Wednesday 7 September 2011

Day 332 - Wednesday 7th September 2011

Despite the continued wind (in the air that is) we managed to get into the sea today.  Our own beach was still far too dangerous to try, so it was straight to the girly beach the other side of the pier.  The rain had stopped by this morning and the wind was probably about a third less than yesterday, but still even on the girly beach it was massive swells.  Shoichi, Alex, Big Bob and I swam out to around the first buoy before heading back, whilst David, Mike, Charlotte and Martina sensibly stayed closer to shore.  Getting in was not a problem, it took some timing of course, but you could spot the short lulls and just dive in and give it some welly to get past the waves at the shore.  Whilst out there is was totally safe, just lots of seaweed (carpets of the stuff), some yucky brown bubbles and some high mountainous swells that lifted you way into the air before dropping you straight back down – even the pier with all its exciting roller coasters  has nothing like the ride provided by the sea.  Getting back was also relatively easy, all you had to do was hold your nerve, watch the waves behind you, feel the movement of the sea and choose your moment.  When I got to standing depth I could feel the waves pulling me back in, which instantly tells you a big one is about to hi.  All you have to do at that stage is either run for your life (but that only works if you are well within the beach) or else do what I did today and that is turn back to face it and dive straight back into it and swim out the other side and start your return once again.  Apart from a few small bruises from the stones being thrown at you when walking in it was a safe and energy filling swim. 
Despite the waves and movement the temperature was down again, this time just under 14 degrees; 13.9 degrees to be exact.  I think all the rain over the last day and night really helped cool it down.  Hopefully it will return to the scolding 14 degrees some time soon!

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