Thursday 19 April 2012

Swimming day 466 - Thursday 19th April 2012

The weather this morning, whilst cold, was not as shocking as expected.  Yesterday when Bob and I were in the pool, the members of BSC who braved the beach had to settle for pilcharding or groin showers only as it was too rough for anyone to get in.  This morning,  whilst not being a very low tide, was low enough to enable you to feel able to get in.  The waves were fairly big and the tide was coming in, which meant it was pulling really hard to the east.  Big Bob and I went in at the donut groin and headed straight at the groin towards the thistle.  The tide however was strong enough to mean that about 15 minutes later we were only just crossing over the beach to the other side; very much swimming on the spot and being bashed by big waves every few minutes.  I don’t think either of us actually enjoyed it that much today; it just seemed a messy sea.  The temperature was down once again; just 7.5 degrees.  It’s amazing to think that just a few weeks ago we swam around the pier day after day; in fact I was going around on my own with no fear.  I simply wouldn’t have done it this morning; too rough and too cold.  Apparently May this year is going to be the coldest May in over 100 years – what’ that about!
After work today I’ll at the gym for an hour on shoulders and biceps; all strength stuff for my swimming.  Tomorrow I’m in London from 9am on meetings all day s no beach for me.  If I can get up early enough I’ll see if I can grab half an hour in the pool before heading off to London.  Then it’ll be the weekend again and I guess time to put my running shoes back on and see if I can get an hours run in (hopefully my legs won’t complain) and I’ll also see if I have the energy for a pool swim; not committing to it yet as still not completely re-energised after the weekend.

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