mind I just couldn’t stop thinking about the swimming and it made every stroke seem clumsy. I kept going as fast and as quick as I could, but by the time I reached the second beach before the pier, just near the sea life centre, I was so disorientated and unconfident that I headed straight into shore and walked back the last two beaches. Certainly there are a number of things that should make me not beat myself up too much; for instance.... the marina swim is notoriously hard as there are many rip tides and lots of freezing cold spots, also my frame of mind wasn’t great as mentioned above, also the temperature was under 11 degrees and even in Dover where the channel swimmers are training they only do an hour in this temperature whilst I did 1hr 40 and was really feeling it coming back, and finally, actually I could come up with excuse after excuse after excuse if I tried. Ultimately, I set out for the marina and back and only did 4/5ths of the swim instead of the whole thing and that worries me and bugs me.

So what now! Well I think Fiona is right and if I am to skip the pool and just sea swim then I need to invest in a wetsuit so that I can do 3-4 hours a time, otherwise I simply have to go back to the pool. So this weekend I will go and find a wetsuit and then next week I will hit the marina and back and restore my confidence. Interestingly Angus, who did complete the swim in about 1.30 was saying that he is starting to put back on his weight in preparation for the swim (he is swimming in July as well), and whilst he is by no means fat he is certainly packing way more than I am. He said he is eating every piece of chocolate and every donut he can find, as well as having massive meals every night. Having experienced the cold today with my weight it is a concern that I have in fact lost weight rather than put it on. I will certainly now give the next two months a concerted effort at weight gain, but I am constantly fighting my crones disease which of course does the exact opposite for me; it is a problem.

Whilst writing this I took a call from Marlene, she is the lovely lady who is the medium that Dad comes through on. I know that whole sentence sounds mad, but how else can I describe it? Marlene is a world renowned medium and she came into our lives randomly soon after we lost Dad and since then has told Mum the most amazing things that there is simply no way anyone could have known. I should mention that whilst this is her job, she has never ever charged Mum a singlle penny. She says that no way she could charge Mum as Dad is a pleasure - clearly she knows him even though she never met him! One thing she told Mum for instance was that Dad had met the Twins and they are one of what we have one,and one of what we don’t have. At this point no one was pregnant, no one was trying and certainly no twins in the family. About 8 months later Sharon fell pregnant with Twins and we had one of each; a boy (of which we have one already!!) and a girl (of which we don’t have already). This is one mad example!! Anyhow she just called me to say that Dad tapped her on the shoulder and said I am getting more like Mum each day and I need to stop being stubborn and to use the right equipment when I do something! Also he said he will be with me every stroke. Clearly I now have my Dad beating me up as well as Fiona; and of course both are right!! Believe it or not, the choice is yours, but for me because I can’t prove it either way I would, therefore, rather go with the comforting option that Dad is still there and has still got my back covered for me. Love him and miss him so much, but how nice to know I still have him.

This week I’ve done the most sea swimming I’ve ever done; Palace Pier to West Pier and back every single day and then Palace Pier to Marina and mostly back today. Next week I need to up it again and make sure I never bail out early again; I simply cannot and will not do that!

Thursday 5 May 2011

Day 244 - Thursday 5th May 2011

That was the toughest swim this year by far. It was not helped by my rheumatism still hurting, albeit so much better than yesterday, plus my crones causing quite severe stomach cramps (oddly this does usually happen after my rheum flare up) plus only about 2-3 hrs sleep as both twins very restless last night and in and out of our room constantly until about 3am when we gave up and let them stay.

I met Bob, as planned last night with him, at 6.45am at the Arch and we were in the sea by 7am. We swam to the West Pier (now my daily routine), then to the end of the pier to the large red buoy, around the buoy and back to the palace pier. The tough part was the conditions! The air temp about 12 deg and the sea 10.8, however, the wind was really cold and very strong and the sky gloomy. The wind was pushing the sea to the West whilst the tide was strong to the East; causing a washing machine effect, pulling and pushing the whole time whilst being hit from all directions by very bumpy waves. To try to explain the waves as best as I can, imagine driving down a road at 10mph in an old mini with no suspension to talk of and with large speed bumps appearing to be so close that they are almost touching. Do this for 55 minutes and it may give you some indication of the bumpy feeling the waves give. Of course, if you imagine the speed bumps also spitting in your face at the same time then you are almost there. When we eventually hit dry land both Bob and I were somewhat relieved, yet of course also incredibly satisfied with our achievement. It really was what I would consider to be the preserve of an athlete in terms of endurance, speed of swim and mental resolve. So a year on I really am now starting to feel like a decent swimmer at last. I have to say though that if Bob hadn't been there today I would not have gone, I would guess he'd say the same about me (hope I'm not being too conceited when I say that). Not only did it mean I had to keep going, but the fact that we were literally side by side the entire swim did give a level of security.

My plan tomorrow is to swim to the Marina and back with Fiona, but today's conditions would worry me, so I'll see what tomorrow brings before I commit to that.

As for the rest of the day, right now I'm on the train to london for the first of my 4 meetings, then I think it will be home by 7pm, kids to bed (I sincerely hope) and then a book and a much needed rest!

