Saturday 19 February 2011

Day 192 - Friday 18th February 2011

Well the end of another week is upon me and another week nearer to my channel swim. It’s a funny thing because some days the thought of the swim is very scary indeed, almost impossible, then on other days it could be today and I would be up for it. Today is definitely an up for it day; no reason as I can see it, just feeling up for a challenge I guess. I have re-read parts of The Secret today; an incredible book that everyone in the world should read, it really is an inspiration. More days like this please!!

In terms of training today, I always new this week wasn’t going to be filled with long swims, but at least I did manage to get into the pool. The day for me started at 6.30am (that of course does not take into account the Jesse and Mia factor all through the night once again!!!). I was on the train by 7.10am and in London by 7.40am for my first meeting. Then back in Brighton for 1.30pm for my next meeting and then at Falmer for 4.00pm for my 1 hr gym session with Ross.

As usual he pushed me hard and used muscles that quite frankly haven’t been used much for the last 41 years! After that I was ready to go home and see the family, but the pool just called out my name. So to finish the week I managed to squeeze an hour in the outside pool; all to myself as usual (hardly surprising at 5pm on a Friday!). It was a decent swim as I pushed myself in terms of speed and was conscious to make sure I used my legs as much as I could; which is not something I usually do. It was interesting actually because when I thought about it I found my legs were quite happy to kick while my arms whirled. It may not sound that exciting to you, but this is the first time my legs and arms have worked together in the water.

So the week is now over and I am ready for next week. The plan for next week is to do the back to back swim I couldn’t fit in this week. All being equal I’ll do some swims and gyms in the early part of the week and then the back to back on Thursday and Friday. Fingers and Toes crossed please as I really need to get these done!

Ta Ta for now xxx

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