Friday 30 September 2011

Friday 30th September

No sea swimming today; chrones playing up.

Yesterday after work I did an hour with Ross in the Gym and then did a 30 minute pool swim; although it was not actualy a swim, rather it was going over the TI exercises Toby showed me.  Not easy to master them on you own after one lesson, but I gave it a go nevertheless.

I hadn't been feeling terribly well all day so it was probably daft to have used the gym and the pool, so afterwards when I headed home I had to pull over to the side of the road a couple of times; not good.  After getting changed I headed off to Sharon's parents as it was Jewish New Year and Sharon's Mum always does a big feast.  Sadly I sat there with a completly empty plate as there was no way even a morsel could cross my lips the way I was feeling!

Having not slept a wink last night (not the childrens fault this time!) I got up at 6am but decided not to go to the sea.  I feel massivly better this morning, but best to be sensible.  If the day goes well and I feel better I'll try to head to the gym for an hour, but I'll see how I feel.

These blips happen from time to time; it is what it is.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Day 347 - Thursday 29th Septemeber 2011

At the arch by 7am and Little Bob and Damien there, no-one else (others came later).  I’ve never seen such a low tide before!  It was so low in fact that we walked past the Brighton Pier sign and the sea was not even up to my ankles!  Everyday is so different it’s amazing.  Still standing at the silver ball it was time to take the plunge.  Little Bob went to the end of the pier (shows how long the walk was) and Damien & I carried on around.  Coming back to the steps it was amazing to see the bottom step, the one that is usually completely hidden beneath the depths, to be standing proud about 2 feet above the sea!
The air temperature was at least 16 degrees (meant to be 26 degrees by this afternoon) and the sea temp 14.4 degrees; so up a bit. 
Once more no words to describe the sunrise other than simply a marvel.
Channel Relay by Big Bob, Alex and 4 others – completed successfully in perfect conditions at 12 hrs 23 minutes.  Well done them.  Now we have to hope our conditions are as good and aim for 12hrs 22 minutes !

Day 346 - Wednesday 28th September 2011

In the sea by 7.15am; hardly anyone at the beach or the arch.
Sea mostly calm and very shallow.  As I walked in I saw Damien up ahead so I put my foot down and managed to catch him up around the pier by the steps.  A quick pull on his legs scared the &^%*&*& out of him! 
Sunrise simply glorious.  Hopefully weather will hold for the last minute Channel Relay that Alex and Big Bob are doing today.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Day 345 - Tuesday 27th Septmeber 2011 (Dad's Birthday)

Today would have been my Dad’s 66th birthday; 5 years on and I miss him more today than I think I have ever done.  Time heals apparently!  I don’t know who said that but they were wrong! What heals is a large glass of Jack Daniels with plenty of ice and remembering what a lucky lucky boy I am to have been born to Edward & Trish Starr; I was blessed the moment I was born - I even got a fantastic sister as well; being a Starr aint so bad!  Sure as hell miss him though.
I didn’t sea swim today.  Instead I had my first TI training – TI stands for “Total Immersion” and is an alternative swimming training.  I found this system whilst trawling the internet for some help on bettering my swimming in both technique and speed.  I am so very fed up with not getting faster and my technique not looking or feeling better that I need a radical change.  It seems that the more I swim and the harder I push myself through the water the only thing that changes is that I get more exhausted; my speed, whilst quicker than 18 months ago, is still only marginally quicker.  Something has to change and it seems to me that traditional swimming training of “working harder” and “pushing the muscle” is counter productive.  It seems to me that more efficient swimming and better slower more controlled strokes has to be better than brute force.  Looking at TI is seems that this is the way forward for me.
I met Toby, my TI instructor, at the Queens Hotel opposite the pier and we talked me through how TI works and what I can expect.  It seems that it will be a lot of mental preparation and me totally having to undo all the swimming skills (or lack of them) I have built up over the last 18 months.  Once again here I am realising that if I had not rushed head long into the traffic I could have done this first and been a decent swimmer by now!  As ever more lessons for me on being impetuous. The lesson was interesting as it was an hour in the pool and little swimming in the traditional sense.  It was all about how I lay in the water, my bodyline, my kick, my head position.  I will certainly stick at it and give it as much a go as I can. 

