Thursday 31 March 2011

Day 221 - Thursday 31st March 2011

What a day; swim good, work stressed and about to go home to look after the 3 kids all alone because Sharon is out – all brain wants to do is switch off from the world of work, swimming and children and go back to what it is used to be fed with; writing! I haven’t written anything now since the Twins were born, almost 3 years ago and I miss it terribly. With so much on at the moment at work, home, the Starr Trust and swimming I simply don’t have the time or the brain capacity, but boy I wish I did as it is the only way I ever truly relax. Making up stories or music about circumstances and people you invent is truly escapism! Maybe when the swim is over and work hopefully on the right track again I will indulge!! Until then ...............

This morning the fog was thick enough to have to squint through the car windshield and the rain was annoying enough to get through my clothes and into my skin. The sea itself was rather busy, with a strong easterly pull and rather cumbersome waves; literally wave after wave trying to stop you getting past the shore. Mike and Little Bob braved it as usual, as did Bella, Martina, Charlotte, Big Bob and Moi; that was the full compliment today. If my goggles hadn’t kept steaming up I think I might have stayed in longer and played some more, but as it was I guess we were in for no more than maybe 15-20 minutes. The waves and thrashing sea certainly raised the temperature as it hit a scorching 7.6 degrees!! At that temperature, without the conditions, one could go around the pier safely!!

Tonight no gym or anything as I have the kiddies on my own, but tomorrow I’ll either do a sea swim or will braze a few hours in Falmer (which is what I should do of course!). Then it’s to the office for meetings until midday, then to Gatwick for a 1 pm meeting and then a drive all the way to Birmingham for a meeting early Saturday morning! Oh the joy of being me!! I wonder why I have bags under my eyes??

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Day 220 - Wednesday 30th March 2011

This morning I awoke to see a rather dull sky, some spitting rain and what looked like a lot of fog covering the seafront. Luckily today was a planned pool swim, so whilst I would have preferred a warmer air temp it did not matter too much.

Last night I managed to get circa 3 hours sleep, which whilst for most people would be a bad thing, for me 3 hours is plenty enough; in fact I’ve never ever needed more than 3 or 4 hours a night. So a big thank you to my 3 children for only coming into us about 4 times last night!!

I was still a bit achy in the arms this morning as last night Ross put me through a 45 minute upper body workout followed by an hour speed swim in the inside pool, but I figured that this morning a good steady swim and some maxim gel should soon sort that out; if only I had remembered the maxim of course! I was at Falmer in the Outside pool by 7.30am and was swimming for about 30 minutes when it struck me that something was not quite right, something felt like it was missing. Carrying on swimming I thought this through and ticked off the following; Swimming hat firmly on head, goggles snuggly around eyes, swimming trunks (thank god) firmly in place. What could it be. So on I carried until I hit the hour and then pulled to the side for my first feed; water with maxim that I made up before leaving home this morning. Agghhh that what’s missing!! I’d made up 4 hours worth of feeds in the kitchen at home and that is where I left them, along with the peeled banana I was going to eat for breakfast in the car (bet that’s a nice shade of sad brown now). What to do at this point? I was ready for a 4 hour swim and had already completed the first hour, so I didn’t really want to get out, but on the other hand not having any feeds at all, especially no maxim, could cause me muscle damage and fatigue? Decision made, Fiona clearly not going to be happy with me on this, but on I swam. I figured I was here anyway so may as well go for it. So without any more stops at all, no need to stop as nothing to stop for, I swam for a further 4 hours. In total I exceeded my 4 hour plan and did a 5 hour swim, but with no stops at all and no feeds at all. As I would have expected I was not hungry, not fatigued and my muscles felt tired but fine. It is possible of course that later today/tonight I might feel the effects, but at the moment I’m totally fine. Of course it’s not clever, brave, sensible or any these things, but it is still satisfying to know I can do a 5 hour swim with nothing in me at all. Of course I will not plan to do this again, as I never planned it this way in the first place, but sill I did a 5 hour pool swim without stopping and unlike yesterday I never fell asleep once!!

Afterwards I hit the steam room for 30 minutes to warm up, and almost dozed off a couple of times whilst surrounded by 40 degree steam and dreams of lunch. Soon after, all showered and dry, I visited the Esporta cafe and had a very yummy chicken club sandwich & fries and a large cappuccino. Feeling full up, slightly tired but still pleased with my swim I headed to the office (where I am right now) to type up my blog and then make sense of the 137 emails waiting patiently in my inbox – looks like a long night of work now to make up from my morning swim!

