Friday 9 September 2011

Day 334 - Friday 9th September 2011

Yet another wintery start to the day; gloomy, misty, rainy and windy; charming! 

This morning the sea was not quite angry as it has been, although there were still some temper tantrums going on.  A few down the arch; it seems as winter comes closer more of the faces appear.  A curious thing as you’d think the opposite would be true; I guess eccentrics such as sea swimmers don’t follow expectations in the usual way!  Shoichi, Big Bob and I decided it was time to head around the pier again as we haven’t been able to all week and the conditions, whilst still choppy, were not excessive.  Saying that, I bailed out half way!!

We got to the silver ball, which is roughly half way up the pier, and for some reason my breathing was really off.  It seemed that every few breaths I would turn the wrong way and end up swallowing a mouth full of water.  Most unpleasant, especially in such a mucky looking water.  Mixed in with my breakfast of seawater was copious amount of seaweed that seemed to be grabbing at me from every angle.  It actually felt like tentacles wrapping around and pulling you back.  All in all between the drinking and the seaweed and my general lack of energy from little sleep last night I took the decision to let the two warriors carry on without me and I wished them a  fond farewell and headed back to shore.  Sometime you need to follow your instincts; if it’s time to go back then you go back, there are no awards for not coming back.  Swimming back through the waves and trying to stop the tide taking me too close to the pier, it was quite an exhausting swim in all seriousness.  I got back to the beach safely enough, however as I was walking out, a wave (not even a big one) chopped behind my knees and knock me square onto my back and pulled me back in.  It really does show you the power of the waves, even the smallest ones can be mentally strong underneath. 

After I was showered and dressed Shoichi and Bob came stumbling back into the arch; their little jaunt around the pier took a bit longer than expected!  Slightly battered and covered in little bits of seaweed I think that they were happy to be back in the safety and comfort of the arch.  Apparently the same wave that took me out came back and had a go at Bob and landed him on his bum as well.  But at least they made it around; two warriors of the sea.

Now at work ready for the day ahead, just one 9am meeting and then office based to deal with a million emails and phone calls.  A 2 hr break from work in-between however; 12 o’clock game of squash with Jon (not fancying my chances at all there), followed by an hour in the gym with Ross.  At the moment, with tiredness and also sea battering I cannot imagine a 2hr training session midday going overly well, but perhaps some a large espresso might change my mind!

Happy Birthday to my Mum, 65 today and still looking 50 - amazing lady.

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