Wednesday 9 March 2011

Day 205 - Wednesday 9th March 2011

Last night ...........

After my full day of swimming, work and gym I ended up back at Falmer with Bob and Fiona for our power swim (8.30pm – 9.40pm). Boy that was a hard one! We used a set that Bob and Fiona say they have used in Masters training; sounds like some sort of Jedi movement to me. Anyhow it was particulary tough, especially having already done so much earlier in the day. It consisted of various things, however, the real hard ones was something they called IMI (or something like that). It was one length butterfly, one length backstroke, one length breaststroke and one length crawl – repeated 4 times in a row. Then it was 200 meters freestyle and then repeat the whole thing, butterfly, back, breast, crawl x 4 and then 200 freestyle. We also did 4 x 50 metre just kicking with a float, plus a whole load of other speed stuff. I was pleased that I did it all especially the butterfly (or the moth as I do it), even if they were a lot faster than me. We used the indoor pool for the entire session as it was completely empty so we had a lane each, plus the temperature was slightly lower that the usual boiling and of course it’ a full 25 metres as against the shorter outside pool. This morning though I felt it as my chest was a bit tight and my nose blocked.

After the session, when we were comfortably in the bar area having a drink we saw ourselves on TV! It was right after the ITV news. The Weather came on, sponsored by the Co-Op, and there we were, the three of us doing butterfly into the shore and then walking up the beach. It was only about 5 seconds long, but it was clearly us! National TV; get us!!

This morning, following the usual broken night’s sleep, I headed to the beach for what was going to be a very quick swim to unwind the muscles. The weather this morning was not at its best even though the forecast was suggesting other (although now of course an hour later it has perked up somewhat). It was windy and spitting and grey. However, it did give the sea a very moody and sensuous look. It was still low tide which meant we were only ever up to our shoulders and the sea was basically smothered with waves. In warmer times we would have stayed and played for probably a good hour, however, it was still cold (the waves meant it was warmer, 5.6 degrees) so we only stayed in for about 12-15 minutes. Great fun though; Bob and I even did some butterfly through the waves – at this rate I might even be able to do a proper butterfly stroke rather than my moth version!! Usual small crowd, Mike, Little & Big Bob, Bella, Martina, Charlotte, Doctor Sean and Moi. Afterwards Big Bob, Mike, Sean, the lovely Bella and I all headed for the Red Roaster for an enjoyable coffee; once again the social side of BSC being a joy in the morning.

That is now most definitely it with regards exercise today; after yesterday and this morning I now must rest my muscles for fear of tearing them. Tomorrow I’ll do a sea swim and an hour at the gym at home and then Friday I’ll grab a 3 hr pool swim.

Now, 9.37am and another coffee in hand, it is head down and lots of work to catch up with.


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