Tuesday 31 August 2010

Day 83 - 29th August 2010 - Race Day

Sunday today, which is usually my non sea day. But today was different, today was Race Day!

The BSC was holding an annual event - round the pier race. Starting east side of the palace pier on the beach, swimming all around and coming back on the beach on the west side between the groin and the pier. This was my first ever swimming race, and as a slow swimmer not one I was particularly looking forward to.

Sharon, the 3 littles Starrs and Darren came with me. There were about 20 adults (adults being aged 16 to any age) doing the pier swim and about 15 kids (under 16) doing the a groin to groin race.

To avoid us all going in together it was done as a handicap, with slowest ones first, followed by next ones until everyone was in, with 30 second gaps between groups. Ridiculously I was not in the slowest first group! Then it was simply how long you took.

The sea was really very choppy with big waves, strong winds and a very strong current pulling towards the marina; which meant the whole swim was against a very strong tide. This made it a very tough swim for everyone. Naturally the last person to go in, an 18 year old, was the first back; super super fast! I was about the 5th to go in and came in (after Bob of course!) at about 13th, with a couple not making it around. As a new swimmer and a slow one I was pleased not to be last, although of course I wasn't pleased to be less than middle ground.

I definitely prefer distance to speed racing. Somehow the pressure of speed racing really made me go back to my old rubbish stroke and coupled with the tough conditions made it an uncomfortable swim for me.

One thing it did do though was strengthen my resolve to get into the pool and crack on with my lessons. Next year when this event comes around again I will be a successful channel swimmer and will come in as part of the quickest group; Guaranteed!

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