Tomorrow it’ll be a gentle sea swim to shake of the aches and then Friday I’ll go back to the Pool for another long swim, this time with breakfast in belly and maxim at the side.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Day 219 - Tuesday 29th March 2011

A very exhausting swim today; not because of distance but because of a very exhausting night! Asher still not well and with us all night and the Twins just visiting whenever the fancy took them. All in all I would hazard a guess that we had about an hours sleep.

I was therefore pleased with myself that I managed to drag myself out of the house by 6.45am and get down to the beach for my morning swim. Bob and I swam to the pier cafe, then back passed the donut on the groin to the other beach and then back to the pier. I was so tired that I swear I fell asleep a couple of times during the swim! How one can fall asleep whilst swimming in 6.5 degrees in a fairly choppy sea I have no idea, but sleep I did!!

The rest of the day is taken up with lots of meetings, the last being 5pm in Surrey. I’ll get back to Brighton around 7pm and will have to head straight to the Gym as I have an hour training with Ross and then an hour in the pool. I’ll be going solo tonight in the pool as Bob is busy and poor Fiona is rather unwell at the moment.

No doubt I shall be exhausted again tomorrow, but I will be back at Falmer 6.30am for a 4 hour pool swim- yipeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz – oops fell asleep again.

On a good note, Sharon and I went to a Ball at Hurst College on Saturday night; a great night it was too. During dinner I was chatting to a really nice chap called Mark who was interested in my channel swimming. Hopefully without boring him too much I told him what and why I was doing it. The next morning when I logged into my website I saw a £500 donation from him on just giving! Unbelievable!! People really can be so special can’t they, what an amazing thing to have done. Mark, if you are reading this, I am so very grateful, your money will truly go towards us Helping Children Smile – thanks mate x

Monday 28 March 2011

Day 218 - Monday 28th March 2011

Another weekend over and April is now only a couple of days away; the year is literally swimming by.

This morning the sea was very calm, although there was a lot of water in the swell at the beach edge, which does sometimes mean the next few days could have large swells coming in. The air temp down to around 7 degrees and the sea slightly up to 6.3; still too cold to go around the pier for me. I swam to the silver ball and back; could have done a bit more, but that was enough; especially with lack of sleep again. The twins are at last on the mend, but Asher is now unwell. He was sick in the night and ended up in our room; joined by the twins at 3am, then again at 5am. Joy!!

Meetings today in London and not back until early evening, so will try to get an hour in the pool or gym at home, but also got the ironing to do; a husbands work is never done!!

Saturday 26 March 2011

Day 217 - Friday 25th March 2011

At last back in the sea!! Wey hey.

7.10am in the sea with my boys and girls from the Arch, fantastic. Little Bob and Mike on usual jovial good form and Big Bob, lovely Bella and I heading out to sea. We went out as far as the Helter Skelter and then back. Temperature in the air about 10 degrees and a beautiful sky, temperature in the sea 6.1 degrees – at last broken the 6 degree barrier! It was still cold at 6 degrees, particularly my head which felt really cold, but that aside it did feel warmer generally and the coldness wore off really quickly afterwards. Going forward maybe 10 days from now but last year (early April basically) was when I started my swimming and the temperatures allowed us to swim around the pier. Therefore hopefully if the sea is kind it’ll allow us to stay in longer, maybe 25 minutes, and that is enough to get around the pier, which would be fantastic again. A couple of the Arch boys (Damien, Shoichi & Paul) and of course Fiona (naturally!) have already swum around the pier, however all have suffered colds and worse and certainly the pain physically and the worry about being caught out there actually leaves me to think that Bob and I are right in waiting for it to hit mid 6 degrees and higher before we attempt it. For me I still feel I am too slow to get caught at the end of the pier feeling hyperthermia and then trying to swim back; for once in my crazy life I feel I am doing the right thing!

After work, 4.30pm, I hit the gym with Ross and did a decent hour on weights, then went for a nice 20 minute hill run in the woods around Falmer. Now back at the office (7.00pm) finishing the weeks work and writing my blog I am all ready for a nice warm weekend ahead.