I have absolute believe that by my channel swim “I will” be a swimmer.

Day 344 - Monday 26th September 2011

Not much to report this morning.  The sea was churning up and the waves bouncing around.  The BBC were at the Arch filming Paul as he has recently had a lottery grant to preserve the BSC 100 + years of history. They took us walking down the beach and diving into the sea; 6.30pm tonight on BBC 1.  That aside no real news other that a bumpy but pleasant swim this morning.
One piece of news, not related to my swim, is that a Relay attempt was called of last week due to the adjudicator falling down on the boat and being injured.  As such two of the 6 person team had to fly back to the USA, leaving the tam two people down and one final slot on Wednesday (28th).  So Big Bob and Alex were asked by Fiona to stand in and they both agreed; not surprising that Alex went for it, but fairly surprising Bob did as he seemed so against doing this.  Anyhow, both are fantastic swimmers and totally capable and the relay team are extremely lucky to have them both.  If the weather holds they will be off on Wednesday and will hopefully be successful channel swimmers by this time Thursday – good luck to them both.

Day 343 - Saturday 24th September 2011

An 11.45am BSC swim today.  About 12 of us took part and luckily the sea was calm and the air was dry and the tide, whilst fairly still, was not against us.
Dressed in our finest swimwear we walked from the arch up to the road, along to the Volks railway and purchased tickets to the marina.  There were some interesting looks from seafront visitors as to why a dozen semi naked men and women were queuing up to get on the old electric train.  With exact fair in hand we made our way to the seats and enjoyed a leisurely ride to the marina.  Whilst this was going on poor old Fiona was on the kayak and making her way across the ocean to the marina so we had a guide/helper in case of troubles. 
Having reached the marina we disembarked and headed down the beach and lined up against the marina wall awaiting Fiona’s instruction to dive in and swim swim swim.  This was NOT a race; I was a swim to get from the marina to the donut groin on our beach in under 14 degrees; approx 1.5mile swim. 
As this was NOT a race; then why was my heart beating 100 miles and hour and why did I spend the whole swim worrying about being last as usual!  This is exactly why I don’t swim fast, because I am so tense in these situations. As it turns out I wasn’t last, however I also wasn’t near the front!
The swim itself was hard as the pier seemed miles away and you always felt totally on your own; assuming everyone was already back having coffee whilst you were only half way back.  It seems pretty much most people felt alone during the swim.
I don’t know how long it took me, but I would guess about an hour, maybe a little more. 
Later that night at the Starr Trust Barn Dance (which was a rip roaring success) my shoulders certainly knew I had been swimming!

Friday 23 September 2011

Day 342 - Friday 23rd September 2011

Sea Swim morning (7.15am) – Big Bob, Damien and Moi around the pier in good time, rather cold at 13.6 degrees, but flat and yet another incredible sunrise.

Squash (1.45pm) – Against Jon and I shan’t report the scores as I was annihilated. 

Pool Swim (2.30pm) – 50 Cool down lengths after squash and before gym.

Gym (3.00pm) – An hour with Ross; and half way through my energy levels dropped. Could be because up to that point all I had eaten since getting up in the morning was a banana and all I had drunk was a Red Roaster cappuccino (blooming good it was too!).  I am determined to sort this ridicules eating habit out!!

How did I manage to fit in any work today!!  I did though, in fact I landed 2 really big accounts today for the company; so actually a good day in many ways.  

Tomorrow, Saturday, there is a BSC Marina swim (one way only) at 11.30am and as long as my arms stop aching I really hope to join them; not just for the exercise, but it’ll be a nice way to start the weekend.  Then tomorrow night it’s a Starr Trust Barn Dance; the last one we shall do for a few years as it’s our third year in a row.  So far out of the 200 tickets we had hoped to sell we are up to I think 198!! A great fundraiser and a lot of fun (if you like that kind of thing!).  As for tonight, whilst a quiet one and early night should be on the cards, it’s a dinner out with Sharon for her birthday; life may be tiring but it aint so bad!!

Thursday 22 September 2011

Day 341 - Thursday 22nd September 2011

A morning of sunrise and Littlewoods catalogues.

