Wednesday 29 February 2012

Swimming day 434 - Wednesday 29th February 2012 (leap year)

Come on, push yourself!  Get up Starr, get working!  What is this a play ground!!  Move move move!!!  Swimming boot camp with Big Bob; tough as it gets!
6.45am at Falmer and 7am in the outside pool. A grey morning, but warm in the air and by the time we finished a bright blue sky.  70 minutes of non stop pool lengths and sprints; about 2000 metres in total with no break.  As tough as it is first thing in the morning having had no sleep and a child throwing up all over you during the night, a swim like this with Bob is brilliant.  It really challenges and pushes you to the limit.  I certainly think that maybe food or drink before the swim would make me go faster, but even as it is I kept up with Bob most of the time and hopefully challenged him as much as he challenged me.
Tomorrow the sea calls.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Swimming day 433 - Tuesday 28th February 2012

Another night of ups and downs, although mostly with the Twins only, although I think Asher may have made one appearance as well (you tend to wake up in the morning after an hours sleep and not really know who came and who went and how many times).
Back to the arch by 7am and some usual peeps; Little Bob, Mike, Shoichi, Damien, Flick, Martina, Charlotte, Big Bob, James and finally after many months of extreme illness and operations; David.  He is quite something, the oldest member of the club, many illnesses that would stop most elephants, a recent virus that meant a hip replacement and he is back at the arch at 7am and heading into a 5.5 degree sea.  Some people are truly incredible and can make you realise that limitations are simply things that society place on us and it is our choice as to whether we buy into it or not.
Big Bob and I headed out to the donut groin and along mid way to the other beach before turning back to our beach about 12minutes later.  A decent swim in a flat sea calm sea.  Sometimes it really is enjoyable and this morning was certainly up there. 
This afternoon I’ve got an hour with Ross in the Gym followed by a short 5k run.  Then tomorrow it’s a morning pool with Bob at Falmer.  Already tired thinking about it!
Note to LB – changed it!!  Next chapter for your eyes only!!

Swimming day 432 - Monday 27th February 2012

Just as you think you’ve nailed it with the kids sleeping they throw you back into chaos and prove that in truth it is all in their control.  Last night was a mixture of Asher, Mia & Jesse all coming in at various times and us taking them back until they not only one the battle but also the war! 
Despite the battle of the Somme last night I was at the arch by 7am and ready to put my aching runners legs into some cold water.  And cold it was, although probably about half a degree up on last week.  Bob and I headed for the donut groin and back; total swim about 9 minutes, which was enough for me this morning.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Day 431 - Sundaty 26th February 2012

What a glorious summers day today.  The fact that it’s February doesn’t mean it can’t be summer; it’s sunny, warm, dry and simply beautiful out there.  8.00 am, running shoes firmly tied in place and I was soon the streets, so important to get some miles in now that the marathon is nearly here.  It’s a real balance to try to get enough training in to satisfy the channel swim (being the most important of course) and the marathon (not exactly an easy challenge).  I decided today to go for the enjoyment factor rather than watching distance or time, which is how I expect myself to run the marathon itself.  It’s quite tough as instinctively I want to check both time and distance, but I kept my iphone on silent and hidden away and only checked it when I got home.  

I ran all around Brighton, most of it along the seafront of course.  My god it was beautiful.  The sea was absolutely flat and a kind of sky blue and there was a number of seagulls just hovering around whilst others were simply floating on the sea.  Being still quite early meant that whilst there were a few runners and some early risers looking for coffee and toast, the seafront was relatively quiet.  It made it quite a personal run to be honest, which was a lovely start to the day.  Watching the sea all the way down the seafront made almost desperate to strip off (not in public of course) and head straight down the stone and dive in; it was almost compelling.  I don’t know if I only I get this as a sea swimmer or if other runners feel it as well, but I seriously don’t remember ever feeling like that before I started sea swimming.  There really is something about being in the sea everyday that becomes almost needy about it, almost habit forming, a drug of sorts; very odd, but in a good way.  Maybe all addicts think that!!