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Day 243 - Wednesday 4th May 2011

Score card today –

Health – 7/10 – Feeling much better, only foot still hurting. Walking up the beach today after my swim I found that someone had taken my sandles from where I had left them, which meant a pebble walk. As it was, my foot was already hurting and I was hobbling, so by the time I got back to the Arch I was in rather a lot of pain. By the time I reached my car for the drive to work I was very glad to have been able to use my disable badge and park very close by!! Really hoping it does its usual and just vanishes again overnight!

Swim – 7/10 – Sea was back down to under 10 degrees (9.8 by my watch), wind chill very high, air temp only 8 degrees; however sky very blue and sun out so not all bad.

The sea herself was choppy and the tide was pulling really hard to the East again. I started at 6.40am (on my own) and swam to the West Pier; it took a hell of a lot of effort to get passed the Brighton Centre and then onto the West Pier; I didn’t time it but I reckon it took a good 25-30 minutes to get there. The swim back however was super quick, taking probably only 10 minutes. I carried on passed the donut and headed onto the Palace Pier, all the way around and back to the beach. Total swim around 55 minutes I would guess? Sitting at work now, apart from my aching rheumatism, my shoulders and arms are very heavy. At the gym last night with Ross as we couldn’t do any leg work it was an hour on upper body and abbs, so I was already seriously achy when I started this morning. Tomorrow I’ll aim for the West Pier again, but will see how I feel as Friday (weather permitting) I will give the Marina a go.

Generally – 10/10 – Well you gotta pretend your glass is overflowing haven’t you!!

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Day 242 - Tuesday 3rd May 2011

Scores out of 10 -----

Weekend/Entertainment – 9.9/10 – Spent the weekend at Warwick with friends and had the whole of Sunday at Warwick Castle. No doubt whatsoever that it is the best castle in the country. If you haven’t been there; then you need to, simple as that.

Weather – 7/10 – Blue skies, air temp circa 18, no rain and a slight wind. What more can you want for the start of May.

Family – 10/10 – Kids just wonderful all weekend. Sure the odd strop, but they are kids aren’t they!

Exercise – 8/10 – I score this based on what I wanted to do, what I did and how I felt. Apart from Saturday and Sunday I have swam to the West Pier and back each day for the last 5 days, have used the gym every day and also run twice. So feeling strong, fit and up for it at the moment.

Health – 5/10 – No so good on that! Friday night I woke up 4am and basically was throwing up from 5am until 10am; weird as I was fine when I went to bed. Throwing up when you haven’t got much in you is quite uncomfortable to say the least. As we were not leaving for Warwick until midday it at least meant that I had 2 hours of not throwing up before we went. Sharon drove us to our friends on the way and as I was still suffering from a headache, stomach ache and general lethargy she carried on driving all the way there. I did grab about an hours sleep in the car which was great and by the time we got there I was 70% better. Luckily an early night in the hotel (albeit with the kids sharing our room), by the morning I was feeling 90% better and ready for a good day ahead. Today, 3 days on, I still am not 100%, but probably 85% better. The other thing, which literally is a pain, is that I have a flare up of my rheumatism and my right foot is swollen again and painful to walk on. Hopefully it won’t last much longer as it is quite debilitating. It did not, however, ruin a great bank holiday weekend.

Back to today. Kids slept OK last night, I think the Warwick trip followed by a full day in Hove park yesterday and then a meal out until 7.30pm kind of knocked them out – yey! So I was up and feeling good (85% on the mend, so still 15% under par) and at the Arch by 7am. Big Bob back from his hols was at the Arch the same time, so we headed out to the West Pier by 7.10am. The air temp around 7degrees, the water temp averaged 10.7 degrees (still cold) and the sea was flat but with waves pulling into shore. The tide was pulling “hard” east towards the Marina, so the swim to the West Pier was very tough. It was heads down and swim as fast as we could all the way. We seemed to be at the Brighton Centre for a lifetime! I hate swimming passed that building, you never seem to ever go past it even in a still sea, so against the tide it really is mind bending and stressful. Anyhow, of course we did eventually get passed it and got as close to the pier as the sea would allow and then we turned and swam back with the tide. Total swim to the Pier was 26 minutes, total swim back 17 minutes. Considering I’m not 100% feeling well that was a good swim. This afternoon at 5pm after work I am with Ross at the Gym for an hour; hopefully the health will hold up, although no chance of any leg work as my foot just won’t allow it.

Other news worthy stuff for the day:-

Argus business page 21 shows a nice photo of me at the sea life centre in my wetsuit by the shark pool; accompanied by a great article that they wrote. A really nice piece.

Osama Bin Laden no more! Yesterday the USA ended his life. Certainly no doubt it needed to be done as many thousands were killed by his actions. However my stomach tells me that whilst it was a good result for the world that another lunatic is dead, it is still uncomfortable to see people celebrating that someone has been killed. When I was in my earlier years I would probably have thought it was fantastic and I would have raised a glass, but now in my later years I tend to think of things differently and whilst I know it is a safer world without him, it is somehow distasteful to party when anyone is killed. So perhaps we should ponder on what made him act as he did, perhaps we should be pleased he can do no more harm to anyone, perhaps we should remember those he murdered and perhaps we should just all be a little more thoughtful to our fellow humans! Perhaps I have been in the water too long and now am thinking like a fish!!!