Had a fantastic evening last night at the O2; the Peace One Day annual concert and we went with our good friends Nat & Dan, great night, great company and great show.  Got home and into bed by 1am ish and the kids let us be for a nice welcome change. 

Still getting up at 6.15am was not an easy task, so it was more like rolling out of bed, slinging on some clothes and heading to the beach in an half awake half asleep mode.  At the arch was met by friend faces (always nice to have) and then Big Bob, James and I headed out around the pier.  Temperature low 13 degrees and the sea relatively calm in waves terms, but a strong tide pulling West.  We headed East against the tide (anti clockwise around the pier) and swam hard and fast all the way around the head and then paused the other side to take in the sunrise.  Magnificent to say the very least; seriously not a word in the dictionary could describe the sun rise over the marina viewed from the end of the pier in a moving sea.

Then we continued our swim back down the side of the pier; being held back by waves heading out and then thrust forward by waves going back; a kind of slingshot movement.  Coming down around to the steps of the pier we swam into Alex and Crazy Leo coming the other way.  Alex, always one to have his camera on him even in the sea, decided we should climb the stairs and jump in with James training water taking the pics.   Apart from the barnacles and rust on the steps causing blood to be spilt from all of us it was a fine idea.  First shot was Alex and I in a very Littlewoods swimming trunks pose; very much catalogue boys!  The next shot had Big Bob increasing the average age by a large margin (sorry mate but it is what it is) and Crazy Leo hanging off with a rope around his neck looking like he’s just met his fate!  

All safely back in the water after some belly flop dives, Leo & Alex headed around the pier whilst James, Bob and I headed back in.  

Then after a gorgeous cappuccino at the very tasty Red Roaster in Edward Street I headed of to the Withdean Sports Stadium for a session with my physioterrorist Kim; my first sessions in many months.  After 40 minutes of pulling and pushing, my shoulder was certainly feeling better, even if the rest of me was left feeling somewhat battered.  Definitely going to see Kim again next week to keep this injury at bay.

Mornings can be so much fun!

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Day 340 - 21st September 2011

An unwelcome sky this morning; windy, grey, dark and that very fine rain that soaks you all the way through.  Still us hardened sea swimmers are never put of by such conditions.

At the arch, soaked, by 7.00am.  A few there today, a couple going to head around the pier, some staying close to shore (not advisable with waves that big!) and Big Bob and I heading off towards west street and the Brighton centre (about a mile swim in total I would guess, not taking into account the tide).  

The waves breaking at shore were quite big so we entered near the groin and then swam out about 150 metres and then headed along to the Brighton centre.   The sea was really choppy, some very powerful waves, however they were too big to be slappy and as such breathing seemed easy and relaxed.  Both of us swam really well, basically staying together the whole way and really swimming with heads down and crashing through the waves as if they were hardly a challenge at all.  Once at the Centre we turned and headed straight back.  Considering how much sea and space there was out there it was crazy that we kept swimming into each other; sometimes that does happen.  So I decided to take the outside line and let him swim shore side.  The waves were so high that a couple of times when I looked to my left to see him I found that he was way below me; almost as if I was on the top of an escalator and he was at the bottom; then a second later we were level again.  Amazing to see that and to be engulfed by it.  

The total swim was about 35-40 minutes. I think it was one of the best swims I can remember this year.  Totally felt safe, really had to work hard and the sea throwing challenges from all directions; a perfect morning swim actually.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Day 339 - 20th September 2011

Having had a 7.30am meeting in the diary, I had to be at the beach and in the sea by 6.15am. I was a tired lonely soul walking down the beach in near darkness and building winds.  I got to the beach edge, middle of the beach which was silly, and tried to wade in.  The first few waves made me back away as they were rather large, but as soon as a gap appeared I headed in.  The next wave however was a bit of a monster and before I had a chance to dive in I was knocked of my feet onto my bun and dragged up the beach.  Anyone watching that would have no doubt had considered me a mad fool.  Picking myself up I headed of to the donut groin, where the waves are never as crazy and was able to safely get in.  From there I swam against the tide and managed to make it to the Brighton Centre; not an easy swim!  Took me about 35 minutes of hard battling.  I then turned and headed back to our beach and that only took about 5 minutes I think!  Coming back to the groin I was joined by my relay buddy Shoichi.  As he headed out to sea on his own (not only me being crazy!) I headed back and safely landed neat the groin.  Swim done and all showered and dressed, it was of to work I went.

