Thursday 26 July 2012

Swimming day 526 - Thursday 26th July 2012

I was absolutely EXHAUSTED this morning.  Thankfully the boys are now staying in their own beds all night, but Mia still insists on ending up with us.  She then bullies me to the end and then places an elbow in the small of my back all night.  Last night she took to slapping me in her sleep until I go so fed up I moved to the floor (really should have gone to the spare room, but I just was too tired to take the walk!). 
I literally dragged myself out of bed at 6.05am and drove to the beach in a semi coma and sat in the car outside the Brighton wheel for a good 10 minutes just trying to get the energy to open the door – I was seriously that exhausted.  The arch was quiet when I got there; just Big Bob, Flick and David.  Dragging my feet after Bob down the beach I suggested the first buoy and back; like he was ever gonna accept that!   He suggested the three buoys; which I naturally had to agree to.  Of course he bluffed me and when we got to the second buoy he took of for the pier and dragged me along with him.  By the time we got to the head of the pier my exhaustion had vanished and I was back in the game.  We held a good pace all the way and landed back onto a crowded beach in a decent time.  I guess without the swimming I would have been exhausted all day, so I’m pleased he pushed me. 
Why was the beach crowded at 7.30am; well as usual a film crew were there and those interested BSC members were hanging around to watch or be filmed.  This time is was with Rory Bremner and I think it was Paul Smith promotion for his business; I’m not entirely sure.  Bob and I however skipped the theatrics and headed of for a shower and then to the Roaster for a Friday cake and coffee – I know its Thursday but he’s away tomorrow so we made Thursday a Friday instead!
After the wonderful Roaster I headed to the Withdean for an hour with kim my physic and boy that hurt!  I have been getting some quite bad shoulder pains in my left shoulder and Kim recons (knows more like) it stems from all the swimming and the fact that in the sea I breath one sided; thus stretching my neck one way for hour on end.  SO I paid for it with an hour of pain – no pain no gain of course!  With 2 weeks to go until the swim I am seeing Kim again next week to get a top up session; lovely to see her always as she is just fab, but I never look forward to the torture.
As for the rest of the day; it’s a good one today.  A couple of business meetings then followed by afternoon meetings with architects and council members regarding our King Alfred project – exciting day for sure. If energy levels continue I’ll also grab half an hour tonight in the gym at home; energy and shoulder permitting of course.

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