Friday 13 January 2012

Swimming day 405 - Friday 13th January 2012

And the ice man commeth.  This morning the air temperature (as predicted by the weather gods) had dropped from yesterdays high of 10 degrees to a much chillier 2.5 degrees.  The sea, not to be left out, dropped from yesterdays 6.7 degrees to 5.8 degrees.  All in all a chilly start to the day for those daft enough to jump in the sea before work having already scrapped the ice from their windscreen.
Just seven of us to start with; LB, Lindy, Mike, Bella, Paul, Big Bob and I.  The sea, being so cold, shrunk away from the shore, leaving us once again with a hike to get to deeper waters.  Bob and I walked out to the silver ball until we were out of our depths and then swam to the groin and then to the pier and then back to the middle; before emerging 17 minutes later somewhat chilled.  It was great though to be actually do a proper swim; very good for me to have Big Bob back again and pushing me on.  A “17 minute” swim in those conditions is easily comparable to over an hour in the pool and much more challenging in every respect.  After the swim we headed to the Roaster for a gorgeous cappuccino and a bit of a social; I have to say it took me a while to warm up afterwards as my hands really suffered the cold today; feeling very painful for a while and then going white (normally only the older folk suffer the white hands – sorry both Bobs for calling your older folk, but to a youngster like me……..).
Line of the day today was from the lovely Lindy.  On arriving at the arch I remarked that she was sea swimming more this week that usual. She replied saying that she hasn’t been feeling 100% and as such wanted to avoid long pool swims and decided it’s better to sea swim instead; that is 3 degrees air, 5.8 degrees sea and dark skies as against a 25 degree inside swimming pool.  Now for those of us in the morning it makes perfect sense to hear that; however for those “normal” people in the world that must sound rather bonkers.  For me it made perfect sense.  Does that make me bonkers then??
Happy Friday 13 x

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