Monday 1 August 2011

Days 305 & 306 - Monday 1st August 2011

Saturday - Day 305

Quick swim Saturday morning. Had to collect the kids from my in-laws at 9.30am and was driving past the beach and had no choice but to stop and have a quick dip! It literally sucked me in from my car, forcing me to go in – is this called obsession yet? Luckily I had my swimming bag in my car (in case of emergencies of course!), although I didn’t have my arch key; luckily Little Bob and Lindy were there and let me in and waited until I came out. I only had a few minutes, so it was just once around the buoys and back in; 11 minutes in all, but needed.

Monday 1st August – where oh where is the year going! We are now a year away from my relay swim – I remember saying that last year about my solo swim; time really is a weird concept! This morning I was in the sea by 7am, on my own although I did see others heading down to the arch ready to come in. Sky very blue and no wind; not sure about water temp as I left my good watch at home and only had a standard waterproof one, although it felt around 16 degrees. The air temp was certainly well into the double figures. The tide was very out, which meant I walked all the way out and could stand at the silver ball; very odd when that happens. Also the sea was so clear you could actually see every single stone, fleck of sand, fish, crab, starfish, bubble and bump all over the sea floor; in fact it was as clear around the head of the pier as it was at the shores edge. In some respects that is really nice as it makes for an interesting swim, however it has to be said that ignorance is iften bliss welcome as when you can see “everything” your mind starts to wonder what else is down there that you will face any time! When you can't see anything down there you mostly don't think about it. I swam twice around the pier; beach to beach to beach; total time about 39 minutes, so quite quick.

When I was back at the arch I saw Little Bob and Lindy. She was bitten on the hand!! Not by Little Bob (or so they say!!). And not by a Fish! She was attacked by a seagull who fancied something different for breakfast! Must have scared the bejeebies out of her! If it’s not the fish, or the sharks, or the waves, or the pier it’s the blooming birds that have a go!!

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