So top of the morning to you all and see you next week!!

Thursday 24 March 2011

Day 216 - Thursday March 23rd 2011

No sea today for me as it’s Asher’s birthday; he was very excited with his presents; especially his Rapunzel tower – just what every 5 year old boy dreams off, well my boy certainly does. He’s is such a great little boy, just the best in the world.

A good chance today that no exercise will happen as I have a fairly full day of meetings and then need to be home by 4pm for his birthday party. If the kids do go to bed on time and if my energy levels increase, as currently I’m not feeling overly energised, then I will use my pool and gym tonight. If not then not as I won’t beat myself up over it. Tomorrow I’m at the beach AM and then with Ross at the Gym PM so at least I’ll end the week on a higher note. Next week I’ve left space in the diary to include two long pool swims; maybe a 4 hr and a 5 hr back to back.

Looking out the window and seeing very bright skies and an air temperature over 10 degrees already it does make one believe that long sea swims are not a million miles away at last. Desperately need them!!

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Day 215 - Wednesday March 23rd 2011

Kids – Asher fine, Jesse about 80% better and Mia now on a plethora of pills and a nebulizer, but basically very much on the mend. Hopefully in a few days all with be healthy again in the Starr household.

Training – This morning I had to help with the kids and then take Asher to school, so no sea for me – great shame as the sky was a royal blue and the temperature in the air is up to a massive 14 degrees +. My foot is still bad so I am hobbling so would be crazy to do a gym session again today.  However, when the kids are all in bed asleep (hopefully at a decent hour) I will use my endless pool for an hour. The way the pool works, with a very strong tide against you, it means that an hour is physically very much like 3 hours in the pool. From a mental perspective it is of course easier than a long pool swim, but still it is a major challenge as you are just staring at the end of the pool and it never gets any closer – just like that lottery win!

Tomorrow I was going to head to the beach ( I am now desperate for my sea in my life), but it’s my son, [Asher’s] 5th birthday, so I can’t just run off. Assuming time allows I will do my meetings tomorrow and then head to Falmer for a 2 or 3 hour swim; and then Friday, no matter what happens (assuming the kids are OK) I will be down the beach at 7am and literally drinking it in!!

Day 214 - Tuesday March 22nd 2011

Got back to the UK at 2pm, at Falmer by 3pm for training. Unfortunately the run yesterday up the Rock has brought on a bout of rheumatism in my left leg/foot. So there I was limping into the gym feeling annoyed that a run, however hard, could cause so much pain, but that's the illness and I knew deep down when I started the run that this was the likely result. Anyhow it is what it is! Ross therefore worked on upper body only, so after an hour of weights and pulleys I now have biceps like tree trunks!! (or at least saplings)! After the gym I had a short swim in the outside pool, just 30 mins, but at full pelt.

After that I came home to find Mia and Jesse have been very unwell; Jesse sick and fever and Mia badly breathing and having passed out; which at just 2 years old is scary. Right now (9.30pm) I'm at home with Asher and Jesse (both asleep, although Jesse very restless) and Sharon is at A&E with Mia as she's got worse again. When your kids are ill it really tears you apart.

Dependent on how the night goes and how the twins are, will dictate if I hobble to the beach for a morning swim or not. I get the feeling "not" and that, also, this week may end up not as exercise planned as I had hoped. At least I've done a very hard run and gym and a speed swim already, so not all bad on that front.

Right now the twins of course are the main focus.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Day 213 - Monday 21st March 2011

Todays blog is actually about yesterday and hopefully about this afternoon!

Yesterday, Sunday, was a day of fitness for the Starr's. I'll tell you about mine first as it's quicker and far less impressive than Sharon's (my wife for those not in the know!). As I knew I wouldn't be swimming today I did a decent training yesterday - all at home which was cool. Run on treadmill for 45 minutes level 10 incline 6.5. Then cross-trainer level 9 for 20 minutes. Then Vasa swim machine 12 minutes 676 metres. Then 1hr in endless pool; 35 degrees so slowly boiled! That was a decent all round training session.

Sharon, however, topped that! She did her first ever Triathlon!! Swim, Bike, Run. Flipping incredible! My wife is now a Triathlete - puts me to shame.

