Saturday 26 February 2011

Day 197 - Friday 25th February 2011

7 Hours Done – Move over Patrick Duffy, there is a new Man from Atlantis in town!!

Last night was a better night’s sleep for a change, which was hugely helpful. Mia came in twice, but Sharon took her back both times and then she stayed in her own bed. Jesse didn’t come in until 6.30am (bless his heart, he came out of his room carrying his pillow and duvet at 10.30pm as we were coming up the stairs, but I took him right back – boy did I feel like a meanie!). Asher came in about midnight, bringing his bed stuff with him and slept on our floor. His snoring was too much for Sharon, so she ended up in the spare room and I had our huge bed all to myself. All good for me as it gave me the energy I needed for today’s swim.

I got to Esporta before 7am and was bitterly disappointed to see signs saying the outside pool closed. I almost turned back as I didn’t know how I would cope with the heat and chemicals in the inside pool. But I was there with a plan, so had to go for it. After about an hour of swimming a lifeguard removed the “closed” sign (apparently it was a mistake!!) and I leapt out of the pool and almost ran straight outdoor and grabbed my own lane outside; no need really as no-one else came out for well over and hour and all who did come outside only stayed for a few minutes. By midday (5 hours in) I was very cold and getting tired, so I headed for the indoor pool for the final swim, but as it is half term it was mobbed with screaming kids and over active mothers; therefore I turned straight around and back into the outside pool. At 12.30 the fantastic Ross (my Esporta trainer) appeared with a well needed Protein shake; this not only energised me in terms of the physical effect, but boy was it good to have some flavour; up to then I have only had my maxim & water plus some very brown pieces of banana (need to organise my foods better!). When 1pm came and I had done my 6 hrs, I thought to myself; well 7 ain't that far away! So in I stayed and 7 I did!! This time I broke the entire swim down into 30 minute slots; 30 mins and then feed, 30 mins and then feed. This helped enormously. I know it’s all in the mind, but breaking down into manageable chunks as opposed to hour slots was so much easier to deal with.

The hardest part of the swim was the air temperature as it was only around 4-5 degrees and that made me get cold all the way through; but despite that I kept going. As far the “mind” goes; it was OK actually. Of course I thought most of the time, which was not wonderful, but each time my mind took me to negative thoughts (which it kept trying to do), I simply thought of my children, my wife, my mum, my sister, my nephews, my brother-in-laws, my house, my business my wonderful father and all the things that make me smile and I chased the negative away. It was the only way to stave of 7 hours of back and forth back and forth, but it worked a treat and it seemed less painful than the usual 4 hour swims I have done.

Afterwards, once dry and warmer I went into the gym and Ross did 30 minutes of stretching with me; which hopefully will really help come the morning. He’s a great guy, very supportive; as is the whole of Esporta if I am to be honest. A great club full of great people. So there you go, the week is done and I have completed yet another milestone in my training.

Now at home with a hot cup of tea and a digestive and ready for a little R&R I think.

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