Monday 28 February 2011

Day 198 - Monday 28th February 2011

End of February already; no idea when that happened. Is it me or is life going very quickly at the moment??

After my long Friday swim I was most pleased that all I had was aching shoulders; and to be honest they didn’t even ache that much at all. The mind took a few hours to switch back to normal (I think I prefer water logged to normal though), but aside from that I was absolutely fine, no need even to see my Physio. Friday night, rather than an early night and recovery mode, Sharon and I went to Hurstpierpoint for an Indian meal with friends. Ended up having a very relaxed evening, some useful “fatty” foods and then getting home after midnight. On the advice of Fiona I had to then have a few days off from exercise, which I would like to say I had done. However, with Sharon out all day Saturday I did have 3 children to look after, so if one can consider that no exercise then I guess I complied. Sunday I did use my gym a little and did a 10 minute slot on my Vasa swimmer; so not a total relax, but nothing I would consider “planned exercise”.

This morning I was at the beach by 7.15 am, having had a basically decent sleep as the kiddies all behaved last night. The air temp was 5 degrees, the rain (which was quite heavy) was cold and the sea was a calm 4.9 degrees. Not a crowded Arch this morning, just a few of us, Big Bob, Little Bob, Mike, Sean, Shoichi, Charlotte, Bella and Martina; only 9 morning sea swimmers in a town of millions!! Big Bob and I swam to the cafe half way along the pier, right up to the pier struts, then turned and swam back past the groin the other side and then back to our beach. It was about 13 minutes, but that was plenty as the cold sea definitely was setting into the bones by then.

The rest of this week, apart from my usual plethora of meetings in Brighton & London; will consist of 2 Esporta Gym sessions, 2 home gym sessions, 1 x 12k run, 3 sea swims, 1 x power swim with Bob & Fiona and 1 x 4 hr pool swim on Friday. Next week I’ll do another 7 hour swim or if time allows a 4 hr swim one day followed by a 5 hour the next.

Saturday 26 February 2011

Day 197 - Friday 25th February 2011

7 Hours Done – Move over Patrick Duffy, there is a new Man from Atlantis in town!!

Last night was a better night’s sleep for a change, which was hugely helpful. Mia came in twice, but Sharon took her back both times and then she stayed in her own bed. Jesse didn’t come in until 6.30am (bless his heart, he came out of his room carrying his pillow and duvet at 10.30pm as we were coming up the stairs, but I took him right back – boy did I feel like a meanie!). Asher came in about midnight, bringing his bed stuff with him and slept on our floor. His snoring was too much for Sharon, so she ended up in the spare room and I had our huge bed all to myself. All good for me as it gave me the energy I needed for today’s swim.

I got to Esporta before 7am and was bitterly disappointed to see signs saying the outside pool closed. I almost turned back as I didn’t know how I would cope with the heat and chemicals in the inside pool. But I was there with a plan, so had to go for it. After about an hour of swimming a lifeguard removed the “closed” sign (apparently it was a mistake!!) and I leapt out of the pool and almost ran straight outdoor and grabbed my own lane outside; no need really as no-one else came out for well over and hour and all who did come outside only stayed for a few minutes. By midday (5 hours in) I was very cold and getting tired, so I headed for the indoor pool for the final swim, but as it is half term it was mobbed with screaming kids and over active mothers; therefore I turned straight around and back into the outside pool. At 12.30 the fantastic Ross (my Esporta trainer) appeared with a well needed Protein shake; this not only energised me in terms of the physical effect, but boy was it good to have some flavour; up to then I have only had my maxim & water plus some very brown pieces of banana (need to organise my foods better!). When 1pm came and I had done my 6 hrs, I thought to myself; well 7 ain't that far away! So in I stayed and 7 I did!! This time I broke the entire swim down into 30 minute slots; 30 mins and then feed, 30 mins and then feed. This helped enormously. I know it’s all in the mind, but breaking down into manageable chunks as opposed to hour slots was so much easier to deal with.

The hardest part of the swim was the air temperature as it was only around 4-5 degrees and that made me get cold all the way through; but despite that I kept going. As far the “mind” goes; it was OK actually. Of course I thought most of the time, which was not wonderful, but each time my mind took me to negative thoughts (which it kept trying to do), I simply thought of my children, my wife, my mum, my sister, my nephews, my brother-in-laws, my house, my business my wonderful father and all the things that make me smile and I chased the negative away. It was the only way to stave of 7 hours of back and forth back and forth, but it worked a treat and it seemed less painful than the usual 4 hour swims I have done.

Afterwards, once dry and warmer I went into the gym and Ross did 30 minutes of stretching with me; which hopefully will really help come the morning. He’s a great guy, very supportive; as is the whole of Esporta if I am to be honest. A great club full of great people. So there you go, the week is done and I have completed yet another milestone in my training.

Now at home with a hot cup of tea and a digestive and ready for a little R&R I think.

