Thursday 16 June 2011

Day 275 - Thursday 16th June

XMen movie – what silliness! It was a chance though to grab a nap after a long day.

This morning I was back in the sea at 7.00am. The sky was grey and the rain was awake and at it. It’s interesting that just a year ago walking down the beach in the rain was as alien to me as putting on weight! Now however the fact that it’s raining is just another one of those atmospheric days that make sea swimming the experience it is. Heading around the pier I have to say it really isn’t for the faint hearted. It was very much a washing machine and roller coaster swim; some waves coming from all directions and others lifting you feet into the air. The hardest part was the short stretch from the Helter Skelter to the end of the pier and around; it was a battle just to stop being thrown into the stanchions, let alone heading forward; but once around the head it was a zip back the other side with the pier providing protection from the walls of water bashing around.

The temperature was 14.5 degrees exactly, which was dead on the same as this day last year. It is still cold, too cold to do much more than maybe 4 hours (for me that is) so it again shows me that the solo swim was just impossible at my size; dreadful as I still feel about it the reality is that I am just not fat enough to last 15-20 hours. However the relay is now starting to excite me more and more and that is something I know that I can achieve no matter the temperature whilst the solo was (is) only a slim chance even for those more conditioned than I.

I am still awaiting a confirmation from Fiona that we can do it in August and I remain with everything firmly crossed.

Once again a big thanks to my friends and supporters who have sent me such nice words of support:

From Natalie today by text: 
What can I say!!! I really feel for U!! Your not doing it because you don’t want to!! Its dangerous for your health and you have a fantastic family who need you so you are NOT a quitter!! X c lots of love ! Xxx

From Daniel today by text: 

Hi Rob just read your blog on the bog I thought something was up as you had not posted anything up there for a few days, any way you have made the correct decision you have too much to loose in the solo swim but that must have been a big blow for you let’s hope you get the chance to do the relay good idea speak to you later take care Daniel.

Tweet from @memarwoo:  @StarrTrust Rob will always achieve what he sets out to do, no matter how, solo or relay, he will find a way! Go Rob!

Tweet from @mamarwoo:  @StarrTrust I hope you get the ok! No one could put more into the Starr Trust than you have! You really are amazing!!!!

Tweet from @brightlawyer: @StarrTrust Swim4Smiles 2011: Day 269 Doesn't matter when or how you swim Rob we're right behind you! RT pls

These are just a few out of a number of emails and texts, tweets and phone calls I have taken. To see the support and belief people have in me is something that one never could dream of; people really continue to inspire me with their generosity of pocket and generosity of word. We are doing so very much to raise an awful lot of money to support 21 incredible and needy children’s projects around the world and together I know we will get there.

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