Back to the run; 15.93 miles in total (although I think it was a bit more than that as the iphone app does drop off sometimes) and a time of 2 hrs 9 minutes and 48 seconds.

As for the rest of the day; well as a wonderful summers Sunday it will be time with Sharon and the kids outdoors, followed by a yummy Sunday lunch and then a crash into bed before the rubbishness of TV takes hold.

Saturday 25 February 2012

Swiming day 430 - Friday 24th February 2012

Whilst I quite fancied the sea today I thought another day in the pool would be better for training; and of course at the moment that is what this is still all about.  I got to the pool at 6.45am (only one in the outside pool this morning (not entirely unusl although usually I see one of two others) and I got straight into the 2 mile swim from Fiona’s list (same as yesterday).  Sadly I didn’t make it in the hour, but I did do it in just over an hour; 1 hr 4.5 minutes.  So very nearly there!
Then straight to work for what is going to be a crazy busy day today, lot of meetings, one particular one with a staff member (I shall not name!) is not one I want to have, but sometimes people do the most stupid things and it is I who has to mop it up!  Afterwards I aim to grab a 10 mile run to get rid of the frustration; then it’s of to Ashers school to pick up Ash, grab the twins,  and then on my own once again as Sharon her usual busy self.  Oh the joys.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Swimming day 429 - Thursday 23rd February 2012

The hottest day in February for years and years and of course I choose to use the pool rather than go into the sea; typical me!  Saying that I would assume that despite it being a massive 10 degrees in the air that the sea is still probably a chilling 6 degrees.
With Big Bob heading to France for a few days I thought it would be good for me to get back to the pool today and tomorrow and knock some decent lengths out.  I used one of Fiona’s training regimes today; a 2 mile 1 hour swim.  I did it in 1 hr 5 minutes, so a decent pace, but not the hour I wanted.  I am thinking though that a night of very broken sleep and no food or drink means that 65 minutes rather than 60 minutes isn’t bad for 2 miles; perhaps with the right conditions of sleep and sustenance I should be able to knock 5-10 minutes of this.  No gym or run planned for today which is good as I do feel tired, but tomorrow I’ll head back to the pool and try to get this same swim down to 60 minutes; then I’ll hit the streets after work for a 12-15 mile run; then the weekend thank the lord!!
On an entirely separate note; this is the opening of my new ghost story, whooooooo!!!
The Arch (a working title)
5th January 2012
7.25am and the sun was starting its rise from the East just above the Marina wall.  Even with the Pier blocking their view and making them look through the stanchions it was still one of those sights that simply rooted them to the spot, causing temporary paralysis and making them forget about the seven degree water biting into their legs.  With all the wonders that man could create not a single one could match the majesty of the sun rising up from beneath the sea.
At seven twenty five in the morning it was still dusk and despite the magnificence of the sunrise it was cold and eerie.  This particular morning had one of those “look out behind you” quality’s about it.  Not only was there was a fine haze hugging the sea, but despite a heavy wind last night the air was absolutely still and the sea completely flat; almost glass like.  Standing to the West of the Pier in around two feet of water they made an odd picture to anyone happening to look down from the seafront above.  Seven of them, men and women not that you could tell in that light which was which, standing in the sea all looking towards the sunrise and not moving a muscle.  Seven different shapes, seven different sizes and seven different colours swim caps.  All members of BSSC, the Brighton Sea Swimming Club, all of them in the sea every day of the year, the men dressed in their swimming shorts and the women in their one piece costumes, with just one in her wetsuit, giving away the fact that it is really mid winter and not a hot summers morning; and all there for reasons that only they could explain.
Walking back up the beach, some barefoot and some hopping on the freezing cold stones looking for the crocs and flip flops they’d discarded just ten minutes before, they head back to the relative uncomfort of their Arch.  It’s an odd space really, one small room divided into three spaces; mens, women’s and showers.  The women’s area is the smallest by far, which seems unfair considering at least half the members are women, however it is almost private with its own unlockable door.  The mens area, the largest part of the arch, is open planned into the shower and whilst some of the men hide their modesty behind a towel, others proudly display their wears, not realizing or not caring that the women have to use the showers as well and mens shrunken bits are not exactly what they want to see for breakfast.  As for the showers themselves, they could be renamed drip taps for all the power they contain, however they do drip out warm water and that of course is their sole purpose in life.  The arch has been home to the Brighton Swimmers for over a hundred years and in that time has probably only been cleaned once a year and perhaps repainted just a dozen times, always in the same murky grey .  It’s a place where stalactites hang from the ceiling like icicles from the nose of a wearily arctic explorer and condensation drips regularly onto the hastily built benches below soaking into the work clothes left behind by the morning swimmers whilst they take their quick dip in the sea.  But to the  faithful members of BSSC their Arch is like a five star luxury hotel; their own presidential suit at the side of the pier. A place where they can leave their clothes safely locked away whilst they partake in their extreme hobby and a place that they can return to in order to regain feeling into their extremities; and most importantly a place that they can share stories of the last big wave and the crazy groin shower of yesterday, with the only other people in a city of thousands who could possibly understand them. 
This particular morning, as the arch starts to clear itself of swimmers once again, the last three members put on their final layer of clothes , readying themselves to step back into the near freezing air and head of for their well earned coffee before work.  Until they spot it , lying there, the one thing that can make every single member of BSSC feel instantly sick to the stomach. 
It was just sitting there, alone, no one to claim it. In all other realms of life an innocuos item and easily forgoteen, but not here, not in the arch.  A nike sports bag, about 30 inches in length, faded dark blue and stained from day after day of sea salt being left to dry into it. It sat alone without its owner to pick it up and sling it over their shoulder on the way to greet the normal folk just waking up from a good nights sleep.  It sat there an ordinary sports bag with the power to make them feel sick to the stomach at the sight of it.
"is anyone still out there"
"I don't think so, no one was in longer than us" came the vague reply
"Are all the girls gone? You in their ladies?"
No reply from the ladies side gave them the answer they already new.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Swimming day 428 - Wednesday 22nd February 2012

