Monday 31 October 2011

Swimming Day 361 – Monday 31st October 2011

Back in the sea today after about 12 days away, that was a rude awakening I can tell you.
The temperature was 11.9 degrees, which is remarkably warm for the last day of October and it means that we can still swim around the pier; in fact tomorrow will be a swim around the pier in November, something we couldn’t do last year due to the temperature.  It was not an easy swim though as it was really choppy and even out at the end of the pier we were being hit by the big waves.  Not many in the sea today; David and Shoichi went before us, so Big Bob and I went just the two of us (as we so often do).   The hardest part was actually just getting from the silver ball to the helter skelter as the waves kept fighting us back, but eventually we broke through and made it around.  I think that having not swum for nearly two weeks, still being in holiday mode, having a chesty cough and the conditions of the sea made it a much harder swim than it probably should have been.  However we did make it safely around and it was a decent start to the day.  Hopefully tomorrow I’ll feel more able and strong and can enjoy it a little more.

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