Now today - flew to Gibraltar for meetings from midday until around 5pm. I'm staying at the Rock Hotel, which is at the base of the "rock"; just begging me to run up it! I did it a couple of years ago, it's a tough run, but great. Hopefully the last meeting will finish on time and I'll go for it. I've got to be back at the airport at 9.30am tomorrow, so if I'm up in time I'll grab a swim or a run as well.

6pm report - finished meetings at 4pm, all were very positive. Hotel pool shut and weather cloudy; bummer! However, I did run from the bottom of the Rock all the way to the very top, getting some well done's along the way from tourists, and some curious looks from monkeys, then ran all the way back down; total time 47mins & 15 seconds - very pleased with that. Now sipping coffee along main street and deciding on which restuarant will have the pleasure of feeding me; eating all alone like Billy no mates!

Friday 18 March 2011

Day 212 - Friday 18th March 2011

After yesterdays mammoth Steam Room session I eventually cooled down, probably 2 stone lighter!! I was planning on going back to the Pool again this morning, but Bob and I got our messages all mixed up and he thought we were at the beach then the pool, I thought we were at the pool then the beach and poor Shoichi (who was going to join us) had no idea at all where on earth we were meant to be!!

So eventually after much texting and nonsense we ended up at 6.50am at the Arch with a simple sea swim; which to be honest was much better as I have done 3 pool swims this week already. The air was damp as it was lightly spitting, but the air temp was up to around 8 degrees; the sea of course was still a charming 5.4 degrees. Having dashed about this morning I managed to leave my trusted and now valuable swimming socks at home, so once again I was bare foot (which Bob is every day of course as he is tougher that me!!). As it turned out being bare footed was nice as you do feel so much free-er even though colder. The sea itself was very calm on the surface, not a ripple in sight, but there was still a tide pull to the West, although not as fierce as earlier in the week. After my cramp yesterday I didn’t fancy a big swim out, so instead we went just out as far as the cafe building along the pier, then through it and back around and then onto the donut at the groin and then back again. I am clearly getting stronger now as I found the swimming fairly easy which meant I was able to work harder and keep the speed up the whole time, which meant that instead of being the one at the back, we were actually in a direct line to each other – synchronised swimming but without the costumes!

The rest of today is taken up with meetings (nothing new there) and then tonight straight home. Tomorrow I’ll grab some gym time at home and then Sunday I have a midday 1 ½ hour with Ross at Falmer.

Next week will be slightly different as I am in Gibraltar on work Monday & Tuesday therefore no sea swims; although if at all possible I’ll try to get to the beach in Spain, just not sure if the diary will allow. Either way it does mean that I’ll be having to cram the whole week into the last few days.

Emotionally it’s been a hard week with swimming as I really haven’t at any time felt like I wanted to swim either in the pool or the sea, but I guess that’s simply how it is, one week your hot to trot and another week your simply not. The secret is to make sure that however you feel you still do it and that you always do your best. Your best of course can change from moment to moment depending on how you are at that time, but your best is what you have to give.

Day 211 - Thursday 17th March 2011

Two pools swims today; unexpected.

Did a 2 hr this morning at Esporta, Falmer before heading off to London meeting for 10am. Nothing to report on the swim apart from to say; it was what it was, a cold drizzly morning and therefore warmer in the outside pool than the outside itself.

After London I was back to Falmer for 3.30pm for a gym session, however, Ross had forgotten and gone home. So instead of the gym I went back to the pool. It wasn’t raining now and therefore, slightly warmer in the air, so certainly nicer. The plan was a 90 minute speed session. I started with 30 lengths slow warmup, followed by 20 x 50 meter sprints with 15 second rests, then followed by 3 x butterfly, back, breast, crawl combination, followed by 10 lengths 50 metre sprints with 10 second rests - it was at this point that the pain set in! I got serious cramp in my front left shin area! It came on suddenly and was agony. Nothing I could do would stop it. Impossible to carry on, so I limped inside and into the steam room.

10 minutes later the cramp stopped and I was ready to desteam as it was getting hot in there. As I was about to leave someone I knew came in and started talking to me. I felt it was rude to just leave, until 15 minutes later when I basically was so hot I thought I would collapse that I had to make excuses and leave. Lesson there is “steam room is not a place to catch up with long lost friends”!! Leave that to the bar!!

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Day 210 - Wednesday 16th March 2011

This morning I was back at the pool at 6.30am for a 3 hour swim; not an easy thing to do considering I was swimming until 10pm last night. However, did it “I did”.