Thursday 24 February 2011

Day 196 - Thursday 24th February 2011

Tired with a rather large capital T.

Last night I did a power swim with Bob, Fiona and Shoichi at Falmer at 8.30pm. Prior to that at home it took longer than it should have to get the kids to bed, so by the time I got to Falmer I was already rather rushed. The swim was very hard work as usual, with Fiona putting us through a rigorous training plan that included speed swimming, endurance swimming, leg work, shoulder work etc. What it does achieve however, apart from the obvious physicality, is a regeneration of energy. Physical exercise is definitely the best tonic to regenerate enegery levels. Children on the other hand is the best way to use them up again! Having got back home just after 11pm I was not best pleased to already see Mia waiting outside our bedroom. What followed through the night was a constant battle between Mia & Jesse and US; with them coming in and us taking them back from about 11pm – 5am. We need Super Nanny HELPPPPP.

At 7.01am I woke with a sudden start, looked at the clock and literally jumped! I slung on old clothes and headed to the beach at breakneck speed; just getting to the Arch in time to join my boys & girls for a morning swim; a swim which instantly woke me up! The air temp was around 8 degrees, the sea was around 6 degrees and the wind almost nothing. If not for the cold it would have been pretty much perfect swimming conditions; a medium-low tide, a few interesting but not dangerous waves and only a very slight pull to the East, only very slight. If not for the cold I would have stayed out for hours, literally.

After the swim I jumped straight back into my old clothes and headed back home for a decent shower and change. Now back at work and once again tired – how did that happen! No more exercise today or tonight as I need to conserve energy as tomorrow I am having a day off from work to just swim. The aim is a 6 hour, 8am – 2pm, followed by an hour with Ross in the Gym doing stretching etc. Quite daunting to be honest!

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Day 195 - Wednesday 23rd February 2011

A rainy and somewhat gloomy start to the day; but only in terms of the weather of course. Starting the day in the sea, no matter the weather, is far from a gloomy start to the day.

Last night I had an hour in the gym with Ross and as ever he upped the game, so this morning I was achy in my shoulders and legs. So this morning an easy swim and a lot of floating was in order. The rain was more of a spit than rain and the wind was very low, so whilst there were waves, they were not a challenge in any way. Also whilst it was low tide, it wasn’t as low as yesterday, so the walk was shorter and less painful. I started the swim with Big Bob and Shoichi, but we all kind of drifted away from each other and only regrouped near the shore. Personally I swam out just beyond he silver ball and then swam back in and decided to do some floating for a few minutes. It’s such a calming thing to do, floating in the sea, that if the temperature wasn’t so biting you could stay there all day. It was still under 6 degrees, around 5.9 I think, so staying in for 12 minutes was plenty.

After a quick shower at the Arch I came home to get dressed as I’m in London again this morning on meetings; however seeing my big shower at home was just too tempting and as such a second shower of the day ensued; this time with a beautiful tiled room, a large shower and a waterfall shower head. Not to say the shower at the Arch is not welcoming after a cold sea swim, but if you were to see if for yourself you would understand the excitement of them showering in my own bathroom at home!

Anyhow now I’m all suited and booted and ready to head of to the Gatwick Express; I am sure I will be bitterly disappointed when the train pulls into Victoria and I had been sitting all alone without the company of my Latvian friend; maybe this time I’ll go and talk to someone sitting on their own like she did to me?

Then again maybe I’ll just be English and read my paper in silence!!

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Day 194 - Tuesday 22nd February 2011

A quick blog about today then I want to tell you about yesterday’s journey; life is after all “all about the journey” isn’t it?

Today the sea was very calm and the tide was very low indeed, in fact it was one of those very long walk out days where you could walk to the middle of the pier before you were in the deep. A few of us out there (Little & Big Bob, Mike,Shoichi, David, Martina, Charlotte and the lovely Bella). Big Bob, Shoichi and I walked/swam just past the helter skelter to the end of the pier and then came back in. Air temperature 6 degrees, sea temperature just 4.9 degrees. After 12 minutes in under 5 degrees you really do feel the cold starting to hurt all over, especially in the “boys” region – boy does that hurt! Anyhow a nice cold swim to start the day.

The Journey

Yesterday after my morning swim I had two meetings in Brighton and then headed to Gatwick airport and jumped on the Gatwick Express for two afternoon London meetings. There I was reading the paper when a very attractive mid twenties girl (I had noticed her when I sat down of course!) got up from her seat further up the carriage, walked over to me and simply said, in a rather strong Russian accent “do you mind if we talk” and then she sat opposite me and waited for my reply. Of course I did what any English Gentleman would do; put down my paper, looked up at her, thought about it for a few seconds and then said “sure, what exactly would you like to talk about”.

“Oh” she replied, “you’re English”

“What did you expect” I said

“I thought you were European, I don’t much like the English to be honest”

“That’s a rather sweeping statement” I replied “have you met us all already?" I said with a serious face (hiding a smirk, as I thought how ballsy she was to not only sit with me but to then insult me as well!).