No crazy rush this morning, just a usual start which is very pleasing.  Also pleasing was the fact that last night we didn’t have a single child visit!  I simply can’t remember when we last had no visits at all; months if not years ago!!  So a decent nights sleep (4 whole hours yey) and then a nice slow journey to the beach; how civil.
The air temp was up to 7 degrees and the sea (being full of crazy waves) was up to 6.1 degrees; it was just the fact that the wind was quite strong that made the walk down the beach and back up it rather chilly.  Big Bob and I swam for about 13 minutes against a strong easterly tide and big sloshy waves; making it a fantastic work out.  This was followed by a leisurely coffee at the Roaster and then a leisurely drive to the office.  Will my work day be leisurely today; unlikely, but I shall remain optimistic!

Swimming day 427 - Tuesday 21st February 2012

An early start for me today as I had an meeting in the office and wanted to get a sea swim first.  So I was at the arch and in the sea by 6.45am; Damien and Shoichi were just coming out as I was going in and then I was coming out just as Little Bob and his crew were going in.

The sea was a little choppy this morning, which was a nice change from the bland flatness of recent days, and it was a mid/high tide, so straight in. The waves meant that the sea temp was slightly up to almost 6 degrees; which is still extremely cold, but not as mental as 4 degrees.  Also the air temp was up to 7 degrees.  Almost a summers morning!  I swam for about 14 minutes , longest for a while, then dashed to the office in time for my meeting.

After work it’s to the gym with Ross for an hour; quite like that these days.