I basically swam in intervals of 15 minutes slow, 15 minutes fast and so on and so forth for the whole time. It was interesting as at different times I was performing differently, but this was not based on any physical energy it was very much based on mind set. It just goes to prove once again that endurance training in any sport is 90% mind and 10% body.

I might use the gym tonight at home as I feel I should do something else, but let’s see which of either the gym towel or the cold beer bottle grab my attention.

Day 209 - Tuesday 15th March 2011

Started this morning with a sea swim with Bob. Once again cold, 5.5degrees, however, not as cold as it has been. The tide was pulling VERY strongly to the West, which means away from the pier. We therefore still did our same swim as we have been doing, but as you can imagine swimming to the pier against a strong tide is a pretty physical thing to do. We swam diagonally to the silver ball in the middle of the pier and then under the pier to the other side; this was definitely a battle of man against tide. However, once I got through the pier and took a sharp right hand turn to come back through it a little further down it was like being shot from a gun. The tide literally picked us up and wooshed us through. Probably was a 12 minute swim out through the pier and then a 5 minute swim all the way back to the beach. Gotta say I really really enjoyed it!

After work it was back home to domesticity duties as usual and then just as exhaustion was setting in I was back up at Falmer for my 8.30pm start. Only Bob and I tonight, but boy he pushed me hard. In the hour I think we did about 1½ miles; but at very quick pace. He is most definitely a hard task master; but it was needed and dare I say almost enjoyable! What is happening to me; am I actually starting to enjoy the pain!!

Tomorrow it’s a pool swim unfortunately as whilst I would love to be in the sea, Fiona my boss lady insists it pool pool pool.

Monday 14 March 2011

Day 208 - Monday 14th March 2011

After a lovely weekend it was nice to be back to the sea for my Monday morning wake up.

It was a fairly quick (in terms of time, not speed!) swim this morning as Bob needed to dash off quickly and also I had a lot to get done at the office this morning. So we were in the sea by about 7.10am and out after about 15 minutes. The temperature was around 5.6 degrees and the sea very calm. Simon swam with us this morning (he is so blooming fast that he makes Bob look likes he’s not moving; forget me on that front!). We did our usual around the silver ball and back. For some reason it felt warmer that usual when I got in, but felt colder than usual when I got out; no reason why, it just did. In fact, 2 hours later I still have pins & needles in my fingers and I’m still a little shivery.

This week I’ve got a busy diary at work and also a few training sessions booked in (pool and gym), so no doubt by the weekend I’ll be tired again, but that’s days off yet so I’ve no need to worry about it now. The weekend just gone was great as we got some much needed sleep Friday night when the kids stayed out; we even managed to use the pool and steam room for the first time; fantastic. Also on Sunday we visited Chobham Rugby ground, they are supporting our Swim4Smiles Campaign. I did a little talk to thank them and then they introduced a fund raiser that they are having in April for us. Sharon and the kids came along and they presented the kids with Rugby shirts; the boys put theirs in their bags, but Mia put her straight on and kept it on until she went to bed that night; gorgeous! They also gave us some fund raising tins that they’ve had in the club house the last few months; therefore was almost £400 in them!! Astonishing! What great people they are to offer us such support.

Every day it seems more people surprise me with their generosity of thought and generosity of pocket. Despite all the bad and sad news in the world, such as the despicable action in Libya at the moment and the tragic conditions in Japan, there still remains an amazingness about the world that never fails to ignite both the passion and compassion in people.

Friday 11 March 2011

Day 207 - Friday 11th March 2011

To finish off from yesterdays blog; I never went for that afternoon swim. By the time I got back from London it was already 4.30pm and I was still shattered and my throat even worse from all the presenting in the day.

This morning when I surfaced at 6.00am (despite the kids doing their ususal) I felt refreshed and looking forward to the day ahead. It seems that just the one day off from no exercise was a good idea. Due to early meetings I couldn’t do the pool today, but I was down the beach at 7am and ready to swim. The sea was 90% calm, with waves (some largish) only near the shore. The temperature was up by around 1 degrees to 5.7, which whilst still extremely cold was much welcoming. Bob and I were joined by Damien for a swim and we left the others at the edge (numbering about 6 this morning which was a better turnout) and headed to the silver ball. At the ball we went under the pier, around the other side, back to our side and back to shore. Pretty much we all stayed together the whole way; in fact I was in front a lot of the way, with Bob only passing me coming back in. It was a nice change for me to be as quick as everyone else; the Tuesday nights are clearly starting to pay off now. Coming out of the sea and walking up the beach we bumped into Fiona who was just coming down for a swim; it’s always a treat to see her in the morning at the Arch.