“I find the English to be rather boring and never to be risk takers, never talking to anyone or ever doing anything interesting”

I didn’t at this point tell her that perhaps if she had been in the sea with me this morning that she may have seen another side to the “boring English”; instead I simply pointed out that perhaps what she considers boring, others may consider exciting and vice versa and that perhaps she should be more accepting of others. I suggested she learned to question first and then listen and then decide; either way though to simply accept that what she perceives is actually just “her” reality not someone else’s. Interestingly enough she thought about that for a few seconds, then threw me a sweet smile that seemed to suggest that perhaps she agreed.

After that the conversation just flowed. We spoke without expectation or need, simply two strangers talking. She questioned “why” so many times. Why read, why write, why do this or do that. Not in a negative way, just a questioning way. She was maybe 25, has a child, was starting her own shoe business, wanted to end up back in Latvia, was going to study economics in London and more. She said it’s all about the end result and that one had to concentrate on what one wants and that is what life is about; getting to the end result. Personally, I disagreed and said it’s about the “journey” and not about the result. This took her by surprise as she was so definite about this; in fact she said her and her friends all agree on this and that otherwise what is life about if not the end result.

“Maybe when I was mid twenty I thought the same as you” I said. “It was all about the goal. Deciding on where, what and how and then chasing it and eventually getting it; job done! But as you get older you start to realise that whilst it’s very important to always have the goal in place to give you focus, it is actually the journey that is the important thing as one never actually reaches the goal”

“If no-one reaches the goal then why have one” she said, interrupting me whilst I was in full teacher/student mode.

“Because having a goal gives you direction and that’s important, not to everyone maybe, but certainly to me and I would suggest certainly to You it seems. But as you get older you realise that the goal changes so many times; sometimes even daily. But the important thing is what you learn along the way; this is the secret to life; life is all about the journey we take”. Sure someone might reach what they consider to be their goal, their purpose in life, and that is great, but so few of us ever really do. But if it was handed to them on a plate with no journey involved then they have experienced nothing along the way and then perhaps they will realise that this was not their goal after all.”

At this point the train pulled into Victoria, she kissed me on both cheeks, thanked me for listening to her and said that perhaps she will tell her friends about the journey we have had and then journey of life. As I walked away from her I thought that perhaps give it another 10 years and she may realise that maybe her goal and the journey are perhaps one and the same thing! She liked the fact I listened and I liked the fact she seemed to question; it was shame the Gatwick Express is an express!

So what on earth has this to do with my Channel swim?? I’ll tell you..............

“It’s all about the journey”

Chatting to her made me remember what I have always known, but so often forget. Life is all about the journey. Sure I’ll swim the Channel, no doubt at all I will start swimming in the UK and will end my swim in France, but that is just the end result, that is just the goal. The important bit, the bit which has changed my life is the stuff in-between. Since deciding to take this challenge on I have met so many people and made so many friends; Big Bob, Fiona, Little Bob, Lindy, Mike, Bella, Shoichi, David, Leo, Paul, Martina, Evo, Angus and so many many more. I have swum in the sea in 18 degrees and in 2 degrees, I have swam in the sun, in the snow, in the rain, in the light, in the dark; I have seen the sun rise from the sea, seen it set. I have seen fish below me, even been bitten by some. I have been taken 12 feet in the air on large waves then thrown like a rag doll onto the beach and I have swum in the beauty of Durdle Door and the briskness of Tooting Bec. I have met 21 charities who I will be swimming for and been interviewed by TV and Radio. I have been invited to events to talk and I have gone to events to listen. I could write all day today just about my experiences so far, and this is only since last April. It’s all about the Journey! So sure I will swim the channel, of course I will, but it will be the journey that I will always remember, the journey and the new friends I have made along the way.

So to my new Latvian friend whose name I never got; thank you for reminding me what life sometimes makes me forget, thank you for reminding me to enjoy the journey, for that is what life is truly about.

A true story believe it or not.

Monday 21 February 2011

Day 193 - Monday 21st February 2011

A sea swim today and a welcome back to Bog Bob from his trip to somewhere exotic on work – how the other half live! Very nice to see him back, a lot of him by all accounts; perhaps about 4lb more than before he went! Must have been some good eating over there!!

A slightly different swim this morning as it was all about helping Paul with some photos.

