Tuesday 25 January 2011

Day 176 - 25th January 2011

A most restless night followed by a challenging swim...

Mia came into our room at about 1am, bringing with her a handful of dolls and an endless raspinig cough. Soon followed by Asher joining us; it meant Sharon ended up on the floor on Ashers mattress and I ended up on Mia's bed next to Jesse. Basically only the kids got any sleep. A pattern is forming; not quite sure how we break it?

I was at the Beach and in the Arch by 7.10am, feeling somewhat subdued, then in the sea with Bob 5 minutes later. The air temp was around 5 degrees, but the sea had dropped a little down to just 4.4 degrees. Despite this Bob and I stayed out for a whopping 19 minutes 22 seconds. Bob is pushing me now on my training and therefore decided that we would do speed training! So in just 4.4 degrees we swam 8x25 metre dashes from his towel on the beach to the groin and back, with 15 second rests in between. If this had been in the pool it would have been relatively easy, but at 4.4 first thing in the morning and with a moving sea it was a decent challenge. Coming out I warmed up quickly enough apart from my hands, which really hurt for about half an hour. Despite the pain, hopefully we will do it again tomorrow; no pain no gain and all that!

Last night I did a fab gym session with Ross, but that is all I can fit in this week in the gym. It's a busy week for me; yesterday was sea, work, gym and physio. Today is sea, London meetings then packing tonight. Tomorrow is sea then meetings till 2pm then drive to Cardiff for meeting and stay over. Thursday is more Cardiff meetings, then 3 hr pool swim, then drive home for last minute packing and then Friday we are moving house. Buseeeeey.

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