Monday 3 January 2011

Day 160 - 3rd January 2011

My first sea swim of the New Year and fine it was.
Today is the last bank holiday of the holidays (at last!!), so it was an 8am swim this morning rather than the usual early 7am start. The sky was clear, although at 8am it is still a little dark out there. The sea was very calm and the tide was just turning, so it was neither shallow or deep to get in, all very easy. The air temperature was 1 degree and the sea was 5.3 degrees - as confirmed by my fantastic Christmas watch from Sharon; loving my watch! This morning I swam with Little Bob, Mike, David, Soweichi and Bella and I did my standard out to the end of the sign and back. Nothing much to report on the swim apart from that.

Other news was that last night I watched Little Bob and Mike on BBC One countryfile celebrating the BSC 150 year anniversay back in March 2010 - so I officially swam with TV stars today, maybe their fame will rub off on me; who knows!!!

Yesterday my little Jesse was sick so I spent the day looking after him whilst Sharon took Asher and Mia out. I find it tough staying in the house all day as I am a "fresh air" person by nature , so at 7pm after all the kids were in bed I popped on my running shoes and did a 10 k run (actually it was 10.2k, but who's counting!). It took me exactly 48 minutes and 32 seconds. Considering it was 7pm, dark, cold, at least 40% up hills and I hadn't run for about 8 weeks, I thought that was a decent time.

As from my run last night and my swim this morning I am now officially back in "training" mode; the run up to my channel swim has now officially started. I am no longer swimming the channel "next year", I am officially swimming it "this year".

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