The story is as thus: Paul Farrington from the BSC is trying to organise for 24th September on a low neap tide to create a human chain; this will involve holding hands from Palace Pier to West Pier! Approximately 1200 - 1500 people will be needed to take part in this event in order to raise money for the charity Aspire. Participants will be asked to donate £10 to enter this event via the Club's website. This morning (21st) at 7.15 a.m. we had a very low tide (0.3) and the wind was calm. Kevin Meredith, one of our esteemed members and photographer extraordinaire, agreed to produce some photographs which Paul can use for posters and promotion. So at 7.15am today we created a smaller version of the chain in time for him to capture his vision of this event. So there we were, some 15 of us (always a good turnout for a photo shoot) all lines up holding hands standing in the sea. That’s fine of course, apart from the 6 degree water eating away at our feet and ankles! After about 12 minutes I was ready to say “I’m done”, but luckily Kevin sensed this and took the last one. At this point about 10 of them carried on in for a swim. However I was, by now, freezing and late for the office, so it was a quick dive under the water and then back to the Arch quickly for a shower and warm up.

Being a member of BSC has certainly has brightened up my Monday mornings no end!

Saturday 19 February 2011

Day 192 - Friday 18th February 2011

Well the end of another week is upon me and another week nearer to my channel swim. It’s a funny thing because some days the thought of the swim is very scary indeed, almost impossible, then on other days it could be today and I would be up for it. Today is definitely an up for it day; no reason as I can see it, just feeling up for a challenge I guess. I have re-read parts of The Secret today; an incredible book that everyone in the world should read, it really is an inspiration. More days like this please!!

In terms of training today, I always new this week wasn’t going to be filled with long swims, but at least I did manage to get into the pool. The day for me started at 6.30am (that of course does not take into account the Jesse and Mia factor all through the night once again!!!). I was on the train by 7.10am and in London by 7.40am for my first meeting. Then back in Brighton for 1.30pm for my next meeting and then at Falmer for 4.00pm for my 1 hr gym session with Ross.

As usual he pushed me hard and used muscles that quite frankly haven’t been used much for the last 41 years! After that I was ready to go home and see the family, but the pool just called out my name. So to finish the week I managed to squeeze an hour in the outside pool; all to myself as usual (hardly surprising at 5pm on a Friday!). It was a decent swim as I pushed myself in terms of speed and was conscious to make sure I used my legs as much as I could; which is not something I usually do. It was interesting actually because when I thought about it I found my legs were quite happy to kick while my arms whirled. It may not sound that exciting to you, but this is the first time my legs and arms have worked together in the water.

So the week is now over and I am ready for next week. The plan for next week is to do the back to back swim I couldn’t fit in this week. All being equal I’ll do some swims and gyms in the early part of the week and then the back to back on Thursday and Friday. Fingers and Toes crossed please as I really need to get these done!

Ta Ta for now xxx

Thursday 17 February 2011

Day 191 - Thursday 17th February 2011

Plan for today was basically nothing on the exercise front because I had a 7am meeting in the diary, followed by report writing and meetings throughout most of the day. However, late last night my 7am meeting was moved to 8am tomorrow in London (which stuffs the one long swim I was planning for tomorrow! Gotta just write this week off I think).

However, as I had a window this morning come free it gave me the chance to get down to the beach; thank the lord (or thank Neptune might be a better way of putting it). I had a very restless night as Mia refused to sleep in her own bed and when she sleeps with us it is sideways! So I was basically being prodded, kicked and spluttered on from midnight onwards. Then Asher turned up at 1am and I had to set his bed up in our room; soon of course followed by Jesse; simply at this point there was no room for me! So at 2.00am I was alone in Mia’s bed, which is a childs bed of course, and it was a case of lying awake until it was sufficiently late enough to get up; which this morning was about 6am. So a slow and tired get up ensued, with me reaching the beach by 7am. Having missed it all week it seriously was great to be back. Being off for a few days you really do appreciate it when you get back. Not many of us there; Little Bob, Mike, David, Martina and the lovely Bella. The air temperature was around 4 degrees and the sea still a very cold 6ish degrees, but at least the sky was brighter at last. Apparently this was the first day that any one could get into the sea this week as it’s been dangerously rough with a very strong pull; so it seems I have missed nothing after all. The sea today looked fairly calm and an untrained eye would have felt it was safe as a safe thing. But that is the thing about the sea, what looks safe is invariably dangerous. There was a very strong swell that basically meant that once you were out in the ocean you were fine, but coming in you had to be very careful indeed. I would estimate that the single waves that came into the shore, and basically it was one wave every minute or so, was about 10-11 feet high and very powerful indeed. Getting in was OK by timing it, although Mike being the first in managed to get it just right and was taken safely up about 11 feet on a wall of water and managed to come back down safely water side; it was an incredible thing to watch happen. We then all also safely got in, but luckily on smaller 4-5 foot swells. Coming out maybe 10 minutes later was a case of really being sensible and timing timing timing! This was not a sea to turn your back on and certainly not a sea to be on your own in. Mike and David got out safely first, but when Little Bob got out he reached the beach fine but was then pulled back by a sudden swell and ended up on his bum with cuts on his legs; no more “stocking modelling” for him, I’m afraid Miss Selfridge are going to have to find a replacement this summer!