By the way, the Starr Scholar became Starr Scholar’s (plural).  We just couldn’t separate two of them, they were both so different but both so worthy.  It was such a tough meeting to decide, but the end result was so exciting.  Also to see how we can support the other 19 projects from our current funds was incredible.  However fundraising needs to continue in earnest, we still have so many more children we can help smile and I must hit out £100,000 target.

Day 338 - Monday 19th September 2011

Gonna try to keep my blogs short from now on as it seems I spend my time writing about my children’s sleep patterns more than my training!  So here we go, let’s see if I can stay to the point!

At the arch by and swam around the pier with Big Bob and James.  Coldish water, 13.6 degrees and I guess slightly choppy, but not excessive.  I did enter the sea very tired (not mentioning why I promise) and as such the swim was challenging from that point of view.  However I swam well and maintained a good speed the whole way.

After work I headed up to Falmer for an hour with Ross; back, shoulders, chest.  My right shoulder is slightly strained, I can really feel it pulling as I move.  So have booked in to see my physio Kim on Thursday – first session with Kim for months, so long overdue.  The body is a machine and needs to be MOT’d every now and then.

Trustees meeting tonight as almost ready to dish out some of the funds raised through Swim4Smiles.  Although I am swimming next year and will continue to fundraise for our projects, we did tell them originally that they could expect money this year.  Therefore on 28th October we give out the amount we have raised so far towards the £100,000 – the tally to date is around £65,000, so fantastic by all accounts.  Also going to choose our “Starr Scholar” ; the child who will get the £2,100 cheque to help them achieve their dream – very exciting.
A short(ish) bog!!

Thursday 15 September 2011

Day 337 - Thursday 15th September 2011

Todays sea was the reason one swims in the morning; just beautiful.

After a 17 hour work day yesterday I was in bed by 11.30pm, then fully awake at 2.00am due to the usual visit by the twins.  We took them both straight back, but 10 minutes later they were with us again.  At this point Sharon vanished to another room and I was left with the coughing of Jesse and the twisting and turning of Mia until about 5.30am when they both went to sleep.  That left me half an hour of lying there waiting for the 6am alarm clock telling me to stop being lazy and get down that beach.  Despite that long day, no food for 24 hrs and no sleep I dragged myself up and got to the arch.  And boy am I glad I did.

Shoichi and Paul were already showering from an early swim and Paul commented that it was so glorious out there that this is exactly why we do it.  Fifteen minutes later when I was lying on my back just drifting at the end of the pier I was in total agreement with him.  The sea was a mid tide, which meant a short buy enjoyable walk out just past the pier sign, then a gentle swim in a still and flat sea around the pier and coming head on into the rising sun over the marina.  Just perfect.  I lied on my back, arms and legs spread out, for about 10 minutes, just letting the sea take me along to wherever it wanted.  Then head down and another gentle swim back; just in time to see Big Bob and Damien emerge from their swim.  Despite my tiredness I felt alive and awake in ways you could only understand if you were to experience it for yourself.

As for the rest of the day; just rest of course!  Hardly!!  To the office to clear work, then to the gym for an our with Ross at lunchtime, then back to the office and then into the pool at home for 45 minute speed sessions and then rest; assuming the kids allow me to.

Tomorrow I’m in Cardiff on meetings, but I don’t need to leave Brighton until 7.30am, so if I get up early enough I’ll try to grab a sea swim before I go; it would be a great way to start a long day ahead, especially if tomorrows sea is like todays.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Day 336 - Tuesday 14th September 2011

Another windy start to the day, although no rain and slightly brighter. It was again a low tide, so the waves, whilst frequent and strong had no height to them.  A few at the arch this morning, including the return of Little Bob and Lindy back from their summer hols.  