Monday 20 February 2012

Swimming day 426 - Monday 20th February 2012

Another week gone and another one starting; time really does march on at a pace.  The marathon is now only a couple of months away and the channel swim only about six months; what will I do with myself when they are done.
Yesterday was the Brighton Half Marathon and a beautiful bright chilly day it was.  We have about a dozen runners running for the Starr Trust which was brilliant.  I personally didn’t take part in the official race, so instead went out at 8am and did a 12 Mile run around Hove.  In fact I did 8 time around Hove Park (was surprisingly not boring)  and then down to the seafront, then along and up Sackville Road and then along and up King George; so some good hill work.  Total time about 1hr 40 mins; not too shabby.  Afterwards I used my new power plate at home for some stretching and it seemed to do the job as whilst I’m a little achy this morning, it’s not really bad.
This morning was the usual quick dip in the sea; although 9 minutes in 4.5 degrees is not exactly quick.  Usual crowd there and a flat sea and astonishingly beautiful sky. 
If kids behave tonight I’ll grab some home gym time tonight; apart from that I’m done for the day I think!

Friday 17 February 2012

Swimming day 425 - Friday 17th February 2012

I guess one has to pay the piper!  I don’t know why, but it just seems that way – a good day has a cost later on it seems. 
After my swim yesterday, whilst the mind was fluffy and happy my left shoulder blade was causing me pain.  It might have been the morning swim or the sym the night before, but whatever it was it was rather painful.  Then last night, despite absolutely knowing it would happen, I had a take-a-way pizza and upset my Crohns.  Sharon was out and after settling the kids I went to the kitchen to cook something and found it very dusty and messy; the builders had been in to relay some floor tiles that had moved and had left it is a less than desirable state; really not conducive to cooking.  So despite my knowing the dangers I ordered in!  The result was that within the hour of finishing it I was doubled in pain and it continued through the night.  The annoying thing was that it was completely my fault and I should know better!!  Luckily I do have an answer to my problems; it is called the Sea! 
So this morning, struggling out of bed still in discomfort, I headed to the arch and met up with my usual crowd.  About 30 seconds after being in the 4 degree sea all my pain had vanished and I was thinking about nothing else other than how far out am I drifting and whether I can get back in before the cold stops my arms working!  With those thoughts in mind there is no room to worry about anything else.  After about 6-7 minutes Bob suggested we head in, but I was way to happy to not be in pain and I kept up in for a few minutes more.  So much better that a handful of pills! 
This afternoon after work I have a gym session booked in, but I think I will cancel it as my shoulder is still not settled and I don’t want to aggravate the Crohns again.  Hopefully by the time I’ve got the kids settled (Sharon our again – every night this week I have been a widow, what’s the world coming to!!) I’ll be feeling on top of the world and I’ll grab an hour in my home gym and then have a nice piece of healthy grilled fish and rice!!  About time I started to watch what I eat!!

Swimming day 424 - Thursday 16th February 2012

What a lovely start to the day.  My usual 7am swim with Bob and the boys; cold as ever and 7 minutes swam, and then our usual coffee ion the Roaster.  Why was it so lovely today compared to other days?  I’ve no idea at all.  It just felt like a relaxing way to start the day and I went to the office with plans for a nice pleasant day; and a pleasant day it was.  More like that please!!

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Swimming day 423 - Wednesday 15th February 2012

Boot camp with Big Bob; or more precisely Speedo camp with Big Bob.
7am in the outside pool at Falmer, Big Bob in second lane, moi in first lane and of we go.  20 lengths warm up followed by 10 lengths non stop, with the final two lengths of each set being at full pelt.  Then 15 second pause and of we go again, 10 lengths with last t2 mentally quick and so on.  Final set of the morning, after an hour, ups it to the last 4 lengths at full pelt.  Boy oh boy that was a wake up call!  My arms and shoulders already ached from an hour in the gym the day before and I was already tired from a lack of sleep at home, so this really was a challenging start.  Saying that, there was no sub temperature start to the day, no dripping ceiling from the arch and no long painful walk out to a depth; so really I should stop the complaining right now!  In truth it’s great to be pushed like this each week as it not only helps the general swimming, but also helps me to develop the speed and stamina I need later this year.
Tomorrow will be back to the beach and then Friday back to the pool.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Swimming day 422 -Tuesday 14th February 2012