Watching the waves very carefully, Bella, Martina and I waited and waited and then made our move. All safe and sound on the beach a few seconds later it was interesting to turn back to the sea and simply look at an ocean that from the beach just didn’t look dangerous at all. All non sea swimmers should beware of Neptunes sense of humour!

Day 190 - Wednesday 16th February 2011

No swimming again; hugely missing it. I had to leave Brighton at 6am today to drive to Coventry for a meeting and then I didn’t get home until after 7pm; by which time I got straight into the “kids books and bed” routine . I did manage to grab an hour in the gym at home, which included my 10 minutes on the Vasa swimming machine, so all was not lost – in fact from a physical point of view it was tougher doing 10 minutes on that than an hour in the pool.

This week was always going to be a tough one for endurance training as I have a very busy work week; this being one of my busiest months of the year traditionally. Also this was the week I had planned to take it easier and rest my body, ready for a harder few weeks ahead. However, it doesn’t stop the guilt setting in!!!

Day 189 - Tuesday 15th February 2011

Today I am simply repeating what I said yesterday, so no point in boring you again with it!

Tomorrow I am in Coventry in a meeting (I’m being sent to Coventry, what does that tell you about me!), but in the evening I’m planning a gym session at home and a big go on my VASA trainer. Then Thursday and Friday I am doing a 3 hr back to back swim in the pool. My first back to back so I thought a 3 hr stint on each would be a sensible start. If all goes well I’ll up it to a 4 then 3 next week and a 5 then 4 the week after.

Day 188 - Monday 14th February 2011

Valentines day and a day off from all exercise for me; not because it’s valentines of course!

I have two 3 hour swims and 1 gym planned for the end of the week as I wanted a couple of days break from training for three reasons:

1) It has been very constant and my mind needed a couple of days off from training

2) I’ve had a couple of very small twinges in my lower back and whilst I am not worried by them, I feel that it is a little sign from my body telling me to take a break. Listening to your body is vital when your extreme training, or so I am learning.

3) Work – need I say more!

Friday 11 February 2011

Day 187 - Friday February 11th

After yesterdays big swim I wanted to simply have a quick sea dip today and leave the swimming again until next week. I was therefore at the Arch as usual, 7.10am, and in the sea with my friends by 7.25am. The sea had a little movement, but nothing drastic and the temperature was around 6 degrees, so cold but bearable. Big Bob went off for his swim, along with Lindy and a couple of others, however, I stayed near the edge with Little Bob, Mike and Bella and simply went for the float. I stayed in around 7-8 minutes I would guess and it was actually all very pleaseant. Coming in was nice and easy as there were a few waves heading in; it was just a case of letting yourself coast in with them. An easy and nice way to start the day.

At 4pm I’ve got a Gym session with Ross at Falmer; I have no doubt it won’t be as pleasant as this morning!

Thursday 10 February 2011

Day 186 - Thursday 10th February 2011

Long pool swim so no sea today. It’s currently 9.27am and I’m at work nursing a cappuccino and contemplating staying here! Of course that won’t happen as I am far too dedicated for that (mmmm)! I’m feeling tired today, which is a mix of working hard, exercising hard and not sleeping enough. Last night I used the gym at home and did a 45 minute run on the treadmill, a 10 minute (split into two 5 mins) on the VASA swimming machine then some weights and some boxing. It was so fab to be able to do that at home rather than have to go to the gym, which I propably wouldn’t have bothered to do last night. The VASA machine is aaaaamazing, bloomin hard, but I guess after I get used to it I’ll be able to do long sessions on it. You can really feel your shoulders working and afterwards you feel great.

Back to today though, I've got to get going in about 20 minutes and then aim to do a 4 hr in the outside pool. Currently it’s very bleak outside, rather dark and wet, which do not help my cause! Unfortunately next week I am so busy (London 3 days and Coventry 1 day and Windsor 1 day) that I can’t do a long swim, just morning and evening ones. It’s good to take a week off from a long swim as the rest period is as important as the working period, however, it means that today I feel that there is no way I can not do it as I can’t miss two weeks in a row. Oh well, must stop putting it off! Rest of blog will be after the swim; I wonder how I’ll be feeling then??

So here I am 4.00pm and back in the office; 4 hour swim done!! I swam in the outside pool for 3½ hours, but the constant heavy rain made it tougher than it needed to be and after all that time being hit on the head by falling waterfalls I decided to finish the swim with ½ hour in the inside pool. Coming inside into the building was like entering a sauna and then getting into the inside pool felt like pasta going into a boiling pot (of course never having been a piece of pasta I am making a large assumption here). I truly don’t think I could have done 4 hrs in that heat, it was immense! The swim itself, now it’s over, was ok and I’m really pleased to have done it. The first 2 hours were filled with thoughts of getting out “anytime now” ! In fact I wrestled with my brain about staying or going pretty much every 10 minutes; 10 minutes feeling like an hour. But I stuck with it and by the middle of hour 3 I was determined to finish and with just 15 minutes to go I as ready to keep it up for another again (I didn’t though as I had a meeting at the office pending!). All in all though I was proud of myself today for beating the mind and getting it done. Afterwards I headed straight for the cafe and had a huge chicken club sandwich and chips and a warming cappuccino. Gotta keep that weight loss at bay; must have used around 3000 calories at the very least today! No gym tonight as I need to rest now, but tomorrow morning a gentle sea swim will be nice.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Day 185 - Wednesday 9th February 2011

BBC film at Brighton Swimming Club

Yes it’s true, we were star’s for the morning. Actually not quite star’s as they will probably only use a couple of minutes of the footage, but still it made for a more interesting swim than usual.