Big Bob and I decided to try to go around the pier, however the fatal mistake (although not fatal of course) was to try to do it from middle of our beach.  The tide was so strong that it was simply not possible; the only way would have been to to the the end of the next beach along (towards the west pier) and then swim out deep and head around our pier with the tide and then land on the girly beach; David and a couple of others did just that.  Bob and I however spent about half an hour swimming on the spot, being bashed by wave after wave.  I found myself swimming closer to the shore than Bob and eventually found a short window of fewer waves which allowed me to motor forward, albeit slowly, and get half way along our beach near the buoy and close to the other swimmers.  Bob however, along with another chap had to go through the pier to the girly beach and land there; this shows the power of the tide; almost impossible to swim against it.  A fantastically good workout though, as well as being fun (if you like that kind of thing!).

Afterwards I had a short meeting at work and then coffee at Browns with Robin Cousins – he of the ice skating fame.  He is one of our Patrons on the Starr Trust and he has amazingly agreed to be an Ambassador for our CHOCS project (if you get the chance it is well worth looking at and going into the CHOCS section).  It is such a fantastic project and one we are aiming to take National and then International.  Having Robin Cousins as our ambassador is so fantastic, it could really help promote the project.  

Afterwards it was back to the office for another meeting, then off to the gym for an hour with Ross (now my arms are really aching) and then into the outside pool for an 45 minute speed swim session (need to be really doing more of these now).  Then back to the office, where I am now, for the last 20 minutes of the day and then time to pack my briefcase with the reports I need for Burnley and Blackpool tomorrow – not looking forward to an 18 hour working day tomorrow; but needs must (oh whoa is me!!!).

Monday 12 September 2011

Day 335 - Monday 12th September 2011

A nice weekend, devoid of exercise apart from massive bbq arms!  On saturday I did a BBQ for my Mums bday and cooked for 50 people; that is a lot of food turning and equal to at least one swim (ish!).  Then sunday afternoon I ironed two weeks worth of adult and kids clothes; again at least equal to one swim (ish).  So no real exercise, but fake exercise of sorts!

This morning it was back to it and in the sea by 7.15am.  A very windy morning indeed, following on from last week, however as it was low tide it meant that the waves simply couldn't get the height that they would liked to have had.  So it was a case of wave after wave having a go, but not really getting the bettre of us.  Bib Bob and I crashed and faught ou way through, doing 50 strokes at a time without a break and then being able to put our feet down for rest.  It felt like a "drop and give me 50" type swim.  The waves were pretty strong though and a couple of times I almost lost my goggles and also my swimming cap; it has to be pretty strong to rip a swimming cap from you.  I'm not sure what the temperature was, but I would guess that it was probably nearer 15 degrees today.

Afterwards we went and grabbed a coffee and then it was off to the office for a very busy day; paperwork and email galore.  After work I hit the streets and did a fairly long run, 16.6k to be exact, but in this wind it really felt a lot harder than usual.  Tomorrow it'll be another sea swim in the morning, then after work it's an hour with Ross in the gym and then hopefully an hour in the pool (I say hopefully as it's dependent on what time Sharon need's me home).  Tomorrow should be interesting as I've got a lunch meeting with Robin Cousins (ice skater) to talk about the Starr Trust; he's one of our patrons.  As for the rest of the week, it's going to be grabbing exercise when I can as I am in Burnley & Blackpool wednesday, then in Watford thursday and then in Cardiff friday.  I should be able to grab a morning swim thursday and then a gym in the evening, but no way wednesday or friday.  The time is fast approaching when I'll be back to my winter pool sessions; not a bad thing as I do need to start doing some long and fast swimming sessions again.

Friday 9 September 2011

Day 334 - Friday 9th September 2011

Yet another wintery start to the day; gloomy, misty, rainy and windy; charming! 

This morning the sea was not quite angry as it has been, although there were still some temper tantrums going on.  A few down the arch; it seems as winter comes closer more of the faces appear.  A curious thing as you’d think the opposite would be true; I guess eccentrics such as sea swimmers don’t follow expectations in the usual way!  Shoichi, Big Bob and I decided it was time to head around the pier again as we haven’t been able to all week and the conditions, whilst still choppy, were not excessive.  Saying that, I bailed out half way!!

