Friday 15 April 2011

Day 232 - Friday 15th April 2011

This morning my plan was a 4 hour swim, but I figured as I have started the week badly I may as well end it that way!! Actually I did do a swim this morning, but only managed 3 hours rather than 4. Last night was another one of those restless ones, with Mia being up I think it was five times and Jesse at least three times. Then to top that off some kids down the road decided to use their trampoline in their garden at 2.30am in a somewhat noisy fashion. Anyhow this morning I went to King Alfred instead of Falmer as I wanted to try a different pool just to see how it felt; also I had a meeting afterwards right next door. As they only have an indoor pool it mean that I had to suffer the chemicals again and unfortunately whilst they are not as bad as Falmer, they still are not great. In fact I could feel the chemicals affecting me within the hour and already I am stuffed up in my nose and my chest is slightly tight. I was aiming for a 4 hour swim today, but I think that the chemicals and my lack of sleep had an effect and after 3 hours I was ready to come out. In terms of physicality I felt absolutely fine, not an ache, and in terms of my mind I felt fine as well. The reason I stopped was that I was yawning a lot (have you ever seen a swimmer yawn !!) and taking down water and then by 10am the pool started filling up with kids on half term and it was simply impossible to keep a steady pace. However, at least I did 3 hours, which is not to be sniffed at (although all I am doing is sniffing) and tonight I’ll do an hour in the gym with Ross on core work – so not a total disaster I guess.

Next week I will be back at my beloved Falmer, the pool I know, and will do my two long swims as instructed by Fiona. I think that swapping pools simply confirmed to me that I should stick to the one I know. Also Falmer have much nicer changing rooms and frothier cappuccino.

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