Before I started my sea swimming Valentines used to bring a nice warm start to the day.  Now of course it brings a shocking cold wake up call.  This morning, whilst the day seemed a little brighter than yesterday and the air temperature had risen to a massive +3, the sea remained at a shocking 4 degrees.  The conditions in the sea were much the same as yesterday and as such Big Bob and I did much the same swim and suffered much the same pain!  For me at the moment the most painful part is actually when I’m back in the arch in the shower and the blood returns to my hands; it really is painful.
The arch this morning seemed surprisingly busy; Big & Little Bob, Damien, Paul F, James, Flick, Martina.  Not massive numbers but clearly big personalities as it seemed full of life.  No Mike today as he was kayaking from Brighton to Peacehaven last night and then camping out on the beach in Peacehaven and then kayaking back today.  Considering he is into his later years (me being kind here) it’s amazing really.  You find that the people at the arch really do have big whatsits and aren’t afraid of extremes.  Perhaps it’s eccentricities, perhaps it’s ballsy, perhaps it’s madness; but it certainly is living life to the extremes.
This afternoon after work I’m back to the gym once again and then back in the pool and then tomorrow morning Big Bob and I will be in the pool for an hours hard graft.  With the marathon coming up in April and then the Channel in August I really need to keep the pressure up and weekly increase my training.  Luckily I have nothing else in my life to focus on!! For instance can you imagine how crazy it would be if apart from the channel and the marathon if I was already in my 40's, had 3 businesses to run, 3 children to bring up, a household to keep going, a children’s charity to run, a theatre project on the go and a new book being written; wouldn’t life be a bit extreme then!!

Monday 13 February 2012

Swimming day 421 -Monday 13th February 2012

A cold and gloomy winters start to the week. No rain or wind, which was a blessing, but just 1 degree and dampness in the air with a slight haze.  The sea however was very flat and calm, which if this had been the summer would have been a perfect sea to swim to the west pier and back, or twice around pier or even the marina and back.  As it was, being the winter still, it meant about 10 minutes only.
I was at the arch by 7.00am and Dr Mark was already coming out from his swim.  Pretty soon (but not pretty) I was joined by Little Bob, Big Bob, Mike and Lindy (she’s pretty of course!).  We headed straight in (mid tide so not too shallow) and Big Bob and I headed over to the donut groin and then turned back to the pier; making it only back to mid beach before we had enough.  It was the lowest temperature so far for over a year; just 4 degrees – once it goes under 4 degrees then it is officially freezing and certificate worthy!!  It was so cold that as soon as we started swimming I felt physically sick from the cold on my neck; it didn’t last long, but long enough to be unpleasant.  Apparently at the weekend one of the members brought their daughter with them (grown up, not a kid) and she was only in a a minute or two, but coming out had to be helped up the beach as she couldn’t walk.  It shows that you have to be so careful in these temperatures and that even though we can do 10-15 minutes most people can’t.  Saying that, James & Shoichi (two of my relay team) swam around the pier on Saturday, taking 20 minutes.  I don’t know if they are brave or just plain daft!