We got to the silver ball, which is roughly half way up the pier, and for some reason my breathing was really off.  It seemed that every few breaths I would turn the wrong way and end up swallowing a mouth full of water.  Most unpleasant, especially in such a mucky looking water.  Mixed in with my breakfast of seawater was copious amount of seaweed that seemed to be grabbing at me from every angle.  It actually felt like tentacles wrapping around and pulling you back.  All in all between the drinking and the seaweed and my general lack of energy from little sleep last night I took the decision to let the two warriors carry on without me and I wished them a  fond farewell and headed back to shore.  Sometime you need to follow your instincts; if it’s time to go back then you go back, there are no awards for not coming back.  Swimming back through the waves and trying to stop the tide taking me too close to the pier, it was quite an exhausting swim in all seriousness.  I got back to the beach safely enough, however as I was walking out, a wave (not even a big one) chopped behind my knees and knock me square onto my back and pulled me back in.  It really does show you the power of the waves, even the smallest ones can be mentally strong underneath. 

After I was showered and dressed Shoichi and Bob came stumbling back into the arch; their little jaunt around the pier took a bit longer than expected!  Slightly battered and covered in little bits of seaweed I think that they were happy to be back in the safety and comfort of the arch.  Apparently the same wave that took me out came back and had a go at Bob and landed him on his bum as well.  But at least they made it around; two warriors of the sea.

Now at work ready for the day ahead, just one 9am meeting and then office based to deal with a million emails and phone calls.  A 2 hr break from work in-between however; 12 o’clock game of squash with Jon (not fancying my chances at all there), followed by an hour in the gym with Ross.  At the moment, with tiredness and also sea battering I cannot imagine a 2hr training session midday going overly well, but perhaps some a large espresso might change my mind!

Happy Birthday to my Mum, 65 today and still looking 50 - amazing lady.

Thursday 8 September 2011

Day 333 - Thursday 8th September 2011

Sadly not the scolding 14 degrees I was hoping for today; instead a cooling 13.4 degrees.  Also, as per the rest of the week, very windy and “huge” swells! 
Not wanting to wimp out again, Shoichi and I headed out on our beach whilst the other headed for the girly beach.  Oddly enough, due to the wind direction, the girly beach had bigger waves at the shore s very quickly the other lot were back on our beach.  Shoichi and I got in fine, a bit of planning, but no problem and then we swam out to the first buoy. In these conditions it was a hell of a battle though and what usually takes about 3-4 minutes took about 15.  The waves were all over the place and coming from the sides and the back and as such it was a case of being thrown around all over the place.  Having got to the buoy it was then a quick turn around and heading back to shore.  Shoichi, being a stronger swimmer than me, managed to swim against the tide back to the groin, which is a safer place to land because of the way the beach is set under the sea.  Unfortunately for me I had to go where the tide took me, which was centre of our beach.  Ultimately I got out fine, but it was quite hair raising and at one point I found myself able to stand too far out, which meant that the sea had quickly pulled out, which in turn meant a huge wave coming in.  Sensing this I turned quickly and saw a massive (truly a wall of water) bearing down on me, it was so tall I couldn’t see the sky above it.  All I could do, which is the safest thing, is dive through it and swim out to sea again.  Having done that I then turned back to shore and swam at full pace until I hit the stones safely; each moment glancing behind me in case another one was coming.  A swim not for the faint of heart! 
All done and showered, Big Bob, Mike and I headed of to the Red Roaster for strong coffee and time to come down from the storm; then it was off to London for meetings for me.  Sadly when getting to the station the train was delayed because someone has been hit by a train; it seems my morning, however crazy, was somewhat safer than his.  Once again perspective raises it’s head on the morning

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Day 332 - Wednesday 7th September 2011

