Thursday 5 May 2011

Day 244 - Thursday 5th May 2011

That was the toughest swim this year by far. It was not helped by my rheumatism still hurting, albeit so much better than yesterday, plus my crones causing quite severe stomach cramps (oddly this does usually happen after my rheum flare up) plus only about 2-3 hrs sleep as both twins very restless last night and in and out of our room constantly until about 3am when we gave up and let them stay.

I met Bob, as planned last night with him, at 6.45am at the Arch and we were in the sea by 7am. We swam to the West Pier (now my daily routine), then to the end of the pier to the large red buoy, around the buoy and back to the palace pier. The tough part was the conditions! The air temp about 12 deg and the sea 10.8, however, the wind was really cold and very strong and the sky gloomy. The wind was pushing the sea to the West whilst the tide was strong to the East; causing a washing machine effect, pulling and pushing the whole time whilst being hit from all directions by very bumpy waves. To try to explain the waves as best as I can, imagine driving down a road at 10mph in an old mini with no suspension to talk of and with large speed bumps appearing to be so close that they are almost touching. Do this for 55 minutes and it may give you some indication of the bumpy feeling the waves give. Of course, if you imagine the speed bumps also spitting in your face at the same time then you are almost there. When we eventually hit dry land both Bob and I were somewhat relieved, yet of course also incredibly satisfied with our achievement. It really was what I would consider to be the preserve of an athlete in terms of endurance, speed of swim and mental resolve. So a year on I really am now starting to feel like a decent swimmer at last. I have to say though that if Bob hadn't been there today I would not have gone, I would guess he'd say the same about me (hope I'm not being too conceited when I say that). Not only did it mean I had to keep going, but the fact that we were literally side by side the entire swim did give a level of security.

My plan tomorrow is to swim to the Marina and back with Fiona, but today's conditions would worry me, so I'll see what tomorrow brings before I commit to that.

As for the rest of the day, right now I'm on the train to london for the first of my 4 meetings, then I think it will be home by 7pm, kids to bed (I sincerely hope) and then a book and a much needed rest!

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