Friday 10 February 2012

Swimming day 420 -Friday 10th February 2012

 First day back in the sea today and it was not easy!
Over the last 10 days I have gone from -1 in the UK, to -38 in Sweden, to 0 in the UK, to +18 in Gibraltar and then back to -2 and snow in the UK and a cracking 5.1 in the sea this morning.  My body must be wondering what the hell is going on!
After my Arctic experience I came back to a cold Brighton for a couple of days and then headed to Gibraltar for 2 days for work.  It was a bright and warm 18 degrees and it meant that after my meetings I managed to stick on my running things and head up the Rock.  Last year when I did that I ran all the way to the top in about 25 minutes and then the same back down.  This year, probably because I was so tired by the time I got there, I found the run really hard and in truth only ran about half way up and then had to power walk the rest (frustrating to be honest) Still it only took me 30 minutes still and then I sprinted down in about 20 minutes, so a decent exercise.  Getting back to the UK last night and only getting about 4 hours sleep, it was not overly easy to leave the house at 6.45am to head to the beach; not made easier by another fall of snow last night. 
The Arch was as welcoming as ever with Little Bob, Mike, Big Bob, Flick, Lindy and Paul.  The sea, once again terrified of coming to close to the shore, was so low it took ages to wade out to swimming distance and each step was more painful than the one before.  Certainly being away from the sea for 10 days made it harder than usual for me, but everyone felt the pain today for sure.  My watch showed 5.1 degrees, but I’m not convinced it wasn’t lower even under 5; that is the lowest it’s been since this time last year.  I would seriously say that it was debilitatingly cold and each step I ad was slower than the last.  Eventually, having got to chest deep Bob and I plunged in and swam for a few minutes; at this point the cold in my head was severe and I couldn’t do much more.  Total time in the sea 9 minutes and total pain was well over an hour.  Craziness!! 
Back in the arch afterwards the jokes were coming thick and fast, especially the one about Little Bob in the shower with Flick; mmmmm, pictures are not necessary!!
This afternoon after work it’s back to the gym with Ross for an hour and then an hour in the pool.  Afterwards I doubt I’ll be awake long enough to experience a Friday night.

Monday 6 February 2012

Swimming (not) day 419 - Monday 6th February 2012

No swimming on Friday or today, but plenty of coldness.

Friday morning I headed off, with Sharon and two good friends to the Arctic Circle for 2 nights, 3 days.  We stayed at the Ice Hotel in Jukkasjarvi, Sweden. Temperature was Minus 37 degrees Celsius.  I can not even tell you how that feels!  Despite layer upon layer upon layer of clothing, covered on top with the heaviest winder suit as provided by the Hotel, the cold still got through and it hurt!  The first night, after dressing in so many clothes it took over an hour to get dressed, we climbed onto snow bikes and followed a tour guide out across the frozen lakes, through a dark and wondrous forest and to an eventual stop near some wilderness huts.  Inside the hut we sat around an open fire drinking hot berry juice and eating reindeer stew.  Then it was back onto the bikes and the hours ride back at midnight.  Total time 4 hours, temperature -37, layers of clothing on body 5, gloves numbered 3, face mask, and two hats - the pain in our feet, hands and face was so bad we could not have gone on much longer.  A bottle of water in my rucksack was completely frozen into a solid block after 20 minutes.  On returning back we had to get into less clothes and trek across to the Ice Hotel to try to sleep on a block of ice in a ice room which was -5 degrees.  The rest of the week involved riding reindeers, husky rides, more snow bikes and temperature ranging from the hottest being -27 to the coldest being -38 degrees.  Probably the most nuts thing I have ever done.  I would recommend it to anyone who is adventurous and daring and not recommend it to anyone of any other disposition.  As for going back there; not in this lifetime!!

Sadly not able to swim today as I needed to take Asher to school and then be at the office straight after.  Tomorrow I have to be in London for a meeting at 8.30am, so again no swim.  Then Wednesday & Thursday I have meetings in Gibraltar, so again no swims as I'll be over there!  I will manage to get 3 gym sessions in and also a 2 hour pool swim but sadly no beach.  By Friday, when I'm back and at the beach, it will be a massive shock as I would have been out of the sea for 10 days in a row by then!!  Today it was apparently 5 degrees as it snowed here yesterday; really a pity I missed it as after my -38 degrees I would expect 5 degrees to be a Jacuzzi!!

