Thursday 4 August 2011

Day 309 - 4th August 2011

After a few days of flat seas, blue skies and 25 degrees, this morning reverted to type; thunderous rain, cloudy skies and 18 degrees – true English summer returns on the 4th August!

Last night it was really humid and after taking Jesse and Mia back to their own room about three times each, we eventually gave up and let them stay with us (now that is good parenting!!) Jesse was laying long ways from my end of the bed, whilst Mia was doing the same from Sharon’s; effectively building a bridge across the bed. Sharon ended up at the bottom of the bed and I ended up on the floor. By 5.00am it seemed pointless trying to sleep! Listening to the pounding rain outside I was tempted briefly to stay on the floor, but sitting on the floor and looking at the crowded bed, knowing that Asher would be with us anytime now, I decided the howling rain was more inviting!

I waited in the Arch for Big Bob to turn up (a bit of rain wouldn’t stop him) and had the company of Little Bob and Martina. By the time we hit the shore the rain had eased from pouring to less pouring, and the waves had gone from small to medium. Letting Little Bob and Martina do their thing, Big Bob and I headed of into the depths. Stopping at the first buoy then again at the helter skelter there was the mindset of turning back; but of course we didn’t. Around the pier we went. The waves were constant, as was the rain, but regardless we carried on at a steady and decent pace. For no apparent reason (although most welcoming) I found a decent stroke early on and kept it up the whole time; fast and straight the whole way. The temperature was 16.4 degrees and the swim was about 30 minutes for the mile; good swimming in a rough sea. I know that come the winter I’ll be in the pool a lot, but swimming in the sea everyday is really making me a lot stronger and quicker and I just don’t think that the pool would achieve anywhere near as much for me.

I think tomorrow the weather is meant to be back to calm and dry; we shall sea!!

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