Monday 10 January 2011

Day 164 – 7th January 2011

Not the best ever start today, although a bad start always leaves the day open for improvement!

After a fairly restless night I woke with some crones pains, which is the first time for a few months. It was certainly uncomfortable and made my leaving the house a slower process, however, I was still at the Arch by 7.15am. When I got to the Arch it was dark but dry, 3 minutes later when I walked out of the Arch towards the sea is was dark but wet! The rain, which was simply like someone all of a sudden turning on the tap, came down heavy and cold. By the time I reached the sea I was already so cold and wet that it meant the usual long walk in (the tide was out) was somewhat less painful. Apart from the odd rogue wave (which were all small anyway) the sea was flat and calm. The temperature from my trusty watch was 5.4 degrees, a whole 0.1 degree higher than the rest of the week, so still extremely cold, but in the right direction. As usual a short sea swim totally took away my crones pains and by the time I came out 11 minutes later the only pain I had was the cold in my hands.

As for the rest of the day; it’s meeting after meeting after meeting, followed by an hour at the gym with my personal trainer.

So as I said, not a great start to the day, but already it’s improving minute by minute!!

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