Not much point in blogging now until Friday as not much to tell; so see you Friday my friends.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Swimming day 418 - Thursday 2nd February 2012

The key to life is certainly not as sticky as the key to the arch!! 
After getting home at 6.30pm last night, then having restless children until about 10pm and then having to sleep in the spare room because my bed was too busy I was desperately ready for the sea; even the -2 degrees in the air and no doubt 5 degree sea I was still raring to go.  Sometimes being in the sea in the morning, despite the pain of the cold, is the most alive you feel all day; hard to explain unless you join me!!
By 7.15am, Big Bob, Little Bob, Mike, Paul, Flick and I had all tried our keys in the door, but narder!!  The lock just wouldn’t budge.  It felt like the latch had fallen inside, but whatever it was meant we couldn’t get in.  The only swimming option left was a change on the beach, but being the wimp I am I said that in this temperature I would want to warm up afterwards so ’d have to go home and shower after which I simply didn’t have time for as my first meeting was 8.15am in the office.  Wimp maybe, but sadly true.  It seemed my influence over my fellow swimmers is greater than I thought and they all too quickly agreed and headed of to the Roaster to down their sorrows!  Come on guys you could have talked me out of walking away if you’d tried a bit harder!! 
So sadly (and truly mean that) I headed to work, where I currently am, and my day has to start without the shivers.  My next sea swim with be Monday (which will mean 9 days out of the sea as I’ve been in the pool all week).  Tomorrow morning at 4am I shall be flying off with Sharon and two friends to Stockholm and then a short flight to the Ice Hotel.  Just to nights, but one of them sleeping in an ice room on a block of ice.  The fact that we have no kids with us I recon it will end up still being the best night sleep we’ve had all year.  Very exciting to see the Northern Lights (hopefully) and to have a Reindeer ride.  Who knows I might even be able to get an ice swim; I’ll sneak my trunks into the case just in cases.

New note just in - Had a call from Big Bob; Martina and He went back and  changed on the beach and had a swim.  Afterwards, sitting on the beach trying to get dressed he realised the madness.  He said he was struggling to get dressed and was so cold it made him feel sick and shivery and that even walking to the Roaster afterwards was a challenge.  Madness that they did that for sure, however what mental ability they had to do it.  Big up the pair of you!!

Swimming day 417 - Wednesday 1st February 2012

 More pool and less sea makes Robbie a grumpy boy!
Yesterday after work I hit the gym with Ross for an hour, working on every arm, back and shoulder muscle I posses; and boy did I know it.  Afterwards I had about 90 minutes before having to meet Sharon and Asher at the Nuffield (poor Asher having ear problems), so rather than hand around and wait for the time to go, I jumped back into the outside pool and finished off what I didn’t bother to do in the morning.  Another hour of lengths meant two swims and one gym yesterday, a good day of exercise.  At the Nuffield we met a wonderful consultant who made Asher so comfortable; these guys have a tremendous skill with kids.  Sadly Asher is going to need an operation to help his breathing and hearing; fairly routine for the surgeons of course, but not something a parent takes so lightly.  If only a parent could take the illness and pain from the child and suffer it themselves, it’s really horrible not being able to do anything for them.  We’re not sure when, but probably at the next school holiday break, at least meanwhile the banana medicine takes away any pain.
Now to today; whilst I had planned to be back in the sea, Big Bob suggested we pool swim together.  So at 7am on the dot we were in the outside pool (-1 in the air, but warm in the pool) and Sergeant Major Bob se3t up the drills!  He really did push us, like boot camp in the water.  Ninety minutes, rather exhausted but exhilarated, I was in the car heading for Middlesex for a 10am meeting and then onto North London for a 2 pm meeting, probably getting back to Brighton by 6pm ish.  A long hard busy morning following by a long hard busy day no doubt followed by a long hard restless night.  Living the dream baby, living the dream!!