Wednesday 23 March 2011

Day 215 - Wednesday March 23rd 2011

Kids – Asher fine, Jesse about 80% better and Mia now on a plethora of pills and a nebulizer, but basically very much on the mend. Hopefully in a few days all with be healthy again in the Starr household.

Training – This morning I had to help with the kids and then take Asher to school, so no sea for me – great shame as the sky was a royal blue and the temperature in the air is up to a massive 14 degrees +. My foot is still bad so I am hobbling so would be crazy to do a gym session again today.  However, when the kids are all in bed asleep (hopefully at a decent hour) I will use my endless pool for an hour. The way the pool works, with a very strong tide against you, it means that an hour is physically very much like 3 hours in the pool. From a mental perspective it is of course easier than a long pool swim, but still it is a major challenge as you are just staring at the end of the pool and it never gets any closer – just like that lottery win!

Tomorrow I was going to head to the beach ( I am now desperate for my sea in my life), but it’s my son, [Asher’s] 5th birthday, so I can’t just run off. Assuming time allows I will do my meetings tomorrow and then head to Falmer for a 2 or 3 hour swim; and then Friday, no matter what happens (assuming the kids are OK) I will be down the beach at 7am and literally drinking it in!!

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