I got to the Arch at 7.15am and found it busier than it has been for some months; probable around 10 chaps and 5 women. Fiona had told us that the BBC were filming us so it did generate interest and made the Arch more lively, which in turn made it a great atmosphere down there. They filmed us changing in the Arch and walking out and down the beach a couple of times. Then in the sea we all went; whilst one cameraman stayed on the edge and the other came into the sea; they of course had on full body suits whilst we were in our usual “less is more” outfits. We all stayed in for about 10 minutes or so, which for some (Little Bob and his crew) was a lot longer than usual. After everyone headed back up to the Arch for showers and changing, four of us (Fiona, Bob, Angus and I) stayed in our swim stuff and headed back down the beach for some more shooting. We ended up waiting around for at least another 10-15 minutes before they wanted us to go back in and swim again, by which time we were all starting to shiver somewhat and not far of wanting to go back and change. However, hardy bunch as we are, we stayed the course and swam again for another 5 minutes. By the time we were heading back up the beach for the final time the cold had really settled in; particularly in my feet which were now completely numb yet still painfully uncomfortable. Now sitting in my nice comfortable office nursing a hot chocolate at 10am I am still not fully warmed up and my feet are only just starting to return to life. The sea temperature showed at 6.3 degrees, which was probably accurate, however, the first time we went in it felt a lot colder than that, especially on my face; interestingly the second time we went in, despite my having been hanging around for a while, the water felt a lot more comfortable. I guess one would call this acclimatization; or perhaps one would simple call it no sense no feeling !

Food – Nothing before the swim, but as soon as I got to the office I scoffed down two hot crumpets with honey followed by a sugary jam donut left over from someones birthday yesterday – clearly I needed sugar! I will also definitely have lunch and dinner today; I am seriously trying hard now to up my food intake. Yesterday before my 90 min pool swim at 5.45am I had two pieces of toast, then after the swim I had two crumpets, then for lunch I had a chicken salad and then at night, after my gym session, I had gammon, potatoes and cauliflower followed by two alpro yogurts. Can’t do much better than that!!

No more swimming for me today, although I do intend to use my VASA trainer again tonight. I used it for the first time last night and managed to do two 5 minute sessions. I know this does not sound like a lot, but it was jolly hard work and only my first time. I reckon once I’ve been using it for a few weeks, even if I just do a few minutes everyday, I will soon be up to 30-40 minutes at a time. I have to say it’s a really great resource to have at home!

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Day 184 – Tuesday 7th February 2011

Usually Tuesday is sea in morning and then evening swim, but instead Bob joined me at 6.30am at Falmer for an early morning pool. Very nice it was too.

Having gone to bed at about 10.30pm last night, I fell asleep about midnight and then was woken by Jesse climbing in bed with me at 1am. I took him back to his room at 2.30am just as Mia was walking down the hall into our room, passing me in a sleepy daze as I was taking Jesse back. By the time I got back to bed she was firmly asleep with Sharon and laying across the bed on my side! So there I was right on the edge of the bed from 2.30am until 3.30am (when Sharon took her back). Then I managed to squeeze 2 hrs sleep before my 5.30am alarm decided it was time for me to wake up (I think that my alarm clock just assumes I get a good night sleep, if only it knew the truth!). By 5.45am I was dressed and in the kitchen with 2 pieces of toast (yes I made breakfast; good boy me) and a glass of orange juice and then by 6.15am I was in the Falmer car park awaiting the opening.

The air temperature was 0 degrees in the air and in fact my windscreen was totally iced up when I left home. Bob was there dead on 6.30am and we were in then outside pool by 6.40am. Even thought the air temp was freezing, the pool was a decent temperature (probably around 15 degrees I guess?) and we did a very good 90 minute non-stop swim. What was surprising was the number of people in the outside pool (maybe 6 at one point); it seems that there are other hardened swimmers out there after all. Certainly doing a 90 minute swim meant that Bob and I saw them all off. What was really nice this morning was getting into the pool in the dark and swimming as the sun rose and the sky went from black to blue; a seriously nice way to start the day. Coming out of the pool and holding onto the step ladder it was funny to feel the ice on the handle; actual thick ice coating it!

