Friday 10 February 2012

Swimming day 420 -Friday 10th February 2012

 First day back in the sea today and it was not easy!
Over the last 10 days I have gone from -1 in the UK, to -38 in Sweden, to 0 in the UK, to +18 in Gibraltar and then back to -2 and snow in the UK and a cracking 5.1 in the sea this morning.  My body must be wondering what the hell is going on!
After my Arctic experience I came back to a cold Brighton for a couple of days and then headed to Gibraltar for 2 days for work.  It was a bright and warm 18 degrees and it meant that after my meetings I managed to stick on my running things and head up the Rock.  Last year when I did that I ran all the way to the top in about 25 minutes and then the same back down.  This year, probably because I was so tired by the time I got there, I found the run really hard and in truth only ran about half way up and then had to power walk the rest (frustrating to be honest) Still it only took me 30 minutes still and then I sprinted down in about 20 minutes, so a decent exercise.  Getting back to the UK last night and only getting about 4 hours sleep, it was not overly easy to leave the house at 6.45am to head to the beach; not made easier by another fall of snow last night. 
The Arch was as welcoming as ever with Little Bob, Mike, Big Bob, Flick, Lindy and Paul.  The sea, once again terrified of coming to close to the shore, was so low it took ages to wade out to swimming distance and each step was more painful than the one before.  Certainly being away from the sea for 10 days made it harder than usual for me, but everyone felt the pain today for sure.  My watch showed 5.1 degrees, but I’m not convinced it wasn’t lower even under 5; that is the lowest it’s been since this time last year.  I would seriously say that it was debilitatingly cold and each step I ad was slower than the last.  Eventually, having got to chest deep Bob and I plunged in and swam for a few minutes; at this point the cold in my head was severe and I couldn’t do much more.  Total time in the sea 9 minutes and total pain was well over an hour.  Craziness!! 
Back in the arch afterwards the jokes were coming thick and fast, especially the one about Little Bob in the shower with Flick; mmmmm, pictures are not necessary!!
This afternoon after work it’s back to the gym with Ross for an hour and then an hour in the pool.  Afterwards I doubt I’ll be awake long enough to experience a Friday night.

1 comment:

  1. My solicitor has obtained a super injunction so beware!
