Friday 18 November 2011

Swimming day 372 - Friday 18th November 2011

A rough night at home and a rough sea; I genuinely could not say which was the rougher.
A cacophony of coughing from around 11pm until early morning; all three little Starr’s (bless them) coughing all night; Asher and Jesse staying in their own beds until about 5am, but Mia the little minx in our bed from 11pm and despite us taking her back a half dozen times she never gave up and by 2am she was firmly in our bed, coughing loudly right into my ear and spending the next 2 hours pulling the duvet off me and around her until I got so fed up I had to leave the bed and sleep on the floor.  A cold, uncomfortable and sleepless night.
The sea was about as unwelcoming as my bedroom was!  Big Bob, Damien and Me headed in our own beach whilst Little Bob and his crew headed in the other side.  We made it as far out as the silver ball, but the waves were fighting us all the way and turning us over, swishing us around and throwing us into the air like we were badminton shuttles.  On getting to the silver ball (about half way along the pier) we decided to head straight back to shore.  The ride back (and it was a ride) took a fraction of the time, but it was physically challenging to just stay on top of the water rather than being pulled under and as we got closer to the beach it was a case of holding tight and hoping the waves didn’t pummel you too much.  Certainly one wave took us all under and over just to make a point as to who was the boss!  Safely back on shore my head felt a little shaken about, but job was done and the day ahead now beckons; surely the day can only get easier now!!

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