So no swimming tonight as that’s a lot so far this week, but excitingly I will be swimming in my gym tonight? How you may ask? Well I shall tell you – on my VASA Ergomometer -
Click on this link and watch the training video.

I brought this about 4 months ago and up until the weekend it was still in the box. However on Saturday I officially finished setting uo my home gym and this included building the Vasa; a very cool piece of equipment that you can only buy in the USA. So tonight will be my first official Vasa training experiment; quite excited about that!!

Day 183 – Monday 7th February 2011

A day of three today; sea, gym and pool.

Sea - 7am at Arch. Usual friends there. The sea was choppy again today, lots of waves and a low tide. Again very difficult to swim as the conditions were against us. The air temp was around 8 degrees, which was nice, buy the sea was Chilllllly! I don’t know what the temp actually was, but it felt a lot colder than all of last week. In fact not only did my feet hurt on first touch, but my temple really ached as soon as my head hit the water. This is no way to start the week! In fact I felt so cold that I only stayed in for about 5-6 minutes and when I came out Little Bob was still in; now that is a first !

Gym - 4pm at gym with Ross, my 10th session with him. Mostly lower body and abs. Really felt it in many places! Long day at office with a lot of meetings and deep thinking about projects probably didn’t help too much as I got to the gym tired, however, I still worked very hard despite the yawning. Overall a good workout.

Pool - 5pm; straight after the gym I was back in the outside pool for an hour of lengths. Slow but steady was the order of the swim.

I was then home by 6.15pm, just in time for Sharon to get ready to go out. 7pm sorting out teeth, books and bedtime for my 3 little Starrs and then a quick dinner of salmon and pasta followed by an everest mound of ironing. So full on at home; finished ironing at 10pm just as Sharon got home and then off to bed for some much needed sleep. I live a very glamorous lifestyle don’t I ?

Friday 4 February 2011

Day 182 - 4th February 2011

And the good news is.... outdoor swimming pool at Falmer worked a treat. My 1 hr swim in the indoor pool Tuesday left me with a very stuffed nose and very bad burning chest pains all night, yet a 4 hour swim yesterday in the outside pool left me with a clear nose and a pain free chest. So outside pool it is and no reason now to be afraid of a long pool swim. That’s most definitely my first bit of good news for the day. The second bit of good news for me was that for the second night running all three children slept in their own beds and didn’t come into us until around 6.45am – yeh baby that’s the way I like it!!! The third piece of good news has not yet happened as it’s only 8.00am, but it’s certainly out there somewhere and winging it’s way to me; what could it be I wonder??

This morning I got to the Arch at 7am, basically blown all the way from the car to the Arch by a strong gail (the wind type not the woman type). The sea was kicking up a huge storm, waves everywhere. However, as it was very low tide it meant that the waves had no height at all. I think high tide will be about midday today, by which time if the winds persist it will be chaos out there. Not many of us this morning at all, in fact so few I can name us all – Moi, Little Bob, Mike, Lindy, David and Kevin. I can only assume that the howling winds put people off this morning; poor effort BSC!! We few braved it nevertheless and were in amongst the waves by quarter past. In these conditions, especially with such a low tide, it is impossible to swim, so it was just a case of having a play. Considering I did a 4hr pool yesterday I was happy to just enjoy it and clear my head, which the sea air always does. The tide was incredibly strong pulling East to the Marina, so Kevin, Lindy and I did a “run” towards the groin, which was really tough as the tide was dragging us backwards whilst the waves were hitting us sideways. It was like running on a treadmill at full pace on the highest climb; brilliant cardio training! The air temperature was about 8 degrees despite the wind and the sea was an incredible 6.4 degrees, a massive jump up from Wednesday.

I guess that’s all I can say about today as it was so quick and so few of us there! Now off to work ready for the day, with a 1 hr gym session with Ross after work, then followed tonight at the Estate Agents Dinner and Dance for some hopefully serious fundraising!!

Wishing everyone a great weekend !!

Thursday 3 February 2011

Day 181 - 3rd February 2011

No sea today as a pool day. From an earlier text from Bob it sounds like the sea was choppy and the temperature had dropped; in fact it sounded like he had a scary moment getting out. Even experienced athletes like Bob are no match for a rough sea; lessons as usual!

Today I changed routine; instead of getting up and running to the pool as early as I can, I got up nice and slowly, helped get the kiddies dressed, had some cereal (oh yes I did) and then poodled of to the office and was at my desk working by 7.45am all nice and calm. Then at 11am I headed to Falmer and did a 4 hr swim in the outside pool, then had the biggest chicken sandwich and chips on the menu - its all true, I have had two meals already today !!

Swimming in the outside pool was certainly colder of course; air temperature around 5 degrees and after 4 hrs you certainly can feel it.

However, I had a lane all to myself the whole time and so far I don't feel congested at all and my chest isn't hurting. Fingers crossed the pain stays away, then I know I can do long pool swims and stay healthy!