Despite the continued wind (in the air that is) we managed to get into the sea today.  Our own beach was still far too dangerous to try, so it was straight to the girly beach the other side of the pier.  The rain had stopped by this morning and the wind was probably about a third less than yesterday, but still even on the girly beach it was massive swells.  Shoichi, Alex, Big Bob and I swam out to around the first buoy before heading back, whilst David, Mike, Charlotte and Martina sensibly stayed closer to shore.  Getting in was not a problem, it took some timing of course, but you could spot the short lulls and just dive in and give it some welly to get past the waves at the shore.  Whilst out there is was totally safe, just lots of seaweed (carpets of the stuff), some yucky brown bubbles and some high mountainous swells that lifted you way into the air before dropping you straight back down – even the pier with all its exciting roller coasters  has nothing like the ride provided by the sea.  Getting back was also relatively easy, all you had to do was hold your nerve, watch the waves behind you, feel the movement of the sea and choose your moment.  When I got to standing depth I could feel the waves pulling me back in, which instantly tells you a big one is about to hi.  All you have to do at that stage is either run for your life (but that only works if you are well within the beach) or else do what I did today and that is turn back to face it and dive straight back into it and swim out the other side and start your return once again.  Apart from a few small bruises from the stones being thrown at you when walking in it was a safe and energy filling swim. 
Despite the waves and movement the temperature was down again, this time just under 14 degrees; 13.9 degrees to be exact.  I think all the rain over the last day and night really helped cool it down.  Hopefully it will return to the scolding 14 degrees some time soon!

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Day 331 - Tuesday 6th September 2011

Nuts out there today! Raining and windy (very windy); got to the arch by 6.45am and wondered down the beach to have a look. Absolutely nuts! Not only was it extremely windy, but it was a very high tide (highest I’ve seen); the sea was literally half way up the beach. The waves were monsters and they were breaking everywhere, especially in all the dangerous places. You could certainly have got in with the right timing, but I doubt you would have been able to get out safely, if at all.

By 7am there were a few more of us; David, Alex, Shoichi (returned from his long holiday), Charlotte, Martina, Sean and Mike. First of all we headed for the end of the groin by the pier and I had my first ever “groin shower”. Sounds rude I know, but it’s all la natural! Standing right at the end of the groin and the waves smash over, high into the air, and come crashing down on you. After a few of those we headed to the girls beach, which as always was not as mental as our beach. However it was still mental enough to not go in. A few of us did contemplate it, but the waves were just so big. Last year I definitely would have just gone for it, but I think my respect for the sea coupled with the fact that I no longer need to prove anything to myself kept me at the shore. So there we were all at the shore and there was nothing else left to do but “pilchard” it. Picture the scene if you will; force 8 gale, mental waves, rain and wind; there we are 7 of us lying down like pilchards being rolled around on the beach by the crashing waves. Certifiable for sure. Bring on tomorrow!

Day 330 - Monday 5th September 2011

Pouring with rain this morning; still could have gone to the beach, but just didn’t fancy it. Instead was at the office by 7am and worked through until 4pm then went home to an empty house and straight to my gym. Did 45 mins level 9.5 incline 6 on treadmill, then 10 mins on Vasa swim trainer then 10 mins on punch bag then into pool for 30 mins power swim. Extremely tired afterwards, but always good to be tired from exercise!

Monday 5 September 2011

Day 329 - Sunday 4th September 2011

Kids stayed at my in-laws last night, an unexpected bonus. It meant that we did manage to get some sleep at last, very welcome indeed! Sharon had a family in the studio at 10am and the kids weren’t being dropped back to us until midday, so the opportunity for a Sunday swim was there and was taken eagerly. Unusual for me to swim everyday, usually I have a day off, but thought I may as well end the weekend on a high. At the arch by 10.00, no-one there, although I know that the early swimmers would have come and gone already and the later swimmers would be there just after I left; so I timed it nicely to be on my own. I swam once around the pier and back; rather choppy today and the sky threatening some very heavy rain. A bumpy swim all the way and very good exercise! Total swim about 25 mins and temperature in the sea 15.7 degrees; so increased despite the threat of troublesome weather.

Later in the day, after the heavy rain had gone, we took the kids bowling and then down the seafront to play in the park. The rain had stopped and the sun was out, but the wind was quite strong. The sea was really picking up with very big swells and rolling breakers. I have to say that I would have gone in if given the chance, but no way would have swum around the pier in that. Gotta know your limits.

Day 328 - Saturday 3rd September 2011

Up early so thought I’d hit the beach this morning and have a weekend swim. Was at the arch by 7.20am and in the sea by 7.30am. As I was going in Damien, Paul, Martina and David were coming out. I swam twice around the pier, beach to beach to beach. Nice leisurely swim, took about 40 minutes and enjoyable. Sea was very clear, temperature 15.6 degrees and uneventful other than that. Nice start to the weekend.

