Thursday 15 September 2011

Day 337 - Thursday 15th September 2011

Todays sea was the reason one swims in the morning; just beautiful.

After a 17 hour work day yesterday I was in bed by 11.30pm, then fully awake at 2.00am due to the usual visit by the twins.  We took them both straight back, but 10 minutes later they were with us again.  At this point Sharon vanished to another room and I was left with the coughing of Jesse and the twisting and turning of Mia until about 5.30am when they both went to sleep.  That left me half an hour of lying there waiting for the 6am alarm clock telling me to stop being lazy and get down that beach.  Despite that long day, no food for 24 hrs and no sleep I dragged myself up and got to the arch.  And boy am I glad I did.

Shoichi and Paul were already showering from an early swim and Paul commented that it was so glorious out there that this is exactly why we do it.  Fifteen minutes later when I was lying on my back just drifting at the end of the pier I was in total agreement with him.  The sea was a mid tide, which meant a short buy enjoyable walk out just past the pier sign, then a gentle swim in a still and flat sea around the pier and coming head on into the rising sun over the marina.  Just perfect.  I lied on my back, arms and legs spread out, for about 10 minutes, just letting the sea take me along to wherever it wanted.  Then head down and another gentle swim back; just in time to see Big Bob and Damien emerge from their swim.  Despite my tiredness I felt alive and awake in ways you could only understand if you were to experience it for yourself.

As for the rest of the day; just rest of course!  Hardly!!  To the office to clear work, then to the gym for an our with Ross at lunchtime, then back to the office and then into the pool at home for 45 minute speed sessions and then rest; assuming the kids allow me to.

Tomorrow I’m in Cardiff on meetings, but I don’t need to leave Brighton until 7.30am, so if I get up early enough I’ll try to grab a sea swim before I go; it would be a great way to start a long day ahead, especially if tomorrows sea is like todays.

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