Friday 11 November 2011

Swimming Day 368 – 11/ 11 / 11/11

Writing this at 11am on 11th November 2011; clearly this date does not signify the end of the world; which is a very good thing as I’ve just booked a holiday for February next year.

A quick swim for me this morning as I needed to be at the office for 7.45am; I could have gone earlier to the beach and swum with Damien, Paul & Shoichi at 6.30am, but tiredness got the better of me and I was not there until my usual 7am.  I joined Big Bob and Yvo for a swim towards West Street, but left them two thirds of the way and headed back so I could get to work on time.  Temperature in the sea the same 11.1 degrees, but the conditions were odd.  The sky was kind of murky and foggy and mauve in colour. The sea looked flat and calm from the top road, and to a great degree it was, but at the same time there was movement in the tide and every 30 seconds or so there would be a few waves from nowhere.  I couldn’t really get to grips with what it was doing!  Certainly bit by bit it was picking up and I would guess that by this afternoon it will be very choppy out there.   Just a bit odd; I was happy to be back in the arch at 7.30am having a shower and getting dressed and catching up with Little Bob after his recent holiday; nice to have Little Bob and Lindy back; they are simply nice folk to see in the morning before the day starts.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you too, young man - you will soon get to micro swimming!