Friday 2 September 2011

Day 327 - Friday 2nd September 2011

1.05am – Jesse jumps into our bed
1.11am – Mi Jumps into our bed
1.20am – I take Jesse back and Sharon takes Mia back
1.40am - Mia returns.
1.50am – Sharon takes Mia back
2.10am – Jesse returns
2.11am – I take him back without letting him get into the bed. I end up sleeping on his floor until 3.00am to stop him screaming.
3.05am – As soon as I leave his room and go back to mine he returns! At this point I give up and he stays.
4.55am – Mia joins us back in bed. I get up as no room for me and I try to sleep at the bottom of the bed; try being the operative word.

6.30am – Sharon up and showering ready to take all 3 to school & nursery and I head out the door for the beach.

7.00am – In the sea on my own. A fantastic sea today, colder again at 15.2 degrees, but somehow doesn’t feel too cold. Extremely flat and a medium tide, so no long walk out and no apparent pull in any direction. I swam around the pier, passing Paul fishing at one stage and passing Big Bob and James at another stage. I headed around the pier, over to the next two buoys and then back in; about 50 minutes. It was probably one of the nicest swims I’ve have in months. The temperature felt fine, the sea was so very calm and the sky was just starting to show some nice blues. It was one of those rare days when the swim was just so nice that I was reluctant to come out. Back at the Arch is was nice to see Mike back from his 6 week trip to Alaska and it was fabulous to see Fiona; haven’t seen her in a couple of months as she been so busy with channel swimmers here and other swimmers abroad. It’s always a joy to see Fiona, she radiates positive swims.

11.50am – Squash with Jamie at Gym. Results 9/1 me, 9/3 me, 9/6 jamie, 9/4 me, 9/6 me – final result 4 / 1 to me – yey me!

12.40pm – Cool down with 40 lengths in outside pool

1.00pm – Straight after squash it was into the gym with Ross for an hour; not sure how I managed that as the squash and swim knackered me and I was sweating more than buckets; however nevertheless I managed an hour on shoulders, chest and abs

2.15pm – Back at my desk, hot tea and a bakewell tart in hand.
So that was two swims, squash and a gym today; not bad going after a somewhat restless night!

Might need to see Kim my physio sometime soon for a check up as plenty of aches going on!

Thursday 1 September 2011

Day 326 - Thursday 1st September 2011

Back to the sea this morning, slightly achy from yesterdays driving and gyming, but nothing that the sea wouldn’t deal with.

Despite is being a bright start to the morning and a promise of 18 degrees during the day, the wind chill at the beach made it feel very cold and the sea once more had dropped in temperature. A swim around the pier (just once this morning) with Big Bob, Damien, Alex, Dr Mark and James. Temperature down to 15 degrees, so a big 1 degree drop since last week! It was very low tide so once again a cold walk out, almost to the first buoy and then a slowish bumpy swim around the pier. Damien got bitten on the ankle by a crap walking out!

That is all the exercise I need today as I am now in the office putting finishing touches to a report and then of to Kent for meetings – busy boy at the moment!

Day 325 - 31st August 2011 (last day of non existant summer)

No morning swim today as I had a meeting in Bath at 8.30am, which meant leaving home by 5.30am. Very interesting meeting and as usual always a surprise in store. I met with the board of House of Bath, a national home catalogue company. During the conversation one of the Directors asked me where I had driven from and I naturally told him Brighton. He said that he lived in Brighton for many years and still misses his morning sea swim by the pier!! It turns out that he has been sea swimming every morning for the past 40 years and never misses a morning; he is now in his 70’s and very sprightly. How random that I should drive all the way to Bath and be sitting around a board room with a fellow sea swimmer. As you may imagine, from that moment he was my biggest advocate during the meeting.

Having arrived back home after a 400 mile round trip I was ready to kick back with a cool drink and a good book; unfortunately Sharon had some friends around with their kids and also my in-laws were there, so a very busy, loud and excitable household. So bang went the idea of a peaceful time, instead I locked myself in the gym and ran on the treadmill for exactly an hour, then onto my swimming machine for 15 (long and hard) minutes and then 15 minutes on weights etc. By the time I left the gym in a pool of sweat the house was back to normal with just Sharon and my little monsters. Tomorrow morning back to the sea.