Friday 30 March 2012

Swimming day 456 - Thursday 29th March 2012

Woke this morning unable to breath from my nose and with very sore throat; that all came on overnight and was not a nice surprise!  At the arch at 7am, coughing and spluttering (trying not to do that over my fellow swimmers of course) and was in the sea a few minutes later considering the lunacy of swimming feeling like that.  Luckily by the time Bob and I got to the helter skelter he was happy to follow my suggestion of letting James and Shoichi go around on their own and us heading back; my breathing was really making it tough for me.  So instead of carrying on around we headed through the pier and down the other side then back through to our beach and to dry land.  Total swim about 15 minutes, temp in sea dropped to around 7.5 degrees, flat sea and blue sky but with a sticky south easterly tide – basically felt like swimming through mud coming back under the pier.
The rest of the day was however much more relaxing and totally stress free; although that didn’t improve the nose and throat!  I headed to London with Sharon, Darren, Tracey & Ray and we spent the day in Greenwich meandering about, then had a fantaberlous Chinese in China Town before heading off to see Warhorse; a most spectacular play; long but spectacular.
Now, being 1.20am, I am back at home and back to coughing and sneezing.  Definitely not going to sea swim tomorrow; would be crazy.  But I do have a late afternoon gym session which I’ll do and then dependent on how I feel I will try a 2 hr pool swim (it was on my plans, but was without a cold in tow!)

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