Monday 27 September 2010

Day 104 – 27th September 2010

Monday morning and so much to say! A little numbering may help me focus and stop this being a jumbled mess of thoughts:

1) Would have been Dad’s 65th birthday today. Everyday I think of Dad, so today is no different and needs to feel no different; but I guess his birthday just focuses the mind a little more and makes me remember how lucky I was to have him as my Dad.

2) Walking was not easy today as my rheumatism was playing up, so it was a case of limping down the stones. However, the sea does wonders for it and even though it hurt walking out of the sea, the actual swim was completely pain free. Hopefully it’ll be gone by tomorrow; usually it only lasts a couple of days at a time. The sea was so clear that you could actually see all the way to the ocean floor, even out at the end of the pier. Swimming back around the pier we went over an old wreck, which was fantastic as you could see every little nodule on it. Now, around an hour since we came out, I am still cold in the hands and feet. I guess from now on each morning is likely to get colder and darker; something to look forward to!

3) Where were the Buoys! I didn’t realise but at the end of September they remove the bouys from the sea. Apparently it’s a safety thing as the sea can start to really rough up and they do not expect swimmers and boats to be stupid enough to be out there needing the buoys! Mmmm, will we be stupid enough to swim; yes I think we will! Shame though as the buoys give you the ability to spot distance and give you something to aim around.

4) This coming Friday we are planning a night swim around the pier. Pitch black at 7.30pm, so will be exciting and possibly somewhat spooky. Personally I’m really looking forward to it, however, some of the others I am trying to tempt to come with me are not so sure!

I am sure that there was more to say, but it’s now 9am and I think time for some work!

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