Tomorrow I'll do a short sea swim before work (can't miss that again) and then at the gym after work with Ross for an hour. Then tomorrow night, excitedly, the Brighton and Hove Estate Agents Association are having their annual dinner and dance at the Grand Hotel. Why is that exciting you ask? I shall tell you! They have chosen the Starr Trust as their chosen charity this year, which could mean some £..thousands... towards out fundraising efforts. See, exciting or what!!

Day 180 - 2nd February 2011

As I was in the pool last night and in again tomorrow, I did a short sea swim this morning. As my chest was hurting so much from yesterday I needed the fresh sea air to clear it and make me feel better. Like the miracle it is, the sea air worked it’s magic and after a short swim my chest and nasal were clear.

Usual peeps down the Arch this morning, Big & Little Bob, David, Mike, Martina, Charlotte and others I can’t remember! The sea was a little choppier than it has been, which was great, and there was a definite tidal pull to the East (to the Marina). Bob and I only did a short one, probably no more than 10 minutes. We swam against the tide to the donut on the west groin and then back again. Boy do I love swimming in the sea; really it’s so amazing to be amongst the waves and the tide. The temperature was still low, just 4.6 degrees (up on earlier this week though), but as we were only in for a few minutes it didn’t bite too much. I even went in bear feet today, leaving my swimming socks in the comfort of my bag; time to shed the socks and bring out the feet at last.

That will be all the exercise for today as yesterday certainly tired me out, plus Jesse was up in our room 4 times last night and that meant I had no more than about 3 hours sleep.

Tomorrow no sea unfortunately as I’ll be in the pool for 3 hours, but hopefully the outside pool will mean no pain and I might even enjoy it! We shall see.!!!

Day 179 - 1st February 2011

Today was a mad day in London; with a 4 hour meeting between 10am-2pm, followed by a dash across town to another meeting from 2.30pm - 4.00pm. Hence no time for my morning sea swim. However, at 8.30pm I met Big Bob at Falmer and we did a really decent 60 minute power swim. Afterwards we met Fiona in the coffee shop and the lecture began! As usual she was spot on with her points and there is no way I can possibly argue with a lady who not only is a fantastic swimmer, but also a successful channel swimmer (and there are truly not many of those in the world). Her point to me was that I now have less than a whole season to train before my July swim and unless I start racking up the pool hours my body simply won’t be able to deal with the endurance of the channel. There are two issues with a swim of this nature, one is the mental endurance and the other is the physical. Now whilst I do get nervous and worried about the swim, ultimately I know that mentally I can do it. However, on the physical side it is simply a case that unless I can get my muscles to get used to the long distance of swimming I will end up tearing them in the first few hours and then it could be game over. Hence the importance of relentless pool swimming until such times as the sea temperature raises to at least 11 degrees (which will probably be May time). The other physical area is of course my eating, or lack of it. I need to eat within 20 minutes of finishing my swim, no matter the time of day or night, otherwise I am not feeding my muscles or putting back the calories I have used up; which can be as much as 1000 calories an hour. I know I have mentioned this so many times in my blog since I started, but I am now really starting to understand the importance of this and it really is time for me to get a grip on this; I mean for goodness sake how hard is it to eat a chicken sandwich and a tub of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream; most people would think they’ve gone to heaven! The other thing Fiona said, and yes she did say a lot to me, was that the morning sea swimming at this stage is not helping me. The extreme cold is simply putting a strain on my muscles and I am far better having an hour in the pool than 20 minutes in the sea (until it warms up of course). Once again she is spot on and I always deep down knew this, but at heart I am now a sea swimmer and the thought of not doing this is upsetting in the extreme. So I think a balance is needed, where perhaps I limit my morning sea swims to just twice a week and have pool swims three-four times a week.

Anyhow, apart from one issue which I need to address, I am most certainly now stepping up to the mark and will be in the pool as needed. Tomorrow I will be doing a 3 hour pool swim before work and I will be doing two power swims and one distance swim every week, then just two sea swims to compliment it and keep my head in order. The issue I need to address however, is super serious; the chest pain I get after each pool swim! It is to do with the chemicals they use in the pool which sit above the water and are breathed in. Whenever I do a pool swim I end up with a terrible cold in my nose, however way worse than that is the pain in my chest; as if the top of my lungs have been burnt. It is a very serious issue for me and if truth be told it is the real reason I have been avoiding the pool. I have therefore decided that Thursday I will use their outside pool only; being outside it means that the chemicals float away and are not breathed in. I am hoping that this will do the job and will enable me to swim without the damage being caused (last night I was in pain all evening with it). Being outside will be a lot colder of course, but I am a sea swimmer and there is no way it is anywhere near as cold as that. If that doesn’t do the job I will have to find a different pool, maybe a salt water one!

Fiona, if you are reading this, please do not worry as I am fully on board and as ever you are absolutely right and without You and Bob I would be no-where near where I am today; I owe you two so much and I will not let you down I promise xxx