Saturday 16 October 2010

Day 115 –14th October 2010

After yesterdays mammoth swim in the pool it was quite nice to wake up this morning and realise I only needed to do a short slow swim today; albeit a cold one.

The air temperature was about 10 degrees, which was lower than it has been recently and the sea was probably down to around 13 degrees; which is colder than it sounds. Getting in was fine, a simple jump straight in and get swimming; the sea was very flat and hardly any movement, so an easy swim in terms of pace if not temperature.

The plan was once around the pier, but Bob was clearly feeling on good form, so he suggested (and of course I have to say ok) we swim around to the beach on the other side and then back around again through the pier under the cafe and back. Basically one and a half times around; which in this temperature was not far of the most I would want to do. The only pain for me was my inner thighs. Yesterday during my swim I used a pool buoy for the last 2 hours; this is basically a float that you grip between your thighs and which keeps your legs from kicking. It is a good aid for upper body work and also for me it helps me with my balance in the water. However, can you imagine swimming in a pool for 2 hours with a float between your thighs? Basically my inner thighs are red raw, which last night in bed was really painful. Getting into a freezing salty sea this morning – ahhhhhhhhh! Boy did that sting! After showering I smothered the area with Savlon, which also stung somewhat, but hopefully it’ll calm down soon, otherwise I’ll be walking like a cowboy all day!!

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