Thursday 2 February 2012

Swimming day 418 - Thursday 2nd February 2012

The key to life is certainly not as sticky as the key to the arch!! 
After getting home at 6.30pm last night, then having restless children until about 10pm and then having to sleep in the spare room because my bed was too busy I was desperately ready for the sea; even the -2 degrees in the air and no doubt 5 degree sea I was still raring to go.  Sometimes being in the sea in the morning, despite the pain of the cold, is the most alive you feel all day; hard to explain unless you join me!!
By 7.15am, Big Bob, Little Bob, Mike, Paul, Flick and I had all tried our keys in the door, but narder!!  The lock just wouldn’t budge.  It felt like the latch had fallen inside, but whatever it was meant we couldn’t get in.  The only swimming option left was a change on the beach, but being the wimp I am I said that in this temperature I would want to warm up afterwards so ’d have to go home and shower after which I simply didn’t have time for as my first meeting was 8.15am in the office.  Wimp maybe, but sadly true.  It seemed my influence over my fellow swimmers is greater than I thought and they all too quickly agreed and headed of to the Roaster to down their sorrows!  Come on guys you could have talked me out of walking away if you’d tried a bit harder!! 
So sadly (and truly mean that) I headed to work, where I currently am, and my day has to start without the shivers.  My next sea swim with be Monday (which will mean 9 days out of the sea as I’ve been in the pool all week).  Tomorrow morning at 4am I shall be flying off with Sharon and two friends to Stockholm and then a short flight to the Ice Hotel.  Just to nights, but one of them sleeping in an ice room on a block of ice.  The fact that we have no kids with us I recon it will end up still being the best night sleep we’ve had all year.  Very exciting to see the Northern Lights (hopefully) and to have a Reindeer ride.  Who knows I might even be able to get an ice swim; I’ll sneak my trunks into the case just in cases.

New note just in - Had a call from Big Bob; Martina and He went back and  changed on the beach and had a swim.  Afterwards, sitting on the beach trying to get dressed he realised the madness.  He said he was struggling to get dressed and was so cold it made him feel sick and shivery and that even walking to the Roaster afterwards was a challenge.  Madness that they did that for sure, however what mental ability they had to do it.  Big up the pair of you!!

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