All in all a strong and enjoyable swim to start the day; boy oh boy do I love the sea compared to the pool.

This morning I’m presenting Clickcover (my Affinity Insurance business) to two schools and then this afternoon I’m in a meeting from midday until around 5ish. After that though I shall be heading home to an empty house (kids all staying at my in-laws tonight. Can’t even explain how good that feels) and I shall have a swim in my endless pool which is now fixed and working. It’ll be great to swim in my pool as a “swimmer” as I’ve never yet done that. I’m not sure from a training perspective how good it will be for me, but I do know a number of swimming teachers who advocate them as well as a top channel swimmer (a record holder) who trained throughout on her one.

Next week I’ll make sure I also do a 6 or 7 hour pool swim again as I still need to rack a few of those up.

Weekend wishes to all.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Day 206 - Thursday 10th March 2011

Today “may” be a non exercise day; not yet sure!

Yesterday I managed to grab an hour in the gym including using my VASA machine and some tough core work, also and I pushed myself hard with a long run (about 10k) at good speed, ending up with a hill run up King George, again at speed. This morning however, I really struggled to get up and get to it. I was planning a 2 hr pool swim before work, but I had a late night followed by the usual sleepless events with the kids and eventually when I managed to drag myself out of bed (or should I say was pushed out of bed by Asher, Jesse and Mia) I found that not only was I feeling fairly exhausted but also my throat was really tight when I swallowed. So instead of “dashing” to the pool or the beach I leisurely had a hot shower, got dressed and slowly drove to the office, where I am currently sitting with a cappuccino and struggling to swallow it without grimacing.

After a 9am meeting here I will be heading to London for a meeting and probably heading back to Brighton around 3pm ish. If during the day my energy returns and my throat relaxes I may well head straight to Falmer for a 1 or 2 hour swim to end the day, but then again if I am still very tired I may just head back to the office and do some gentle paperwork!!

Tomorrow’s blog will reveal all; now is that something to look forward to reading about or what!!!!

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Day 205 - Wednesday 9th March 2011

Last night ...........

After my full day of swimming, work and gym I ended up back at Falmer with Bob and Fiona for our power swim (8.30pm – 9.40pm). Boy that was a hard one! We used a set that Bob and Fiona say they have used in Masters training; sounds like some sort of Jedi movement to me. Anyhow it was particulary tough, especially having already done so much earlier in the day. It consisted of various things, however, the real hard ones was something they called IMI (or something like that). It was one length butterfly, one length backstroke, one length breaststroke and one length crawl – repeated 4 times in a row. Then it was 200 meters freestyle and then repeat the whole thing, butterfly, back, breast, crawl x 4 and then 200 freestyle. We also did 4 x 50 metre just kicking with a float, plus a whole load of other speed stuff. I was pleased that I did it all especially the butterfly (or the moth as I do it), even if they were a lot faster than me. We used the indoor pool for the entire session as it was completely empty so we had a lane each, plus the temperature was slightly lower that the usual boiling and of course it’ a full 25 metres as against the shorter outside pool. This morning though I felt it as my chest was a bit tight and my nose blocked.

After the session, when we were comfortably in the bar area having a drink we saw ourselves on TV! It was right after the ITV news. The Weather came on, sponsored by the Co-Op, and there we were, the three of us doing butterfly into the shore and then walking up the beach. It was only about 5 seconds long, but it was clearly us! National TV; get us!!

This morning, following the usual broken night’s sleep, I headed to the beach for what was going to be a very quick swim to unwind the muscles. The weather this morning was not at its best even though the forecast was suggesting other (although now of course an hour later it has perked up somewhat). It was windy and spitting and grey. However, it did give the sea a very moody and sensuous look. It was still low tide which meant we were only ever up to our shoulders and the sea was basically smothered with waves. In warmer times we would have stayed and played for probably a good hour, however, it was still cold (the waves meant it was warmer, 5.6 degrees) so we only stayed in for about 12-15 minutes. Great fun though; Bob and I even did some butterfly through the waves – at this rate I might even be able to do a proper butterfly stroke rather than my moth version!! Usual small crowd, Mike, Little & Big Bob, Bella, Martina, Charlotte, Doctor Sean and Moi. Afterwards Big Bob, Mike, Sean, the lovely Bella and I all headed for the Red Roaster for an enjoyable coffee; once again the social side of BSC being a joy in the morning.

That is now most definitely it with regards exercise today; after yesterday and this morning I now must rest my muscles for fear of tearing them. Tomorrow I’ll do a sea swim and an hour at the gym at home and then Friday I’ll grab a 3 hr pool swim.

Now, 9.37am and another coffee in hand, it is head down and lots of work to catch up with.


Tuesday 8 March 2011

Day 204 - Tuesday 8th March 2011

This morning I started the day in the pool rather than the sea as I need to rack up the hours still and until the sea turns up the heat it is down to the pool. I did a 7am – 10am in the outdoor pool at Falmer; 21 degrees in the water (nice!) and 1 degree in the air (bracing). Walking around the pool I slipped twice it was so icy on the ground! With a true blue sky and no clouds it was actually a pleasure to be there; although having dashed from the house at speed I forgot to eat anything first; silly when doing a big swim! I did take my bottles of water with maxim and also a flask of hot tea (first time trying that), but not having any food inside me did make it less comfortable that I would have liked; even a piece of toast would have helped.

I swam Ok for the first hour, but after that I was thinking a lot about a nice hot bacon sandwich on brown bread with mustard, which is exactly what I brought myself when driving back to the office at 10.30am!

Having now spent the rest of the day (2.30pm now) beavering away at work (trying to prioritise my work into urgent and not urgent, but failing miserably as it seems it’s all urgent) I am now dashing off to a meeting for 3pm, then at the gym at 4pm for an hour with my trainer, then home to get the kids into bed for 7pm then back to Falmer for an 8.30pm hour in the pool with Fiona and Bob on speed trials.

Then back home for 11pm and ready for the first of the dozen or so visits in the night from the twins.

I think two days lying by the pool with a book in the sun would do me the world of good! Somehow can’t see it happening though!

Monday 7 March 2011

Day 203 - Monday 7th March 2011

I know I know I know, bored about hearing about the kids sleeping habits. All I’ll say is that by 4.20am this morning I was sitting on the side of the bed wondering if I would get more rest by going to the beach now and having a lie down! Enough said on that!

This morning the ice on the windscreen was thick enough for me to add a drop of Jack Daniels and enjoy a night out. The air temperature was therefore once again zero and the wind, although very little of it, was unwelcoming. The sky however was so blue and without cloud that one would be forgiven to think it was painted on; a truly beautiful start to the day and apparently indicative of the rest of the week – so that’s nice. All we now have to do is get the sea to agree to warm up a little and bobs your uncle!

The tide was low, which meant a nice painful walk out before it was deep enough to swim and the sea temperature was a standard 4.5 degrees as confirmed by my trusted Casio S1074DY1; or “watch” as it’s commonly known. Usual small crowd this morning and as per last week, I swam up, along & through the pier and bank to the each. It was so cold that my toes didn’t come back to life until just now; some two hours later – I won’t tell you about other parts of my body that still remain numb! The fact that someone has broken the main shower at the arch, leaving one dodgy shower between us all meant that a hot shower was not possible for longer than a few seconds – so thanks to whoever that was!!

After work today I plan a gym session at home, then tomorrow I have a 3 hr morning pool, followed by a 3pm gym session followed by an 8.30pm 90 minute pool session with Fiona & Bob. How the weeks just fly by!!

Friday 4 March 2011

Day 202 - Friday 4th March 2011

I shall not bore you today with the events of last night as I am sure you must be as bored hearing about my children not sleeping as I am dealing with it. All I will say is that despite best efforts from Sharon and I, I still ended up sleeping all alone in a childs bed again last night whilst my brood were comfortably warm in my bed – something is very wrong here!!

This mornings swim was seriously cold. The ice on the car windscreen was twice as thick as yesterday and the wind-chill was arctic! Walking down the beach was so cold that the only respite was actually getting into the water to warm up; and that was not exactly warm considering it has dropped once again, down to 4.1 degrees!! Seriously this weather needs to warm up soon. Big Bob, Bella and I did the swim as per yesterday; to the cafe, through to the other side and back again. For some reason I came over light headed as I was coming back around the cafe to our beach and the swim back to the shore was quite uncomfortable as my head was cloudy; it’s really not nice to be feeling “odd” so far out in a cold sea. By the time I got back to the beach, which was much quicker than it felt actually, I was quite relieved. Walking up the beach I found myself slightly wobbly and my right ear hurting.

A warm shower and a coffee at the Red Roaster put me back to normality. Chatting to Bob over coffee he said he also felt a bit unstable today; must be something in the air I guess!!

Anyhow, very happy to be dressed and at the office now! Gym this afternoon still on, but not yet sure if I will do a long pool swim as I have a busy meeting day and still not feeling exactly 100%. Lack of sleep, busy week at work, fairly heavy training and extreme cold is not a great mixture!

Thursday 3 March 2011

Day 201 - Thursday 3rd March 2011

This is how my day started before the swim; and this explains why getting in a freezing sea is actually easier than being a Daddy!!

I got home from London after a loooonnng day at about 8.30pm, by which time the Twins were asleep, but was Asher waiting for me to say good night, bless his heart. Within an hour Mia was up and coughing and crying. We settled her by 10pm ish, but had no doubt the night would not end there. True to form all 3 paid visits!! Asher came in about midnight and put mattress next to our bed and went straight to sleep, snoring like a gruffalo, but oblivious to the madness about to follow. Mia turned up at 12.30, went back to bed 12.40, Jesse turned up 12.41, went back to bed 12.45, Mia turned up 12.46 and so on between then until about 2.30am, when Mia, poor love, sat in the middle of our bed coughing until she was sick; right in the middle of our bed! At this point Jesse came back in and started crying because his sister was sick and Mia started crying because Jesse was crying; all the time Asher slept on through snoring his little head off.

The morning, however, cold and early, was a welcome release for me.

I was at the Arch by 7am, having had to spend 5 minutes at home scrapping thick ice off my windscreen. The air temperature was 0 degrees, but at least the wind wasn’t too bad; although even a little wind at that temperature is rather uncomfortable when you’re standing on the beach just in your trunks! Again only very few of us down there, Big & Little Bob, Mike, Bella, Charlotte and Doctor Mark. Bob and I swam to the cafe along the pier and then having spotted the sun rising we swam towards it through the pier to the other side; like flies to a lightbulb! If the sea had not been a staggering 4.9 degrees I swear we would have kept swimming until we were right under it! As it was we turned around and headed back under the pier to our own beach and tyo dry land as quickly as out very frozen feet and hands would let us. The 0 degrees air temperature really does bring the coldness of the sea right into you. After the swim we headed for the Red Roaster Cafe for a welcome Cappuccino, before heading off to work for yet another day of big business!! It took about 2 hours before I felt my toes returning to life, up to then I bet I was walking like a penguin; no one said so, but I was getting some odd looks!!

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Day 200 - Wednesday 2nd March 2011

Was up and about so early today that it would have meant a solo sea swim this morning, which I just didn't fancy; some days you do and some days you don't! It's still so cold out in the ocean that I felt nervous about being out on my own. Unusual for me; but if in any sort of doubt with the sea then stay out!

Instead I went to Esporta gym and did a very simple 1 hr in the outside pool. Not much more to report than that as it was uneventful. My arms and legs already were aching before I started due to yesterdays trainings, so this morning was a somewhat gentle outing.

Tonight I'll try to do an hour in the gym at home, but I'll wait to see how I feel as I'm in London now and my last meeting doesn't start until 5.30pm, so I might be late back.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Day 199 – 1st March 2011

A swim this morning much like yesterday, with the exception that there was no rain. Arch once again quiet, just a handful of us. Big Bob and I did the same swim; pier cafe, donut, past groin and back again. Total time 12 minutes, temperature in sea dropped to just 4.7 degrees and air temperature dropped to 3 degrees. The key word here being “dropped”! I am no longer able to even remember what swimming in a warm sea feels like.

Two more physicality’s today; 1pm at the gym with Ross and then 8.30pm back at the Pool with Bob & Fiona for our power swim. In between I have a few meetings at work to keep me occupied as usual!